Xue Jinxu joined Chen Linyun at a fruit juice store.

"You"re done?" Chen Linyun asked, astonished. "That was fast." He handed the pineapple juice to her.

She took as sip first then answered. "Yeah. There"s nothing to talk about, really." She waived it, slightly annoyed. "I want to spend every minute with you~" She said sweetly, tilting her head affectionately towards Chen Linyun.

He rubbed her chin with his thumb. "As I, with you."

"Who"s he?" Chen Linyun asked curiously.

"One of the suitors. Zhu Li Qiang of Zhu s.h.i.+pping Lines."

"Zhu s.h.i.+pping Lines? The company who beat you in launching one of your new vessels with the same design?"

"Yes, that"s them."

There was a certain sharpness in Chen Linyun"s eyes. "He"s one of your suitors? After what his company did? He still has the guts?!"

"Well, he apologized for it first. He said he was away when it happened, and that it won"t happen again. Then came the pursuit."

"Can we stop this conversation? Are you more interested in him than me? You should have married him instead of me." She was acting out and it was cute.

Chen Linyun let out a small laugh then coaxed the lady beside him. "Okay… Don"t be mad, my wife. I don"t bend that way."

They spent more quality time that afternoon. When dusk came, they headed towards the venue where the gathering with Mo Wenbin and Xue Guangxi would be held.


At a KTV room in Beijing.

Mo Wenbin was there early. He reserved the place, and was checking the menu so that he could order for all of them.

Xue Guangxi arrived next. He went solo. Then came Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu. Xue Guangxi was already singing when the two arrived.

"Hey Guangxi, where"s your plus one? I thought you"ll be bringing your girlfriend with you." Mo Wenbin asked.

"We broke up yesterday." He shrugged. "I"m single again."

Mo Wenbin shook his head. "Kids these days." Then he turned towards the other two. "Hey, we"re also here." We waved at them. They were so preoccupied with each other only.

Xue Jinxu giggled.

Mo Wenbin sensed something peculiar. He narrowed his eagle eyes. "What"s wrong with you two?"

"Hey, Jinxu, why are you giggling like crazy? There"s nothing funny." Mo Wenbin probed. He did not like the feeling of being left out in anything.

She did not respond to Wenbin. Instead, she buried her blus.h.i.+ng face onto Chen Linyun"s chest.

Guangxi took the mic again and sang. He could not care less to his environment. After witnessing quite the unexpected dogfood [1] the day before, nothing could surprise him anymore. Or so he thought.

Xue Jinxu was muttering something under her breath to Chen Linyun. "When should we break the news to them?" She giggled again.

Chen Linyun whispered to her ear. "In a while, when Guangxi"s done singing." Then he kissed her head.

Mo Wenbin ignored them. He had no choice because they were also ignoring him.

Once Guangxi finished singing his song, Chen Linyun called the attention of every one.

"Wenbin, Guangxi, we have something to tell you." He was smiling, yet he paused and exchanged looks first with Xue Jinxu.

"Jinxu and I had our fifth meal today."

"Okay." That"s what Mo Wenbin and Guangxi said because it was no big deal.

"That means, your deal is done. So what? You"re an item now." Mo Wenbin added.

"We also got married today. Jinxu and I." Chen Linyun said slowly.

There was silence in the room. They were in a KTV room, where noise was the norm. They could even hear the music from the adjacent room.

To support Chen Linyun"s bomb, Xue Jinxu grabbed Linyun"s hand with the ring and raised it with her own.

Mo Wenbin"s and Xue Guangxi"s eyes would have jumped out of the sockets if it could. Guangxi pointed at their hands but still could not say anything.

Then came Mo Wenbin"s guffaw. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." He always did that whenever he"s proud of his friends.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" BOTH OF YOU!!!" He bellowed. He tapped Chen Linyun ever so roughly on his shoulders and back.

"Cheers, cheers! Let"s drink to that!" Mo Wenbin was ecstatic.

The newly-weds and Wenbin grabbed their gla.s.ses of beer. Guangxi was still left dumbfounded. "Come on, now Guangxi, pull yourself together! I know you were rooting for them too!" He was nudging the kid.

He sighed. "Well, I was simply taken by surprise. I thought I wouldn"t get easily surprised after what happened yesterday…"

Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu"s faces blushed upon the mention of them being caught kissing by this kid.

Guangxi sighed again.

Xue Jinxu was worried. "Guangxi, dear are you alright? I"m sorry we did not tell you sooner." She went to the kid"s side and hugged him. "Aren"t you happy for me? Can"t you be happy for me?"

"I"m happy for you Xu-jie. It"s just that, it was really surprising." He shook his head. "Extremely surprising without hint at all."

"Or maybe there were hints but I was not able to see them."

"I"m happy for the both of you." He smiled just a bit. "Teacher Chen, then I"ll call you Brother-in-law now."

Xue Jinxu who was beside him gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you Guangxi. Don"t tell the elders yet."

Guangxi"s mouth twitched. "A big problem is brewing." He thought. It gave him gooseb.u.mps.

They all proceeded with their toast.

"So that means", Mo Wenbin pushed further, "tonight"s your wedding night, right? Hahahaha. At least you"re not imagining her anymore." Mo Wenbin said.

"Shut up Wenbin!" Chen Linyun scolded him. He was so red in the face. He was so humiliated by Wenbin"s comments.

The lady beside him lowered her gaze, but her reddened face could still be noted.

Guangxi, on the other hand, coughed involuntarily. He too, was humiliated, even corrupted by the comment. That was his sister!

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

Xue Jinxu filled up Guangxi"s gla.s.s with iced tea and shoved it to his side. "Drink." She ordered him. All this, while she was keeping her gaze low.

"Should I.. Should I go home to the old mansion for a while?" Guangxi timidly asked.

"Uhm, we won"t be coming home for the night." Chen Linyun said. "We"ll also be away for a while for the honeymoon. We"ll board one of your cruise s.h.i.+ps."

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* More coughing came out from Guangxi.

Xue Jinxu patted her brother"s back with one hand to comfort him, and her other hand covered her face in embarra.s.sment.

"That"s enough. Let"s sing!" Xue Jinxu tried to break the awkward atmosphere. It was not difficult because Mo Wenbin intervened. He grabbed the mic and proceeded to sing a happy song.

Soon after, the dinner ended. Mo Wenbin and Guangxi went home together since they live in the same complex, while the newly-weds headed the opposite way towards Four Seasons Hotel.


In the Suite…

The room was decorated quite lavishly apt for a honeymoon suite. By the door, there was dragon and phoenix couplet, and inside the bedroom there was a dragon and phoenix candle [2]. The whole room was in shades of red. There were pink and red rose petals scattered all around. The bed sheets and accessories, even the curtains and lamps were red. On the bedroom, there were scattered longan, red dates, peanuts and lotus seeds [3].

Both were extremely quiet. No one was speaking. Unbeknownst to each other, both their hearts were pounding ever so loudly inside. Both were trembling and nervous. Both were at their wits" end.

[1] display of affection

[2] to promote and maintain good relations.h.i.+p between the couple

[3] beliefs pertaining to fertility

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