Meanwhile at s.h.i.+ Corporation, surprisingly so, the company was able to kick back into the game.

To recall, all their compet.i.tors in the oil industry gained an advantage by consolidating their importations and as a result, their cost of goods became collectively cheaper.  After all, the simple rule says "cheaper by the dozen". 

Heedless to say that oil players would not readily join forces on their own, and all the more would they NOT sit on a round table to discuss as a team how to take the market down collectively.  Who, in the right state of mind, would disclose the sacred secret recipe of each corporation for the greater good of all? 

The business world was tantamount to a sophisticated jungle where predators and prey both wear suits and corporate attires, and where they lock themselves in offices behind their desks.  However, all businessmen were a similar type of animal.

With the pride that they had, though bleeding hard, no one would scream for help. 

This in mind came Zhu Li Qiang and Chen Linyun with their brilliant plan to intervene.  Months ago, each oil player was bleeding and was on the brink of extinction because of the bullying of the powerful - the s.h.i.+ Corporation who pushed and pushed the market price further just because they were capable of doing so. 

A good businessman will see an opportunity in a crisis, and a good businessman will be able to flip the losing end into a winning streak.

Chen Linyun and Zhu Li Qiang captured the right opportunity at an enigmatic, unbelievable timing.

Just like a hero who saves the day at the climactic moment when the damsel in distress almost would not survive the blow…

Just like when the last glimmer of hope was about to slip by…

Just like the light that started as a dot at the end of a winding dark tunnel, Shuilong Trading came s.h.i.+ning through and lent power to the dying oil compet.i.tors.

Shuilong Trading served as the catalyst, and lo and behold, tables turned.  All oil companies survived the unforgiving market trends except for one.  As the tables turned, the mighty giant namely s.h.i.+ Corporation faced and kissed the ground, and stayed there alone.

s.h.i.+ Corporation almost closed as the world"s crude oil prices even treaded downwards.  Financial statements were mostly red, and letters from the banks came to them daily, and the frequency increased as time progresses.

Now, they encountered a sort-of breather - an oasis - in this hopeless state.  But it was quite temporary. 

The inventory that had been sleeping in s.h.i.+ Corporation"s storage facilities and depots across the country was acquired at a relatively lower cost. 

At the current time that the world oil prices had been surging up, they could sell their inventory at a higher cost, and still below market prices.  It"s like striking two birds with one stone - getting rid of their sleeping inventory, and consequently liquidating their sleeping money, while gaining the advantage in the consumer"s market by offering the most compet.i.tive market price, and still getting a good margin out of it.  Consumers would always prefer the provider that offers the lowest oil price.

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai wore a smirk on his gaunt, proud visage.  "Where"s the Chairman?" He slouched against the back of his majestic desk chair.  He rested his left foot on his huge desk and crossed his right led over it.

"He"s been focusing on an important project.  In a few days, he"ll be leaving for Korea." His right-hand man retorted.

"s.h.i.+ Corporation isn"t easy prey to kill.  Hahahaha!" He boasted loudly and smugly.  "Make sure he knows."

"That is noted, Sir.  I"m sure he already heard of it, but I will still reiterate.  I have something else to report, Sir."

"What is it?" 

His a.s.sistant handed him a thick envelope.  When he opened it using his Swiss knife, photos exposed a man and a woman.

The temperature of the room suddenly turned frosty as winter.  He picked up one, stared at it with deep, threatening eyes, and then crumpled it inside his right fist.


"Lady Han received an unexpected visitor just minutes after you visited her, Sir."

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai clenched his teeth in rage.  He wasn"t impressed at all.

"It seems that you have been followed, Sir."

"Chen Linyun, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!" His nose flared, and brows knitted together, he ordered, "Double the security in her room.  Make sure no one gets near her ever again.  If you need to transfer her to another more secluded private room, do it.  Just make sure the room has a window overlooking a garden or something pleasant."

"Understood, Sir."

The a.s.sistant left the raging s.h.i.+ Fan Hai behind.  He sat upright as he pounded his fist strongly on the desk, agitation and intense anger laced over his grimaced face.


At the Chen dream house, seven in the evening.

Xue Jinxu just arrived from home from a day of work at Xue s.h.i.+pping. 

Chen Linyun stayed at home and refrained from getting involved in the business as insisted by the wife, although he still got to know tiny bits of update once in a while.  He just finished preparing dinner good for five people.  Of course, the maids were there to a.s.sist him, but he"s the head chef.

Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola were plopped on the floor and were busy building vision boards for the year.  Colorful magazine cutouts were spread on the floor.  Kang Sola"s concept was "Getting motivated" so her cutouts were of the things which she likes and which would make her want to keep pus.h.i.+ng and keep moving forward. There were excerpts of testimonials and feel-good quotes, too.

Xue Guangxi"s concept, on the other hand, was "Chasing Success".  He had a picture of a fist raised against a sunset background, and athletes winning gold and silver medals.

"Oh hi, Xu-Jie!"

"You"re home, Xu-Jie!"


Mo Wenbin appeared behind Chen Linyun.  He was already munching a piece of the sweet and sour pork that Chen Linyun cooked.

"Oh, Wenbin, you"re here, too?"

"Yeah.  I miss Linyun.  I"m also here to give updates." He retorted, his mouth partially filled with the pork.  He resumed chewing the moment he finished his sentence.

The wife arched a brow and shot a warning glance at the husband.  Chen Linyun caught her eye and scratched his head.  "I need to know, dear."

"Hmph.  You should be resting."

"I am.  I"m quite bored already.  I still need to be on top of the situation even if I"m at home, right?  I need to exercise my mind too.  Anyway, my hands are off at Xue s.h.i.+pping.  It"s all yours." He raised his hands in the air in surrender.

"Tsk.  So hard-headed.  Just don"t take in so much workload.  Wenbin, I"ll hold you responsible for him."

"Yes, ma"am!" Mo Wenbin saluted the wife in affirmation.

Xue Jinxu went past the kids and up towards the second floor.  While pa.s.sing, she gave her husband a silent signal - a nod of her head - telling him to follow her to their bedroom.

When they were a.s.sured of their privacy, Xue Jinxu retrieved an envelope from her bag.  They sat atop their bed at an angle facing each other.

"The results are out?"

"Yes.  Let"s open it together."

Chen Linyun rubbed his palms together.  "I"m nervous.  Hehehe."

"Me too.  That"s why we have to do this together."

Xue Jinxu mentally prepared herself, as she took a deep, deep breath.



Xue Jinxu stared at the letter for a long while.

"What does it say?" Chen Linyun, getting slightly impatient, blurted out expectantly.

The wife reluctantly tore her gaze from the letter and s.h.i.+fted it instead on her husband"s pale countenance.  Their gazes locked into each other.

"Dear…" She trailed off.  Her voice came out shaky.

"It"s positive."

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