The white door opened and revealed the guest she was expecting.

It was none other done Chen Linyun.

As if a b.u.t.ton was pushed, the countenance of the lady inside Apartment 301 went from pale to a lovely glowing pink.

They locked gazes. Time stood still.

The fine young man spoke. "How have you been, Milady?"

Before the lady could respond, he surged forward, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to his own body. And without any ceremony whatsoever, kissed her sweet cherry lips.

His kiss was ever so gentle, as if extremely careful not to break a frail being. He kissed gently but pa.s.sionately. He kissed with all his heart"s yearning.

The lady, Xue Jinxu, however was not satisfied. She returned the kiss more intensely, more pa.s.sionately. She was new to this, but her instincts told her so. She was trying to deepen the kiss and devour him whole, like the lioness that she was.

At first glance, with her demure appearance, people who did not know her would have mistaken her as the prim and proper type. But no, she"s not, as she"s the fiery lioness that she had always been.

She wrapped her delicate arms around his neck, her fingers caressing the back of his head. One of her hands fell on his cheek which slid down to his neck. The other hand who was ruffling his hair a while ago was now on his chest, clutching the cloth across his chest only to release it again. Her hands" movements repeated its course.

Chen Linyun was surprised by the intensity of the kiss. He was a quick learner and adjusted accordingly to how his woman liked it. He returned the pa.s.sion with the same intensity. Their mouths and tongues were busy knowing each other. His hand against her lower back slowly slid upward to the greater part of her back, while the other free hand of his held her face in place. His fingers were twirling with her long locks of hair.

Their eyes were both closed, as they were both engulfed in the moment. Suddenly, Jinxu"s eyes shot open. Without ending the kiss, she made side glances in both directions. She had remembered that they were still standing in front of her apartment, along the empty eerie hallway.

Without breaking the kiss, she motioned them both to move, pulling him with her inside the apartment. Chen Linyun followed, attacking her with as many kisses while taking each steps toward the apartment. Then behind his back, he closed the door by nudging with his foot.

They continued like this for a few more breaths, until they were both out of breaths, in which they reluctantly stopped. They were both panting and both their faces were flushed red. They ended their pa.s.sion with a tight, tight hug.

His hand cradled the back of her head. His other hand secured her waist closely against his own body. Her arms wrapped around his waist. He placed his mouth just beside her left ear and whispered, "I missed you so badly", with all the solemnity in the world reflected in his eyes, as if those phrases he just whispered could not give justice to the feelings he had endured while they were apart. He kissed her head above her ear.

She buried her head on his shoulder even more upon hearing his words. She closed her eyes, and with same solemnity she answered. "Likewise. I missed you too." She was rubbing her nose against his shoulder.

He released her. Otherwise, he would not know where their pa.s.sion would go. It was only a few minutes past ten in the morning.

She led him to the couch and made him sit down, while she headed towards the kitchen to serve them both tea. He obliged.

After a short while, tea was served, and they were now seated awkwardly beside each other. There was even a s.p.a.ce between them. They weren"t looking at each other, only sitting rigidly at their own respective s.p.a.ces and both looking in front of them, as if their pa.s.sionate welcoming kiss did not happen at all.

"Why is she so quiet? What is she thinking?" Chen Linyun was asking inside his head.

The lady was wearing a dress, her long hair was beautifully adorned with a clip along her left temple. She was even wearing a little set of jewelry, and had sprayed a little perfume across her body.

"Are you going somewhere?" Chen Linyun asked, starting small talk. His perceptive eyes had noticed her lady-like well-made-up appearance.

"Uhm, no. Hehe." She gave a nervous laugh. "Up to you if you want to go out."

"You look so lovely today, very lady-like. I thought you"re going somewhere."

"Uhh, thanks." She tucked her long hair behind her ear coyly. "I dressed up for you."

They both blushed.

There was silence again.

Before, there were very few moments of awkward silence such as this because the lady had always been initiating. However, this time, she was silent. It"s up to him now to break the awkward air between them.

He reached out his hand towards her hands that were resting on her lap. She was really prim and proper today. He used the back of his index finger and gently rubbed it against the back of Xue Jinxu"s hand and probed, "What"s wrong? What"s the matter?"

"Huh?" She retorted absent-mindedly.

"You"re being too quiet. It"s troubling me." He said with a worried expression.

She gave out a nervous laugh again, because that was how she was feeling – nervous. "Hehehe. Don"t mind me. It"s nothing."

Chen Linyun closed the small s.p.a.ce between them in the couch and wrapped his right arm around her. He squeezed her right arm a bit to make her more comfortable. "You"re not usually like this."

Xue Jinxu covered her face with both her hands. "I"m just nervous. That"s all." She glanced up at him and gave her a sweet smile.

"And… I may have said something out of the ordinary in our last phone call. It was embarra.s.sing." She covered her face again.

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