Miracle Pill Maker Bullies The Boss

Chapter 1513: Revoke The Application

Chapter 1513: Revoke The Application

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Wei Yong’s a.s.sistant said, “If it’s not urgent, I’ll get Mr. Wei to give you a call when he’s free.”

“Okay. Thanks a lot,” replied Qi Hui politely without hanging up the phone. He probed. “Oh yes. How’s the patent application for the project going?”

The a.s.sistant was unsurprised by this question. After all, Qi Hui had provided most of the data they needed for the patent application previously and Qi Hui probably knew what they were trying to do.

He replied easily. “I’ve already submitted the application a couple of days ago. I think it’ll get approved in half a month.”

Liu Qian had already submitted the patent application much earlier and Wei Yong had only just submitted it. It was no surprise Liu Qian had beaten them to it.


When Qi Hui did not react, the a.s.sistant asked. “h.e.l.lo, Mr. Qi?”

Qi Hui snapped out of his thoughts. He pondered before deciding it was best to tell them about the patent problem.

The moment the a.s.sistant heard what he said, he promptly frowned. “Has it already gone through preliminary approvals? How could you do this to us? Don’t you know this is a confidential project?”

Qi Hui could not help feeling annoyed by the a.s.sistant’s self-righteous and indignant tone of voice. After all, the inst.i.tute was shamelessly trying to steal the students’ research. Since the inst.i.tute was very powerful in the academic world, he smiled and said apologetically, “I only just found out about the patent myself. The teacher in charge of the project applied for it without informing me in advance.”

Wei Yong’s a.s.sistant touched his brow as he contemplated. The patent meant a lot to Wei Yong, so he was bound to throw a fit when he learned of this.

The a.s.sistant said nothing and promptly hung up the phone.

When Qi Hui heard the mechanical dial tone over the phone, he put down the phone worriedly. He had worked hard to keep strong ties with the inst.i.tute, but they would probably hate him for this from now on. Liu Qian was to blame for his predicament.

Meanwhile, at the National Research Inst.i.tute of Science.

Shortly after Wei Yong’s a.s.sistant ended the call with Qi Hui, he received a call from someone he knew from the patent office.

The a.s.sistant asked. “If the official certificate has not been sent, is there any way I can stop a patent application?”

“If it has already been approved, then nope. Also, software-related patents provide protection from the day of application.”

The a.s.sistant tightened his grip on the phone powerlessly.

Before he could say a word, his friend continued. “Well, there’s still one way to kill the application.”

The a.s.sistant promptly asked hopefully. “How?”

“The applicant has to revoke the application.”

“This is probably impossible.” The a.s.sistant smiled and sighed.

They were trying to steal a patent from the students. If word got out, it would make the inst.i.tute look like bullies.

“In that case, there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m sorry,” said his friend before ending the conversation.

Wei Yong’s a.s.sistant exhaled deeply before he turned to leave the office and headed to the laboratory.

When the a.s.sistant entered the laboratory, Wei Yong and the people in the laboratory were busy adjusting the system.

The a.s.sistant could only swallow his words and wait for Wei Yong to finish his work.

Wei Yong finally finished his work two hours later. He removed his gla.s.ses and wiped them as he looked at his a.s.sistant and asked. “Did you want to speak to me?”

The a.s.sistant acknowledged promptly. He glanced at the people around them without saying a word.

Wei Yong paused briefly before putting on his gla.s.ses and said, “Okay then. Let’s talk in the office.”

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