Miracle Pill Maker Bullies The Boss

Chapter 402: Your Hacking Skills Seem To Be Average

Chapter 402: Your Hacking Skills Seem To Be Average

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Huo Jinyan sat back on the couch and replied. “Just an inkstone.”

Most collectors of calligraphy and brush painting hailed from a scholarly background, so this gift was perfect.

Huo Yao nodded and didn’t ask him for any further details. She stood up after finis.h.i.+ng the tea. “I’m going to my room. I still have some homework to do.”

“Okay. Don’t stay up late,” said Huo Jinyan.

“Uh huh.”

Huo Yao nodded obediently to everyone in the living room before heading back to her room with the box in hand.

After Huo Yao came out of the shower, she sat in front of her desk. She turned on the computer, went into safe mode, and entered a string of characters.

The screen went black before long with code jumping on it, just like it was doing on Yang Yi’s laptop.

A minute later, the laptop interface changed to show a lot of data. Huo Yao contemplated before she altered the firewall.

She clicked on the okay b.u.t.ton after making the changes.

Huo Yao turned off the computer, took out her homework, and started working on it.

After Huo Yao had finished half her homework, her phone vibrated.

Her hand paused. She raised her head and glanced at her screen. But then she ignored it and continued doing her homework.

She picked up her phone unhurriedly after she finished all her homework.

Unknown Id: [Kid, are you going to die if you don’t show off?]

Unknown Id: [Can you show a little respect to other hackers out there?]

Huo Yao raised her brow and typed a reply with her fair, slender fingers: [Nope. Even kids need to improve.]

Unknown Id: [...d.a.m.n you!]


Yang Yi looked at his laptop screen excitedly as his hands typed swiftly on the keyboard. He had been working on it for half a month. Now that he could finally crack the final stage, his rank would go up by one level.

He inhaled deeply before he hit enter to complete the final step.

However, the notification for clearing the stage did not appear. Instead, a huge red exclamation mark popped up. His expression froze immediately.

Did he fail?

Yang Yi rubbed his eyes. Were his eyes playing tricks on him?

How could he have failed?

Zhuo Yun yawned with his hand on the backrest and his chin propped in his hand. He asked groggily. “Have you cracked it yet?”

He s.h.i.+fted his gaze towards the laptop with his eyes half open and caught sight of a red exclamation mark. He adjusted his posture and said, “You failed again, huh?”

Yang Yi pursed his lips and sat there quietly.

The screen reverted to the initial interface. The level of difficulty had changed from A to A+.

Yang Yi looked p.i.s.sed.

Could someone please explain why the difficulty suddenly increased?

All he needed was one more second!

All he needed was just one more second!

Yang Yi’s temples throbbed. He slammed the laptop shut before he turned to look at Zhuo Yun with a murderous expression on his face. “If you think you are better, then you do it!”

Zhuo Yun cringed. Yang Yi did not clear the stage, but it was not his first time. So why the huge temper tantrum?

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