The next day, the party that will be held at Chen Linyun started at around three in the afternoon.

Tables were arranged outdoors under the mighty dominance of the sun, equipped with pastel-colored umbrellas.  Although the sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly and was becoming more intense, the refres.h.i.+ng breeze struck a pleasant balance.

Soon the sun would paint a picturesque backdrop of a twilight setting of purple, orange and pink hues.

The setup was similar to an English tea party.  Parcels of bite-size sandwiches and biscuits were lined up on two to three-tier metal trays on top of the lace tablecloth.  Several entrées lined up on the buffet table.  Meringues and donuts and some spicy bread and shortcakes with fruity topping such as strawberries were a few selections.

The couple hired a live string quartet to liven up the party with mellow, elegant music.  They had been playing non-stop.  The air was festive.

The guests arrived one by one. 

The atmosphere was rather laid-back.  There wasn"t any pressure present, and those who already came chatted with each other in small talk.  After all, it was a good opportunity to network.  Although it"s a small gathering of two families and small friends, their circles hardly interacted with one being in line with the government and the other, business-related.  Therefore, this party served as a channel to do all the catching up and relations.h.i.+p-building.

At around half-past three in the afternoon, the Chen Family - Aunty Mo, Chen Lhingyu, Mo Wenbin, and Chen Lingfang, Chen Linyun"s father arrived.

Not too long after, the Xue Family consisted of mainly the elders - Grampa Xue, Xue Mingli, and Zhao Feiyan arrived at the venue too.

Father Chen, Chen Lingfang and Master Xue, Xue Mingli immediately engaged in a discussion of current events.  Chen Linyun joined them but occasionally left to welcome the other guests.

As rowdy as his youthful demeanor would allow, Xue Guangxi exclaimed baring his teeth in a wide grin when he saw his grandfather and called him, "Grampa!",   and then ran towards the old man.  Grampa Xue asked about Xue Guangxi"s studies and health when he saw him descend the stairs. 

When he saw that his father came too, he so abruptly slowed his steps down, frowned and then proceeded with prudence.  The change was too obvious that it caught the Xue ladies" attention.

"Has Guangxi and Father not reconciled yet?" Xue Jinxu inquired interestedly.  She thought that their dispute was of a trivial matter only and did not expect it to drag on.

Zhao Feiyan, brows furrowed, shook her head.

Xue Jinxu could only sigh for the time being.  How could she mediate?  Well, she made up her mind there and then that she should at least talk to her father about it some other day. 

Hw.a.n.g Meilin and her father arrived at quarter past three.  She immediately said h.e.l.lo to Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola.  She noticed that Kang Sola seemed stiff.

Earlier that day, at around past noon after lunch, Chen Linyun casually took Kang Sola on a stroll along the pond to feed the koi fishes.

Most of the time was spent in silence.  While feeding the fishes, Chen Linyun said, "I know you must be feeling uncomfortable around the Chen family.  Later, I hope you still attend and mingle with everyone, and have fun.  I"ll sort the situation out.  Please hang on for a while longer."

"No, no.  It"s fine, Linyun-ge.  I"m alright!  You don"t have to be burdened by me, really." She frantically waved her arms in front of her in denial, Utter agitation for being too burdensome was apparent in her features.  She"s probably having a hard time fitting in when nothing"s clear yet. 

"Yes, I will be there." She smiled at him rea.s.suringly before going back to feeding the fish.  Chen Linyun lifted his arm, and gingerly tapped her head.  "Good girl."

"Hehehe." She giggled in acknowledgment.

At the party, as promised, Kang Sola tried her best to look as easy-going as possible.  She stuck by Xue Guangxi"s side.  However, during the times when he"s with the Xue family, she was left alone like a wallflower.

Good thing, Hw.a.n.g Meilin kept her company during this time.  They weren"t that close, but they at least shared some invaluable moments together when they went to Zenith-O one night and raved.  It was the time when Teng Man Rui needing consoling over some private matters.  However, that night turned out almost catastrophic when they encountered willful thugs at the dancefloor who desired to take advantage of them, ladies.  Luckily, they were saved by a good Samaritan.

"Hey." Hw.a.n.g Meilin greeted Kang Sola while sitting on an empty chair next to her.

"Hi, Jie-Jie!" Kang Sola cheerfully returned the greeting.

"Why are you alone?"

"Guangxi"s just greeting his elders.  The hosts are welcoming the other guests." She explained with a hint of a slight smile on her pursed lips.

"Oh, I see.  Then, have you eaten snacks yet?  How about some tea?"

"Not yet.  How about you, Jie-Jie?  I"ll accompany you if you want to get some.  Let"s get some on our table."

"Alright." They stood up towards the buffet table, fetched a plate then stuff several this and that onto their plates.  Once in a while, they exchanged smiles and snickers for being sinfully tempted by food.

The hosts, Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu informed the guests to enjoy the afternoon party first, and then they will announce something big in a bit, probably a few minutes past four.

Mother Chen somehow managed to corner Chen Lingfang, her estranged ex-husband into a corner inside the Chen"s house.  Since the guests were mostly outside, this part of the house was deserted.

"Chen Lingfang." Jiang Biyu called on in a hushed voice.

"Jiang Biyu.  You never seem to age no matter how long it has been since I last saw you." Father Chen tried to woo his beloved. 

"Save your sweet words.  We have to talk."

Chen Lingfang loosened his collar a bit.  "Tell me."   He could easily sense some sort of storm brewing.

"I heard you told Kang Sola that she"s not your daughter." Jiang Biyu did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point which took Chen Lingfang by surprise.  Out of all the topics, well, it had to be this one.  Somehow, he saw it coming, too.

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