Mirror Dance

Chapter 3

Quinn too was smiling, but one perfect eyebrow curved in a certain dry irony. "It"s lovely, but if I was reading between the lines correctly, I thought what Barrayaran Imperial Security really wanted was for the Cetagandan military to be tied up tied up in the guerilla war on Marilac. Indefinitely. Draining Cetagandan attention away from Barrayaran borders and jump points." in the guerilla war on Marilac. Indefinitely. Draining Cetagandan attention away from Barrayaran borders and jump points."

"They didn"t put that in writing." Miles"s lips drew back wolfishly. "All Simon said was, "Help the Marilacans as opportunity presents." That was the standing order, in so many words."

"But you knew d.a.m.n well what he really wanted."

"Four b.l.o.o.d.y years was enough. I have not betrayed Barrayar. Nor anyone else."

"Yeah? So if Simon Illyan is so much more Machiavellian than you are, how is it that your version prevailed? Someday, Miles, you are going to run out of hairs to split with those people. And then what will you do?"

He smiled, and shook his head, evading answer.

His elation over the news from Marilac still made him feel like he was walking in half-gravity when he arrived at his cabin aboard the Triumph Triumph. After a surrept.i.tious glance to be sure the corridor was unpeopled, he embraced and kissed Quinn, a deep kiss that was going to have to last them for a long while, and she went off to her own quarters. He slipped inside, and echoed the door"s closing sigh with his own. Home again.

It was was home, for half his psyche, he reflected, tossing his flight bag onto his bed and heading directly for the shower. Ten years ago, Lord Miles Vorkosigan had invented the cover ident.i.ty of Admiral Naismith out of his head in a desperate moment, and frantically faked his way to temporary control of the hastily re-named Dendarii Mercenaries. Barrayaran Imperial Security had discovered the cover to be useful . . . no. Credit where it was due. He had persuaded, schemed, demonstrated, and coerced ImpSec into finding use for this cover. home, for half his psyche, he reflected, tossing his flight bag onto his bed and heading directly for the shower. Ten years ago, Lord Miles Vorkosigan had invented the cover ident.i.ty of Admiral Naismith out of his head in a desperate moment, and frantically faked his way to temporary control of the hastily re-named Dendarii Mercenaries. Barrayaran Imperial Security had discovered the cover to be useful . . . no. Credit where it was due. He had persuaded, schemed, demonstrated, and coerced ImpSec into finding use for this cover. Be careful what you pretend to be. You might become it. Be careful what you pretend to be. You might become it.

When had Admiral Naismith stopped being a pretense? Gradually, surely, but mostly since his mercenary mentor Commodore Tung had retired. Or perhaps the wily Tung had recognized before Miles had that his services in propping Miles up to his prematurely exalted rank were no longer required. Colored vid arrays of Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet organization bloomed in Miles"s head as he showered. Personnel-equipment-administration-logistics-he knew every ship, every trooper, every shuttle and piece of ordnance, now. He knew how they fit together, what had to be done first, second, third, twentieth, to place a precisely calculated force at any point on the tactical fulcrum. This This was expertise, to be able to look at a ship like the was expertise, to be able to look at a ship like the Triumph Triumph and see with his mind"s eye right through the walls to every engineering detail, every strength and vulnerability; to look at a commando squad, or a briefing table ringed with captains and captain-owners and know what each one would do or say before they knew it themselves. and see with his mind"s eye right through the walls to every engineering detail, every strength and vulnerability; to look at a commando squad, or a briefing table ringed with captains and captain-owners and know what each one would do or say before they knew it themselves. I"m on top. Finally, I"m on top of it all. With this lever, I can move worlds. I"m on top. Finally, I"m on top of it all. With this lever, I can move worlds. He switched the shower to "dry," and turned in the blast of warm air. He left the bathroom still chortling under his breath. He switched the shower to "dry," and turned in the blast of warm air. He left the bathroom still chortling under his breath. I love it. I love it.

