"Long time no see." The young lad interjected as he dropped his suitcases on the ground at the airport upon landing his eyes at the well-made up young la.s.s that came rus.h.i.+ng towards them in welcome. He unceremoniously grabbed her left wrist with his own left hand, pulled her into a hug, and with his right hand, cupped the back of her head. "I missed you."

Xue Jinxu gasped in surprise and shock from what had transpired. Eveything happened swiftly that she had not antic.i.p.ated it nor was she able to react accordingly. 

"Hey…" She tried to escape from his hold by pus.h.i.+ng him away and squirming a bit, but he simply wouldn"t budge.

"Ahem. I"m here, too, you know." Mo Wenbin waed in the background. "Hi Jinxu! We finally meet!"

"Oops. Sorry, I got carried away." Chen Linyun pulled away almost as abruptly.

Both engulfed with new-found bashfulness, they laughed awkwardly, slightly measuring each other internally.

"Why did I do that?!" Chen Linyun chided himself in his mind.

"Do something, say something." The lady"s eyes swept directionless on the ground, her head lowered while slightly nervously chuckling. "Hehehe."

"Let"s go?" Thanks for Mo Wenbin, the air turned towards less stifling dynamics.

Chen Linyun and Mo Wenbin moved to Beijing after being sent by their company Tiankong Investments as delegates to the Beijing office. At this point, Chen Linyun had already become a director at their company, and had finished the first steps in starting his own business. His rea.s.signment to China would complete the major and heart of his business venture.

Finally, at long last, after five long years of chatting and correspondence through technological advances, the two long-distance friends met in flesh. Their friends.h.i.+p never waned when distant, and now that they were together physically, it grew even more onto profound levels.

Chen Linyun had always been decisive on what he wanted, and he wanted to be with this lady too badly, to be officially together with her, and start a future with her, but he also did not want to impose. Over a few months, they continued their friends.h.i.+p in a casual, comfortable way, never forgetting to involve their families in it. He initiated as he visitied his father"s abode in the northern outskirts of Beijing, and brought Xue Jinxu with him.

In turn, the lady, in the hopes of returning the favor, brought Chen Linyun and Mo Wenbin in the Xue Mansion and introduced them to the family as her "friends from college". Chen Linyun took this opportunity to get on the elders" good side. Getting on the little brother"s good side was not as challenging. He made sure that they grew accustomed to him, and convinced them before his visit ended that he"s a person to be trusted.

In no time, the two were both comfortable with each other"s families. 

One day, they broke the news to their families and friends that Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu decided to start something new together, and by together meant that they decided to officially go out as a couple. Mother Xue cried with glee, as her daughter would not entertain any other suitor, and even thought that perhaps her little tomboy had a different preference. She heaved a sigh of relief when Chen Linyun came along. As for the father and grandfather, since they knew the man, they were at ease, too. At least it was someone they already know. Grandpa Xue also got relieved since he wouldn"t have gotten into the trouble of distressing his old friends to set up their fine grandsons with his picky, tenacious granddaughter.

By this time, Chen Linyun"s online farming investment portfolios – two of them – had soared triumphantly in the market. The Xue family felt proud and ecstatic with this achievement that they offered the vacant CFO position to him, which he readily accepted.

Everything was going on smoothly. Everything was in place.

"Too perfect. What did I do in my previous life to deserve this?" Chen Linyun was deep in thought as he was in the middle of sweet kissing with the only woman in his life – Xue Jinxu, who was sitting on his lap. They were alone in Xue s.h.i.+pping, inside his new CFO office. The COO and the CFO of Xue s.h.i.+pping had gotten together in real life. They were twenty-three years of age, so youthful and ambitious, and both winning at life. "What else could I ask for?" 

In the middle of smooches, Xue Jinxu breathed rapturously, "I love you. I love you."

"What would you say, if…"

Chen Linyun bathed in the ladies kisses. Some kiss marks from her lipstick was left on his cheek. The lady wiped it gently and amorously with her thumb.

"What if we get married soon?" The lady blurted out in one go.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

Chen Linyun freed the lady as he slumped in his majestic mahogany chair. Xue Jinxu scrunched her face. "Don"t tell me you don"t have any plans of marriage. We"ve been going steady for a while. I just thought… I thought…" Her powerful voice trailed into a soft murmur.

"We will get there, dear. So impatient. Allow me to do the asking. At the right time, dear." Chen Linyun sealed their deal with a kiss.

The lady did not wait long, though. Chen Linyun soon popped the question after ensuring that a good future awaits them. He built their dreamhouse first, and acquired more companies and merged it into his investment firm. Somehow, Chen Holdings was born as the main company, holding other subsidiaries under one umbrella.

Soon, their wedding was set, and all friends and families attended. It was the wedding of the century, and was featured in different magazines, and news articles, as if royalties got married. Well, in some sort of way, they were, being part of powerful families in business, not even considering yet the Chen"s affiliation to the government.

Shortly, just after a year of marriage, the Chen couple was blessed with a healthy bouncing baby girl, which they called Xiao Zhizhi. She was plump and soft and quite the delight of her parents.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Years pa.s.sed, Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu lived harmoniously, with little healthy fights here and there, which always ended up in cuddling and pa.s.sionate, pa.s.sionate moments. 

Their little daughter Xiao Zhizhi grew up looking like her mother, but with the temperament of her father. She even got her mother"s jadeite skin, and jet-black hair, with little waves here and there, and deep cute dimples. She wore her hair with a thin teal hairband. A thin layer of bangs slightly covered her forehead.

Chen Linyun brushed his right hand over his little daughter"s plump cheek, studying her tenderly with his eyes in silence. His face radiated with so much love for his daughter. Then, he patted her head gently, and then stroked her hair afterwards. 

"Be a good girl, always, hmm? Look after your mother. Take care of yourself too. Don"t trust people easily, but don"t allow it to hinder you from making good friends. When you grow older you"ll find a balance between these two. You"re such a good, pretty, talented girl and your mother and I are proud of you. We are grateful just to have you, darling. We love you." He kissed her forehead after his spiel. The little girl"s thin lips curled up into a smile, as her large puppy eyes blinked and stared back at her father.

Chen Linyun found himself crying after that. He turned around so that the little girl will not see him crying. He rubbed his forearm over his burning eyes, spectacles already removed. "What has gotten into me?"

Then, he somehow heard murmurs – whispers – inside his head. "Come back to me, darling, hmm?"


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