Director Xiao Ye and Director Zhang Yong kept the audience"s interest successfully with their animated spiel.  It took a few minutes to explain the purpose of the event, and the mechanics of the whole sports fest, as well as the corresponding rewards and point system.  The employees cheered when they heard the latter.  Xue Guangxi snickered in his seat.

"The time that we were all waiting for has come.  Ladies and gentlemen, all Xue s.h.i.+pping employees, I am deeply honored to present to you, our very own President, the young master himself, to give the opening remarks - President Xue Minhe!!!"

The audience roared in applause.  Some people stood up to get a better view of him.  Some prepared their cameras and cellphones.

The whole gymnasium dimmed.

"What"s happening?"

"Who turned off the lights?"

The whole audience was in a buzz in such white noise.  Every one either turned to their seatmates to express their puzzlement or turned their heads in every direction and studied the venue.

Even Director Zhang Yong and Director Xiao Ye were flabbergasted by the turn of events.  It wasn"t in their script, and no one had informed them beforehand.

At this point, Xue Jinxu was frantically trying to free her hand and her body from her husband"s strong clasp.  "Chen Linyun, what"s happening?  Let me go!"


As calm as the sea on a bright summer day, Chen Linyun maintained his stance.  Perhaps he was the only one who could be calm at this moment.  Even Xue Guangxi seated at the other side of Xue Jinxu stood up with an inquiring look.

"Xu-Jie, brother-in-law, what"s all this?"

Xue Guangxi knew very well that it"s utterly impossible for Xue Minhe to even be there with them in flesh, all the more would it impossible for him to give a speech because…

Because he"s dead.

His face scrunched into a frown.  It wasn"t a good joke.  He knew that sometimes Xue Jinxu would dress up as her twin brother, but she"s here all settled and seated.  How could she do it in time?

"So, what"s happening?  Can anyone tell me?"

Chen Linyun sighed.  "These siblings…"

"In a while, you"ll know." He still couldn"t spoil the surprise.

In the middle of the frantic activity of the employees, the while screen at the front of the stage lit up.

"Dearest Xue s.h.i.+pping employees, good morning."

It was none other than the young master himself.

However, there was no person on the stage?

What"s happening?

Instead, a video was projected onto the screen.

"I would like to apologize for not being physically there with you in the past and even today.  I seek my subordinates" understanding of the nature of my life and work.  I have been extremely occupied and my occupation until now had hindered me to be there with you in flesh, although I have been extremely confident that my twin sister and younger brother have not failed in this aspect."

"I am requesting all of your a.s.sistance and support to be lent to Xue s.h.i.+pping and my siblings in running the business that we all love and care for over the years."

"I would a.s.sume that most of you spend the majority of their time at the office during their work, and some of you even stay in the company for several years- even decades-long already.  I commend all of you for that." He paused, and the people cheered in applause.

"Therefore, our comrades have become our second family over the years, and Xue s.h.i.+pping, our second home.  No matter what challenges we encounter, I trust that all of you would stand by one another and be strong as we face the adversities together.  As I have said, I am only not with you in flesh, but I have always been with you in other means, behind all the limelight and prestige.  As you work hard every day, trust that your management is equally doing everything they can and in their power to move mountains for a much better future at Xue s.h.i.+pping."

"For today, I hope that this event prepared by our management, led by our Human Resources team be a bridge to further nourish the relations.h.i.+p that we have with each other and with the company.  The company prepared this event for all of you, employees, so have a great time and be compet.i.tive in a healthy way."

"To the green team, my team, don"t let me down.  See, I"m wearing green, too, and I will be waiting for good news."

"Prejudice aside, may the best team win."

The young master at the video grinned as he finished his speech.  It ignited a far greater joy in the hearts of the employees.  After all, it"s the thought that counts, and it"s the effort that matters.  Sure, he couldn"t make it, but the fact that he found a workaround for the employees" sake was remarkable indeed.

The young master Xue was not taking the employees" hard work lightly.

The audience clapped and applauded.  Some even whistled.

As for the green team, with this little push, they were so ready to win the gold.  The enthusiasm that they had right now could not even compare as to how low their energy was at the beginning of the day as if that phase didn"t happen at all.  At this rate, no one could disappoint the president that they respect so much.

In the middle of the cheers, the Xue siblings at the front row both gawked stupidly as the screen with eyes wide open.

Inside Xue Jinxu"s head, it was almost blank, except for a statement that was running on a loop.  "He really showed up, he did it." 

And then after a while, she looked at her husband and meekly mumbled,  "I should have trusted you when you asked me for it.  I worried for nothing."

Regaining her awareness, she slapped his arm playfully.

"Aww. Ouch! Jinxu!"

"You should have told me of your plan!"

"Ow!" Ma.s.saging his arm he playfully bantered, "I can feel your grat.i.tude, it hurts!"

She spanked him again although with less strength than before.

The wife was acting cute.  He was lost at the moment and so he stole a quick kiss on her cheek and said, "I wasn"t too sure myself if he"ll do the video.  I just received it early this morning.  Your brother is something."

"Of course."

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