His chortle died away in puzzlement when he unlatched the door to his uniform cupboard, and found it bare. Had his batman taken them all off for cleaning or repairs? His bewilderment grew as he tried other drawers, and found only a residue of the wildly a.s.sorted civilian togs he wore when he stretched the chain of his ident.i.ty one link further, and played spy for the Dendarii. Plus some of his shabbier underwear. Was this some sort of practical joke? If so, he"d have the last laugh. Naked and irritated, he snapped open the locker where his s.p.a.ce armor dwelt. Empty. That was almost shocking. Somebody"s taken it down to Engineering to re-calibrate it, or add tactics programs, or something. Somebody"s taken it down to Engineering to re-calibrate it, or add tactics programs, or something. His batman should have returned it by now, though. What if he needed it in a hurry? His batman should have returned it by now, though. What if he needed it in a hurry?

Time. His people would be gathering. Quinn had once claimed he could carry on naked, and only make those around him feel overdressed. He was momentarily tempted to test her a.s.sertion, but overcame the mordant vision, and put the shirt and trousers and sandals he"d been wearing back on. He didn"t need a uniform in order to dominate a briefing room, not any more.

On the way to the meeting, he pa.s.sed Sandy Hereld in the corridor, coming off duty, and gave her a friendly nod. She wheeled and walked backward in startlement. "You"re back, sir! That was quick."

He would hardly describe his several-week journey to Imperial HQ on Barrayar as quick. She must mean the trip downside. "It only took two hours."

"What?" Her nose wrinkled. She was still walking backwards, reaching the end of the corridor.

He had a briefing room full of senior officers waiting. He waved and swung down a lift tube.

The briefing room was comfortingly familiar, right down to the array of faces around the darkly shining table. Captain Auson of the Triumph. Triumph. Elena Bothari-Jesek, recently promoted captain of the Elena Bothari-Jesek, recently promoted captain of the Peregrine. Peregrine. Her husband Commodore Baz Jesek, Fleet engineer and in charge, in Miles"s absence, of all the repair and refit activities of the Dendarii Fleet in Escobar orbit. The couple, Barrayarans themselves, were with Quinn among the handful of Dendarii apprised of Miles"s double ident.i.ty. Captain Truzillo of the Her husband Commodore Baz Jesek, Fleet engineer and in charge, in Miles"s absence, of all the repair and refit activities of the Dendarii Fleet in Escobar orbit. The couple, Barrayarans themselves, were with Quinn among the handful of Dendarii apprised of Miles"s double ident.i.ty. Captain Truzillo of the Jayhawk Jayhawk, and a dozen more, all tested and true. His people.

Bel Thorne of the Ariel Ariel was late. That was unusual. One of Thorne"s driving characteristics was an insatiable curiosity; a new mission briefing was like a Winterfair gift to the Betan hermaphrodite. Miles turned to Elena Bothari-Jesek, to make small talk while they waited. was late. That was unusual. One of Thorne"s driving characteristics was an insatiable curiosity; a new mission briefing was like a Winterfair gift to the Betan hermaphrodite. Miles turned to Elena Bothari-Jesek, to make small talk while they waited.

"Did you get a chance to visit your mother, downside on Escobar?"

"Yes, thanks." She smiled. "It was . . . nice, to have a little time. We had a chance to talk about some things we"d never talked about the first time we met."

It had been good for both of them, Miles judged. Some of the permanent strain seemed gone from Elena"s dark eyes. Better and better, bit by bit. "Good."

He glanced up as the doors hissed open, but it was only Quinn, blowing in with the secured files in hand. She was back in full officer"s undress kit, and looking very comfortable and efficient. She handed the files to Miles, and he loaded them into the comconsole, and waited another minute. Still no Bel Thorne.

Talk died away. His officers were giving him attentive, let"s-get-on-with-it looks. He"d better not stand around much longer with his thumb in his ear. Before bringing the console display to life, he inquired, "Is there some reason Captain Thorne is late?"

