"I"ll be ready in a few minutes." Xue Jinxu estimated while fixing her earrings in front of her dresser. 

The Chen couple had been back in Beijing for almost a week.  

During the past months, in the absence of the OIC, Chen Linyun, Xue s.h.i.+pping"s performance dipped.  It was even aggravated by the worsening economic development of the country and the sluggish business of their clients.  Consequently, if their clients would not be needing to move their products, the s.h.i.+pping business would be badly affected too.  To add more fuel to the fire, the ill-intended rumors about the Xue heirs dampened the confidence of their stakeholders.  Some even decided to sell off their share and jumped s.h.i.+p to Zhu s.h.i.+pping Lines.

The rapid plummet of Xue s.h.i.+pping that was addressed through a merger with Chen Holdings held it in place for a while.  Somehow the merger provided it the st.u.r.dy support that it needed.  However, internally, the employees" worries about what the future would bring could still be strongly felt, as they were uncertain of changes in their careers. 

"Is there a potential lay-off?"

"Is there a change in management?"

"Is there re-organization?"

"Has Xue s.h.i.+pping lost its glory?"

"Has it been degraded into just one of the myriads company of Chen Holdings?"

There were several questions from the employees.  It was chaotic.  Unfortunately, no one had given them answers.

For over a month, even after the merger, no one from the Xue family had been actively attending the executive meetings.  This further strengthened the internal belief within the company that the company is falling apart.

During this time, Xue Jinxu"s top priority was finding her husband.  Regarding business, she had given Chen Holdings more priority and attention than Xue s.h.i.+pping.  Therefore, somewhat, Xue s.h.i.+pping had been neglected, since the elders were mostly out of the country.

"The owners do not seem to care about their company."

"Perhaps they would readily give it away at the next opportunity."

"Don"t say that!  The young master is working hard behind the scenes!"

"Behind the scenes, my a.s.s!  He"s nowhere to be found!  The Xue Family is just making excuses on his behalf!  How shameful!"

"Seems the Xue G.o.ddess is our only hope!"

"She"s also nowhere to be found!  Don"t even mention the Second Young Master!"

The employees were extremely worried.  Even business leaders could not contain their teams anymore.  Even the top performers" output had been dwindling.  Butler Lee was constantly alerted of this development and had been pa.s.sing the feedback onto Xue Jinxu incessantly. 

Therefore, as much as she wanted to live an unruffled, harmonious life abroad, she simply couldn"t.  With her personality and character, she could never be able to entirely neglect her responsibilities and still be guilt-free.  She might probably be able to do so in a short while, but her conscience would bring her back to the right track.

And here they were today.

Early in the morning, at around six, Xue Jinxu prepped herself in front of the mirror.  She had already taken a bath and had worn a formal peach pencil-cut skirt and suit terno, with a plain white blouse underneath. 

Today, Xue Jinxu would be attending the executive meeting in Xue s.h.i.+pping. 

Noticeably, her figure had improved a lot.  Chen Linyun had not failed to give it a shout out.

"Your appet.i.te lately is commendable."

"Is that a compliment?  It doesn"t sound like one."  Without paying no mind, she busied prepping in front of the mirror.

"It is.  At least you don"t skip meals anymore.  Just don"t overdo it."

"It"s because you"re a great cook, dear."  Xue Jinxu managed to b.u.t.ter up with a smug smile.

She sighed.  A few minutes ago, she was having difficulty fitting all of her into her clothes.

"On the brighter side of things, at least you"ve gotten hold of your emotions.  I observed that lately, you"ve become too emotional, even more than the usual."

"Perhaps it"s just the outcome of the recent events.  But…"

"It got me thinking.  With these changes, what if you"re pregnant already?"

Instantly, Xue Jinxu"s movements stopped.  Her arms hung in mid-air as her eyes widened marginally.  It was just for a split second, though, and she readily returned to her routine.  "I think so too.  I"ll head to the hospital in the afternoon for a check-up."

"I"ll go with you.  I"ll have myself checked too."


Xue Jinxu bid her husband goodbye.  They had not told anyone outside of the family about his recovery just yet so no one expected him to attend any business-related affairs.

"I"ll bring home the money.  Meanwhile, take care of the kids, will you?" The wife good-humoredly commented as she kissed her husband"s lips.  She grinned contentedly as she brushed the remnants of her lipstick on his lips with her thumb.

"I"ll look after the kids.  Work hard, honey!" Chen Linyun retorted.  He was still wearing an ap.r.o.n from personally cooking their breakfast.

By "kids" they meant their younger siblings, Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola who lived with them.

Another reason behind going back home was the commotion involving the younger siblings and a beggar.  Kang Sola was shaken beyond belief by the beggar"s unfounded exclamations. 

Butler Lee investigated the man and discovered that it was none other than w.a.n.g Xi Fu, the previous Marketing Director that had been attacking Xue Guangxi"s name with rumors and shenanigans.  He was the same person who baited Xue Guangxi with his own niece, Su Jingjing around two years ago into a well-deduced plan which almost cost him his life.

The last news they had of him was that he got badly hurt during a secretive encounter with some gang, but was taken by Butler Lee"s team and was hospitalized.   He got lucky because, at that time, Butler Lee"s men had been tailing him, under the instructions of the Second Young Master.  Apparently, he escaped from the hospital and had wandered around and about listlessly until he saw the two teenagers one afternoon not too long ago.

It appeared that more than his physical wounds and burns, he had incurred partial insanity too.  Perhaps it"s the glitch in his brain which led him to act the way he did that afternoon.

Nonetheless, regardless of whether his blabberings had a sense or not, it affected Kang Sola negatively. She had been overthinking a lot about it, and consequently had gotten excessively anxious over it. 

The day that the Chen couple arrived home, Butler Lee convened the two teenagers and Mo Wenbin in the Chen household.  At first, they had no idea why they were called so suddenly, but when the couple alighted from the car and revealed themselves, all three jumped with joy and ran into the couple"s arms.  The younger generation of family members exchanged such pleasantries and the warm manifestation of their love for each other.

The two teenagers even cried like babies, sniffing their snot once in a while as they clung to their Jie-Jie and Ge-ge. 

Come to think of it, Mo Wenbin went compet.i.tive, too, with the crying.  It was such a funny sight.  "Welcome back, bro!  You scared the h.e.l.l out of us all!" He exclaimed, and then bawled his eyes out.  It was heartfelt, but the other four found some jest at it.

That day, they celebrated the safe return of the couple, specifically, Chen Linyun, and his fast recovery.  They partied all day and night.  At first, all five of them went out into a music hall and sang their hearts out.  Booze and food incessantly flowed and upbeat music filled the air. 

At some songs, Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola danced the latest trends.  Due to the popularity of the songs, they knew the movements and steps by heart.  It added extra spice to the already happy atmosphere.  Mo Wenbin secretly took videos of them dancing in synchrony.

In the evening, they transferred into a barbecue restaurant and continued partying.  Mo Wenbin and Xue Guangxi took turns in cracking jokes and hosting games.  There was never a dull moment.  Their jaws and tummy hurt from laughing too much.  In a way, they burned their food intake through laughing.

It was just a day of a festive gathering.  The following days, they would all return to normal and played the role that society expected them to engage in.

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