Kang Sola had not known about the news regarding The Great Adventurer until late afternoon the day the incident happened. When she reached her dormitory, she showered and then defeated by fatigue, she was knocked unconscious into deep slumber. She awoke only around four in the afternoon.

She checked her vlog"s website. It was flooded with comments and inquiries. She scrolled down the comments section of her last video. They were asking about The Great Adventurer.

"Sola, were you on-board The Great Adventurer these past days?"

"Please confirm if The Great Adventurer was really the cruise s.h.i.+p you were featuring in your vlogs!"

"Miss Sola, how are you? Were you on-board the s.h.i.+p when it capsized? Please be safe!!"

"Capzised?" Had she really read the comments right? The Great Adventurer… capsized?

She covered her mouth with both her hands, then she hurriedly opened a new tab in her browser. She typed "The Great Adventurer". Soon enough search results relevant to the topic emerged. Although there weren"t news about it yet, there were comments from private netizens in social media. Some even had pictures attached to their posts!

It was true. The Great Adventurer really capsized.

"How could this happen? How long did I sleep?" She checked the wall clock.

"The Great Adventurer was still in Tianjin port when it happened. Then it happened just after we disembarked?"

Her mouth gaped open. It was unbelievable. What twist of fate could possibly blow towards the direction it went. What could have happened if she was still on-board the cruise s.h.i.+p when it capsized? Could she have died?

She shuddered at the thought.

She replied to the worried comments of her subscibers. "Don"t worry guys, I wasn"t on-board The Great Adventurer. It seemed that it happened after our disembarkation. Let"s pray for the safety and successful rescue of the pa.s.sengers."

She closed her eyes. She shook her head.

Upon opening her eyes again, still she could not believe it. The Great Adventurer really capsized.

She was alone in her dormitory room. It was the summer vacation, and all her roommates went home. She intentionally did not go home this summer specifically for the cruise.

In the middle of her absent-mindedness, the paging system broke the silence.


"Huh, it"s me! Who could be looking for me?"

She hurriedly freshened up before going down.

At the lobby, she saw Butler Lee… And at the farther end, seated on the couch was… Xue Guangxi.

She pursed her lips. "Remember you are thankful, you have decided to forget your angst with him." She told herself.

"Hi, Mister. What brought you here? Can I help you with something?" Kang Sola said while approaching them.

Upon hearing her voice, Xue Guangxi stood. He had a revered, serious aura around him, quite very different from the first time she encountered him. At the time he was casual, joking and was simply being a jerk. Now, he appeared more mature, more… responsible-looking.

"Miss Kang Sola." Xue Guangxi addressed her. "We apologize for the inconvenience of our unadvised visit."

"It"s just that, we might be needing your help. It was about The Great Adventurer."

"Me? Help? How could I be of any help to them? What can I do?" She was confused, and she"s starting to freak out.

"H-How can I be of help to you? I-I didn"t do anything, alright?" She took a step back.

Butler Lee eased up the atmosphere. "Miss Sola, please calm down. It"s just that we know that you were featuring The Great Adventurer in your vlogs. Would you mind if we get a copy of your videos?"

"We are looking into the possibility that something of relevance might be captured in your raw videos with regards to the capsizing of The Great Adventurer." Xue Guangxi completed the picture.

Kang Sola breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure. I"ll collect the videos and send it to you. It may take a while. Can you wait here?"

"We"ll wait. Please don"t select certain videos only. If possible, we would like to get all your raw videos. We will not be using it for any other reason. You can still use them as intended." Xue Guangxi said solemnly.

It was as if he was a changed person. He became a respectable, authoritative powerful youth befitting his position as the Second Young Master. "It was a refres.h.i.+ng and better side of him", she thought.

She went up to her dormitory room again, with the external hard drive that Butler Lee handed her. She proceeded in transferring the files. The computer estimated the transfer to end after two hours. She scratched her head.

She went down again to the lobby where they were waiting. She had brought her laptop with her.

"Uhm, the transfer will take two hours. You can just come back for it."

"It"s fine. We"ll wait. We have to get the copies tonight. You can go on if you are occupied at the moment. We"ll stay here at the lobby until it"s ready. We are grateful for your help, Miss Kang. We don"t want to inconvenience you any further." Xue Guangxi relayed his grat.i.tude with words, and through his expressive eyes.

He should be because he was utterly relying to her videos for any evidence that there could have been during the cruise that could give away the crime.

"I-It"s nothing. I"m glad to be of any help."

*Ehem* Butler Lee cleared his throat. "Miss Sola, I did not quite mention it before, but the Marketing Director who gave the clearance for you to shoot your videos of your cruise was our Second Young Master. He"s also the Marketing Director of Xue s.h.i.+pping."

"Oh." Kang Sola was amazed. She could not help but stare at Xue Guangxi.

"What is Butler Lee doing, putting me up in a pedestal?" Xue Guangxi got annoyed. His ears turned red.

Earlier that afternoon, he was also quite astounded upon learning that the vlogger on-board The Great Adventurer was actually Kang Sola, that girl he had a littile glitch with. At first he was extremely anxious to approach her for help, but he must do it for the sake of their company.

He was extremely thankful to the heavens that she was quite cooperative. Even her previous negative sentiments towards him seemed to have disappeared completely.

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