"Aren"t you too young to be the Marketing Director?" Kang Sola probed. "Aren"t we of the same age?"

Xue Guangxi"s ears got redder. "Is she questioning the veracity of Butler Lee"s statement? No, her questions are valid. I"m indeed too young for the postion. Anyone can see that."

"We are of the same age, yes. It so happened that way. It couldn"t be helped."

"I see." She stopped her questions.

Actually there was a more pressing concern that was bothering her.

*Growl* *Growl*

She clutched her stomach. She was hungry. She had not eaten lunch since she had overslept.

Her tummy did not stop churning. It was complaining desperately for food. The growling continued.

She pursed her lips, and turned to look elsewhere. She was becoming extremely embarra.s.sed.

Xue Guangxi wanted to laugh, but he restrained himself. If he laughed, she could possibly get mad again, and might even change her mind in sharing the videos to them. He could not afford that mistake. In his mind, this girl was hard to please.

"Would you like to grab some snacks? You can bring your laptop with you or leave it in your room. We can eat while waiting." Xue Guangxi offered.

"ahh, no, it"s okay." But her stomach growled again in protest.

Xue Guangxi could not contain it anymore. He let out a small laugh. "Come on, let"s eat. I"m hungry too."

Kang Sola internally cursed her stomach. The truth was she could not hold on any longer from hunger. She hesitatingly obliged. "Alright."

"I can buy the food. You can continue waiting comfortably, Young Master, Miss Sola. How"s that?"

He sighed. "Butler Lee do you want to leave me alone with this girl?" He"s becoming miserable by the second. His mind was working too hard just ensuring that this girl will not erupt in anger again just like the last time.

In truth, Butler Lee was all too set in secretly playing the wingman.

"There"s a restaurant connected at the side of my dormitory. We can all go there." Kang Sola suggested. "It"s the nearest here, just around the corner."

"Sounds a good plan to me. Let"s go!" Xue Guangxi stood up. That"s a better idea than Butler Lee"s.

"I"ll just leave the laptop in my room." She ran towards her room, left the laptop on her desk, grabbed her wallet and locked the door on her way out.

When she reunited with them, the two were already at the entrance waiting for her. She led the way.

The restaurant had a similar vibe to a fast food chain. It served burgers and fries, but it also served oriental noodles, and some pastas.

Butler Lee offered, "Miss Sola what would you like to eat? This meal is on us as a little thanks. I"ll order for us."

"Ahh, hehe, Mister, it"s alright. I"ll pay for mine." Kang Sola declined politely.

"Please allow us to do this little gesture of grat.i.tude for you. Please accept it. It will not mean anything." Xue Guangxi implored.

The way Xue Guangxi delivered his mini speech was compelling, not to mention striking. He could make people follow him in a daze. Kang Sola was left speechless, only able to slightly utter an "En" and a small nod.

She ordered a set of udon with fries and iced tea, while Guangxi ordered a set of burger, fries and soda. Butler Lee did not order anything for himself.

She could not take her doe eyes away from him because he really seemed a different person. He was too different, in fact.

"Which one is the real him, then? The jerk or this one?"

"Is he for real? Is he just acting or pretending?"

"May I… May I ask… What happened to The Great Adventurer?" She blinked several times, and tried to clarify. Her question was a little bit stupid because the answer was that it capsized. "I mean, has the reason behind it been identified already? Are you allowed to discuss it to outsiders?"

Guangxi shrugged. "Operational issues. We"re looking at the possibility of foul play by the Captain. The company had already sought help of the police and the media to track the Captain. He"s gone missing." He"s trying to make it appear no more than a single person"s scheme. Of course there"s a heavier reason behind it.

"Is that why you"re asking for the videos?" Her understanding of the matter had gotten clearer.

"Yeah. We might get something out of it." Guangxi scratched his head. "Sorry for bothering you. Also, I apologize for the last time." He was pertaining to the bike accident. "I know we started off with the wrong foot. I hope we can still have a clean slate. I"m not really a bad person, I hope you can refresh your impression of me."

"It"s fine. Everything happens for a reason. If the bike accident did not happen and you had not attempted to make amends to me for the bike accident by giving out the tickets to the cruise, I would not be able to experience it, nor would I be able to create my vlogs. Mind you, my viewers" ratings soared when I featured your cruise s.h.i.+p. I"m also thankful to you. I"ve decided to forego our past resentment."

"I"m fine with having a clean slate." She smiled.

"That"s great. We"re friends now." Xue Guangxi declared, smiling.

"Ahh. Friends? That"s a little too forward, okay? More of acquaintance only. Whatever."

Bulter Lee came back with the food.

Kang Sola was sooo hungry that she slurped her udon too fast. It instantly disappeared.

Xue Guangxi could not help but laugh a little. Even though they were on good terms now, it"s better to be guarded around her. He could not gage her temperament yet.

Kang Sola noticed his little laugh. She got conscious but also laughed at herself. "Sorry, I"m really hungry. Hahaha." Her eyes turned into littled arches.


"Here it is." Sola gave back the external hard drive to Butler Lee after the transfer was completed. "Hope you find something significant in there. I haven"t checked all the videos myself. I"ll check them one-by-one when I return to my room. Good luck with your investigation."


"Bye-bye!" She waved at them at the entrance of her dormitory, her arched eyes appearing again.

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