s.h.i.+ Fan Hai closed his d.a.m.n eyes.

So many cruel years had pa.s.sed since he had seen this little girl back in South Korea.  He had not lost himself back then. 

For some reason, he wanted to be responsible for his little sister back then, years back.

But now…

Ever since that time up to present, he had done lots of unacceptable, and inhumane acts both in his personal and business life that he couldn"t face his sister with the same confidence as before.

This girl was the only person that still believes in him.  She"s the only one pure that was left in his life.  He did not want that even her life would be messed up because of him.

He had already destroyed Teng Man Rui.  He had plans for them both, but his plans did not materialize.  It even backfired.

He had not even the chance to recover from Teng Man Rui yet, and everything was still fresh.

He wanted this girl to stay as far away from him as possible.  Yet, here she was at her own accord, wanting to stick by his side.

Now, she wanted to cling to him like a desperate child in need of a family. "Why not cling to Chen Linyun instead?  Or Father?" He thought to himself, half-annoyed, and half-flattered.


The girl implored one more time.   The desperation was clear on her face and her tone.

This girl was the only one that still believes in him, so what remained of his human heart wanted him to succ.u.mb to her whimpering pleads.

When he opened his eyes again, he glowered at her. "If I turn you away tonight, would you return to where you are staying?  At Chen Linyun"s, right?"


"And that is because?"

"It"s complicated."

"How about Father"s house?"

"At this time?  Are you serious?  No way!"

"So you"re aware that you have been acting up."  s.h.i.+ Fan Hai glowered even more, but his gaze turned to taunt and amused at the same time. "The girl has got some att.i.tude."

He seemed to like that fact.

"Just a bit.  Am I not allowed?"

At this point, as if wanting to lend a hand, Kang Sola"s stomach growled noisily.  She thanked her empty stomach in her mind and used it to her advantage. "Fengyu-Oppa, I"m hungry, too.  I"m tired and sleepy and needy.  I just need a shelter over my head, and perhaps some water.  I won"t worry you any more than that.  Please?"

She blinked several times and acted aegyo.  When she was a lot younger it always worked with him. "Let"s see if it still has its magical effect on him."

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai"s nose flared, and the crease between his brows twitched slightly.

"What? It doesn"t have its miraculous effect anymore?"

As s.h.i.+ Fan Hai glowered, Kang Sola stared back a.n.a.lyzing why it did not work.

"Aren"t you scared of me?"  s.h.i.+ Fan Hai blurted out randomly after a long silence.

"Why would I?" Kang Sola tilted her head slightly.  She"s getting even more puzzled.

"I guess she doesn"t know anything yet."

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai finally gave in.  "Get in." He motioned with his head for Kang Sola to board the car.

"Yehey!!! You"re awesome, Fengyu-Oppa!" She gave him a short, squeezy hug.

"Hmph!" He felt embarra.s.sed by the girl"s gesture, and in his mind, he had been scolding himself. "You"ll regret this.  Whatever."

Inside the house, he instructed, "Help yourself.  You can take the bedroom down the hallway on the second floor or the one on the ground floor just around the kitchen.  I don"t think I have some food inside my fridge.  Try some takeout.  Here"s some cash.  I"ll be in my study room but don"t disturb me.  I didn"t exactly have a good day today."

The girl pouted.  "Fengyu-Oppa!  What"s the point of going here if we don"t get to know more about each other?"

"The girl really has got some att.i.tude."

He crossed his arms over his chest, and then leaned on the wall behind him.  With his signature taunting smile he retorted playfully, "Which one would you want to know first, dear sister, the reason your Linyun-ge hates me so much, or how you and I become blood-related?  Or how about what happened to your Linyun-ge when he was no more than four or five, the start of the fall of your happy family?"

"How about what I have done and what I have become during all the years we have been apart?"

"All of it would make you hate me."

"Then, I don"t want to know."  Turning serious, Kang Sola reverted her eyes elsewhere. "Keep it to yourself.  I won"t bother you, then.  I"ll rest now.  I"ll just drink water.  It will fill me up just the same.  Good night, Oppa.  I"ll leave by the morning."  She recited as if like a robot.

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai pushed himself from the wall and stood properly.  He studied the girl without saying anything more.  He was astonished by how easily she had given up, and the realization that she didn"t want to hate him.  "She wasn"t here for answers."

Inside his study, s.h.i.+ Fan Hai clicked the top of his retractable pen several times listlessly while seated on his thinking chair.  He was reviewing all the happenings for that day.

He wasn"t lying when he told Kang Sola that he did not have what could have been considered a "good" day.  In fact, it was one of those draining ones.

s.h.i.+ Corporation was put under the nation"s close scrutiny.  Things escalated quite quickly.

That same morning at the s.h.i.+ Corporation.

The company"s security personnel and representatives from the public relations and legal departments huddled in the CEO office.

"Sir, people, and representatives from various local organizations were picketing outside our company.  Some media were covering the event as well.  They were criticizing the way we handle business and how it affects the environment.  Those rallyists had taken from the grave the buried incident of the oil spill in the South from years back, equipped with statistics of death in the affected island over the years from its aftermath.  What should we do, Sir?"

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