They had kept Xue Guangxi"s ident.i.ty a secret.

As to how the perpetrators knew that he was the Second Young Master, they were to find out yet.

The appearance of the girl Su Jingjing was rather suspicious now that they thought about it.

She first made herself known to Xue Guangxi when Jinxu was in Shanghai, and the abduction was conducted, again, when Xue Jinxu was away from the boy.

It was well-planned. At first, the incident with MT Dragon Heart seemed to be the main issue. It turned out it was only a diversion. It was a diversion, which also caused even billions of yuans to the Xue s.h.i.+pping.

Because of the last-minute cancellation of the Xue s.h.i.+pping"s biggest launch, speculations sprouted from the public and in the market. Just like that, the stocks of Xue s.h.i.+pping plummeted.

If the abduction had succeeded, the perpetrators would have struck two birds with one stone. The Xue Family would surely fall. Both their business" standing and the male heir had been implicated. Good thing the male heir survived the attack.

Under the COO"s instruction, MT Dragon Heart"s launch was postponed temporarily, and the launch would only be a small affair. All the attributes of MT Dragon Heart that could be changed, replaced or further improved should be changed in the shortest time possible. This was to simply deviate from their compet.i.tor"s lead.


Xue Guangxi had gained consciousness hours after he arrived from the hospital. It had dawned on him what had happened.

More than external wounds, the betrayal and heartbreak had caused him to question the world"s sincerity. His eyes lost its usual l.u.s.ter. He became no more than a lifeless, soulless sh.e.l.l. His countenance was full of unspoken grief and pain of the harrowing experience and unexpected betrayal. In just one snap, his innocence had been wiped out of his existence.

They were inside Guangxi"s hospital room.

"Father, I suggest that we hold a press conference to clear the issue of MT Dragon Heart"s launch. We should at least salvage our market stocks. However, I think I need to pretend to be brother. That would be most convincing." She was referring to her deceased twin brother.

"No, I will preside the press conference as the Chairman." Father Xue declared.

"Father." Guangxi joined the discussion from his bed. They all turned towards him.

"What"s wrong Guangxi? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Father, let me join you in the press conference. Let the world see that the Second Young Master is still alive and well." His eyes were deep and dark. Not anymore was he the cheerful easygoing kid from before. Not anymore was he a kid. He had matured overnight. He was still young, but his mind and outlook had definitely aged.

The family had seen the changes too. They were all looking forward to him reaching maturity before. But now that it was here, it only broke their hearts. Certainly, the path it took him to be where he was now – and how he was now was not one that anyone would choose for themselves.

"I"m ready to a.s.sume position now." Guangxi said. "I"ll enter the company."

"Guangxi…" They coaxed him. "Don"t be too reckless out of anger."

"I cannot say that I am not consumed by anger, but what I know is that I have to face reality now. All of you had been asking me before to be responsible, to a.s.sume position. I"m ready now. I"m the Second Young Master after all. Please, I want you to introduce me to the public."

"I also want to take the Marketing Director that has been vacant recently." He implored.

The three family members wore anxious expressions on their faces. They looked at each other helplessly. Guangxi was being difficult.

In the end, they gave in to his whims, but they could not allow him to do anything stupid, especially at this critical time when Xue s.h.i.+pping was facing a crisis. It was chaotic.

As was planned by the PR Team, the press conference commenced.

3pm at the Four Seasons Hotel.

In place of the launch of the MT Dragon Heart, they told the reporters that there were indeed changes and that the launch would not push through, but there were greater news that the Xue Family will relay to the public.

The media"s interest was heightened.

The PR Head, Director Xiao Ye stood behind the podium and soon after, started the press conference. "Dear friends in the media, we thank you for coming here today."

"The press conference has two agenda. First is to give an official statement regarding Xue s.h.i.+pping"s recent events. Second, we would like to officially introduce someone to all of you today."

"The two are actually interrelated. Well, it is true that we had postponed the launch of our newest s.h.i.+p, MT Dragon Heart, but not because of the rumors that were circulating. It is, in fact, because we are in the middle of a reorganization. The company had decided to freeze all major events – to make way to our internal reorganization. There"s no need to worry about it. The launch will still take place, and we will invite you, dear friends, again once we finalize the schedule."

The PR Head Mr Xiao Ye had been instructed to cover up the issue. This way they had indirectly cut off any connection to the rival company"s untimely launch before theirs. Their publicized reason was merely an internal matter, which, in the eyes of an outsider, was valid enough.

"With that being said", Director Xiao continued, "I would like to go to the second agenda."

"The reason of our internal reorganization is because there is an important addition to our top management."

"Ladies and gentlemen, dearest friends, it is my pleasure and honor to announce, that the Second Young Master, Xue Guangxi, will officially enter the lines of executives. He will be a.s.suming the Marketing Director position."

The media were astounded. There were hums and gasped of surprise. There were noises of cameras clicking and pens writing, papers turning and noise of people typing on keyboards.

"Our Second Young Master is very young and idealistic, and it is with great enthusiasm that we had decided to temporarily pause our projects with his entry to the company because he personally would like to oversee and lead these projects himself."

"Please, without much further ado, let"s welcome the Second Young Master Xue Guangxi!"

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