The baby shower was set by the first week of June.

By that time, Teng Man Rui would already be on her twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, while Xue Jinxu was around the twenty-first week, both women on their second trimester.  Teng Man Rui was due to give birth in August, while Jinxu, either in the last week of September up to the first week of October.

The Xue and Chen households both became busy in preparation for the baby shower.  Zhao Feiyan led the whole preparations, though, and was determined to transform the venue into a Candyland with mostly pastel colors in lavender, apple green, baby blue, and pink.

Since the twins" last conversation, Xue Jinxu had been unusually cooperative.  She shut her mouth and kept her peace, and allowed her mother to do whatever she wanted with regards to the event.

Soon enough, Teng Man Rui learned that Xue Jinxu"s cooperation was because of the agreement her husband made with her.

Troubled, she confronted her husband about it.  "Are you sure it"s okay if she invites him there?  Will you be okay?  I"m not.  I am far from comfortable."

It was during one spring night in early May, just one more week before the event.  Xue Minhe went home early to accompany his pregnant wife and had been doing so for weeks and weeks already.  People at the office smiled knowingly whenever they saw the young master leave the office by five in the afternoon.  Singled ladies still giggled and found this act so genuinely s.e.xy and manly and it left them envious and in awe.

Xue Minhe wrapped one arm around Teng Man Rui"s shoulders while the lady caressed her growing tummy.  It was at this time when their little princess flutters her occasionally with kicks from the inside.

"It"s alright.  What can he possibly do there?  Just stay by my side all the time.  Are you scared of him?" Xue Minhe probed.

"No." Teng Man Rui answered curtly.  In her mind and heart, she knew she was more afraid of herself.


At the Chen household, Chen Linyun"s health improved a lot after a series of medication, and after sorting out his internal issues.  The intravenous drip had been removed, and he could now move freely without being dizzy nor nauseated.

However, Xue Jinxu started experiencing some more complications with her pregnancy.  Her checkup revealed that the twins were of the smaller size range.  The doctor needed to monitor her condition more closely.  It wasn"t a serious one, though, for the twins were still healthy.  

Chen Linyun was all the more attentive to Xue Jinxu"s needs.  He personally looked after her needs especially after learning the doctor"s findings.  He opted to work from home so that he could be at her service.  He cooked the meals she craved for and would personally make her a gla.s.s of warm milk at bedtime.  Chen Linyun made sure that his wife felt loved and cared for at this precarious stage of their family-building.

Because of the attention and love she"s receiving, her initial worry of Chen Linyun not wanting the twins dissipated in her mind. 

However, it was replaced by unsettling doubt that he"s been hiding something from her, although she kicked the idea at the back of her head.

During the Xue Minhe"s last visit, he advised her to catch up on the recent news, which she did in pa.s.sing.  She was shocked beyond belief that Chen Holdings was actually lending s.h.i.+ Corporation a hand which was nearing bankruptcy.  Chen Holdings even released a statement to the press that they are interested to buy out s.h.i.+ Corporation once it reaches a compelling market price.

Xue Jinxu asked Chen Linyun about it which the latter dismissively acknowledged.  "It"s true." He said that matter-of-factly one night while tucking himself to bed.  "That"s what my business does – buy bankrupt companies and make some money from it."  

He closed his eyes after that, evading more arguments.

"When do you plan to tell me?" Xue Jinxu, while seating in front of her dresser, interrogated, but seeing that Chen Linyun was sleeping already, or pretending to, she did not push on the matter and just sighed.


A month had pa.s.sed since Xue Guangxi left Beijing.  Kang Sola was sailing smoothly with her studies and her extracurricular activities alike.  She had become more confident now, and prettier too.  She felt extremely good whenever she receives compliments about her looks and makeup at parties.  Flattery compliments lifted her spirits regardless of whether there"s truth to it or just mere adulation.  On the side, she felt she"s starting to harbor some negative emotions for her half-brother, Han Fengyu.  Perhaps, Xue Guangxi"s departure led her to that direction. 

During this time, Mother Chen had flown back and forth to Canada and Beijing as she planned to relocate and return to Beijing for good.  She was in between settling papers concerning her properties and business.  She planned to close the one in Canada and open another business venture in Beijing and wanted to be closer to her son and daughter-in-law for most of her remaining days.

Xue Guangxi on the other side of the earth had been calling Xue Jinxu almost every day, but never did he call Kang Sola.  Well, the news was that he had been struggling to live alone in an apartment in France since he had to do all the including cooking and doing his laundry all by himself, and on top of that, study and make new friends.  He shared with his struggles and complaints animatedly with his sister who laughed at him wholeheartedly at first but always gave sound advice on survival. 

Time moves freely whether people were ready for it or not.

Zhu Li Qiang eventually received Xue Jinxu"s invitation for the baby shower.  She did not only utilize a delivery service or a courier to accomplish the job.  She even persuaded Chen Linyun to set up a dinner with him.

Xue Jinxu nagged her husband nonstop until Chen Linyun agreed to a dinner meeting with Zhu Li Qiang.

"How have you been?" Chen Linyun greeted Zhu Li Qiang with a brotherly hug when he arrived at the restaurant they had reservations in.

"The worst has pa.s.sed, I guess."  Slightly laughing, Zhu Li Qiang tapped Chen Linyun"s back in greeting. "Wow, Jinxu, your stomach has really grown as if you swallow a pumpkin whole."

"Hahaha!" Xue Jinxu laughed at that, too.  It was so Zhu Li Qiang. "Does it look like a pumpkin"s there?"

"h.e.l.l yes!" Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu exchanged pleased looks.  It seemed that Zhu Li Qiang had recovered from the devastating news of Teng Man Rui"s marriage.

"How have you been doing, pal?"

"How?  Well, trying to get by each day.  I find motivation in doing best in my work since Xue s.h.i.+pping has been rising back up and is becoming a threat again."

Xue Jinxu did not know how to react simply for the reason that behind Xue s.h.i.+pping wasn"t her anymore, but her twin brother who also happened to be Teng Man Rui"s husband.  If it had still been her, she would have shrugged it off like the old days and partic.i.p.ated in some friendly banters with Zhu Li Qiang.

"Hey, don"t be too silent.  You"re making me uncomfortable.  Has the pregnancy been affecting your moods, Jinxu?  The last time we talked over the phone you were too… worked up, I guess?  I think you"re more… optimistic now, aren"t you?  Excited much, huh?"

"Congratulations, Chen Linyun, Xue Jinxu!  I can congratulate you every time we meet!"

"Wow, good times, huh?" He blabbered on while munching on some nosh.

It was at this point that Xue Jinxu handed him the invitation to the baby shower.

"Please come." Xue Jinxu imploringly asked. "Don"t you want to see her?  She"ll be there too."

Zhu Li Qiang halted all his actions at once. "I don"t think I should be there."

In the end, the dinner ended with lots of laughter, but without a final commitment from Zhu Li Qiang.

That"s why during the baby shower event by the first week of June, Xue Jinxu did not know whether to laugh or cry when she saw Zhu Li Qiang among the attendees.

Chen Linyun whispered dotingly on her ear, "You get what you want, Misis Chen."

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