Miracle Pill Maker Bullies The Boss

Chapter 359: Plagiarism

Chapter 359: Plagiarism

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Huo Yao finished eating before long. She stood up and bowed to Qu Yi. “Thanks for the lunch. The food was really good.”

Despite its ordinary packaging, it tasted like a five-star restaurant’s food.

Qu Yi coughed and said, “I’m glad you had your fill.”

Huo Yao did not put much thought into his words and left quickly.

After she went away, Qu Yi’s a.s.sistant asked him. “Yi, why are you so polite to this young woman?”

The director would not have given her special treatment just because her brother was a famous celebrity like Lucky.

Qu Yi glanced at his a.s.sistant and said, “Why do you think lunch tastes so good this time?”

The a.s.sistant instantly caught his hint.

Any guests on the show who invested in the program were akin to G.o.d for them and deserved special attention.


Qu Yi probably took her words, which she had said during lunch, to heart. Hence, there were fewer shots of her in the afternoon after they started filming again. Instead, he focused a lot more on Huo Xiang.

Huo Yao was pretty satisfied with the outcome. After all, her older brother was the star of the show.

A piece of sensational news about Huo Xiang exploded while they were filming.

[Lucky from Phenom is under suspicion for plagiarism.]

Since Huo Xiang had over a hundred million fans, Weibo nearly got paralyzed when the news broke out.

The marketing department did everything they could to suppress the news, but it was futile. Instead, it exacerbated the situation.

On their way back to City S after the shoot, Tong Yu did not dare to tell Huo Xiang about the news on Weibo. However, he was clearly preoccupied while he drove and almost ran a few red lights.

Huo Yao could detect that something was amiss, so she asked him. “What’s wrong?”

Huo Xiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Tong Yu with a puzzled look as well.

Tong Yu tightened his grip on the steering wheel and forced a smile. “Nothing.”

News about his injury and plagiarism were completely different in nature. Plagiarism might cause Huo Xiang to end up being stigmatized online.

Although Tong Yu did not believe Huo Xiang was a copycat, most innocent celebrities, who suffered malicious slander online, rarely managed to recover their reputation. Even if they did manage to do so, the blemish would stick to them for the rest of their lives.

“Both of you had a long day today. Have a good rest when you get home.” Tong Yu changed the subject.

“You’re a little weird today,” said Huo Xiang as he frowned.

Huo Yao raised her brow and looked at Tong Yu.

“No, I’m not. Why would I be weird? You’re mistaken,” denied Tong Yu as he laughed.

“Really? I have a feeling you are hiding something from me,” said Huo Xiang quizzically.

Tong Yu’s voice sounded even more nonchalant. “You’re overthinking it. If anything had happened, I would have told you ages ago. Why wait until now, right?”

Huo Yao took out her phone and checked Weibo. The moment she tapped on it, she saw a deluge of topics related to Huo Xiang’s plagiarising. She tapped open his Weibo homepage and noticed that the number of followers had decreased dramatically.

Huo Yao glanced at Tong Yu thoughtfully. She reckoned that he wanted to keep this from Huo Xiang for now.

She turned to look at Huo Xiang. “Brother Xiang, stop worrying. Also, can you lend me your phone?”

Huo Xiang pa.s.sed it to her right away.

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