They looked at him, and then at each other. There can"t be something wrong with Bel, it would have been reported to me first thing. There can"t be something wrong with Bel, it would have been reported to me first thing. Still, a small leaden knot materialized in the pit of his stomach. "Where is Bel Thorne?" Still, a small leaden knot materialized in the pit of his stomach. "Where is Bel Thorne?"

By eye, they elected Elena Bothari-Jesek as spokesperson. That was an extremely bad sign. "Miles," she said hesitantly, "was Bel supposed to be back before you?"

"Back? Where did Bel go?"

She was looking at him as though he"d lost his mind. "Bel left with you, in the Ariel Ariel, three days ago."

Quinn"s head snapped up. "That"s impossible."

"Three days ago, we were still en route to Escobar," Miles stated. The leaden knot was trans.m.u.ting into neutron star matter. He was not dominating this room at all well. In fact, it seemed to be tilting.

"You took Green Squad with you. It was the new contract, Bel said," Elena added.

"This is the new contract," Miles tapped the comconsole. A hideous explanation was beginning to suggest itself to his mind, rising from the black hole in his stomach. The looks on the faces around the table were also beginning to divide into two uneven camps, appalled surmise from the minority who had been in on that mess on Earth two years ago-oh, they were right with him-total confusion from the majority, who had not been directly involved. . . . is the new contract," Miles tapped the comconsole. A hideous explanation was beginning to suggest itself to his mind, rising from the black hole in his stomach. The looks on the faces around the table were also beginning to divide into two uneven camps, appalled surmise from the minority who had been in on that mess on Earth two years ago-oh, they were right with him-total confusion from the majority, who had not been directly involved. . . .

"Where did I say I was going?" Miles inquired. His tone was, he thought, gentle, but several people flinched.

"Jackson"s Whole." Elena looked him straight in the eye, with much the steady gaze of a zoologist about to dissect a specimen. A sudden lack of trust . . .

Jackson"s Whole. That tears it. "Bel Thorne? The "Bel Thorne? The Ariel Ariel? Taura? With ten jumps ten jumps of Jackson"s Whole?" Miles choked. "Dear G.o.d." of Jackson"s Whole?" Miles choked. "Dear G.o.d."

"But if you"re you," said Truzillo, "who was that three days ago?"

"If you"re you," said Elena darkly. The initiate crowd were all getting that same frowning look. you"re you," said Elena darkly. The initiate crowd were all getting that same frowning look.

"You see," Miles explained in a hollow voice to the What-the-h.e.l.l-are-they-talking-about? What-the-h.e.l.l-are-they-talking-about? portion of the room, "some people have an evil twin. I am not so lucky. What portion of the room, "some people have an evil twin. I am not so lucky. What I I have is an have is an idiot idiot twin." twin."

"Your clone," said Elena Bothari-Jesek.

"My brother," he corrected automatically.

"Little Mark Pierre," said Quinn. "Oh . . . s.h.i.t s.h.i.t."


His stomach seemed to turn inside out, the cabin wavered, and shadow darkened his vision. The bizarre sensations of the wormhole jump were gone almost as soon as they began, but left an unpleasant somatic reverberation, as if he were a struck gong. He took a deep, calming breath. That had been the fourth jump of the voyage. Five jumps to go, on the tortuous zigzag through the wormhole nexus from Escobar to Jackson"s Whole. The Ariel Ariel had been three days en route, almost halfway. had been three days en route, almost halfway.

He glanced around Naismith"s cabin. He could not continue to hide out in here much longer, pretense of illness or Naismithian black mood or not. Thorne needed every bit of data he could supply to plan the Dendarii raid on the clone-creche. He had used his hibernation well, scanning the Ariel Ariel"s mission logs back through time, all the way past his first encounter with the Dendarii two years ago. He now knew a great deal more about the mercenaries, and the thought of casual conversation with the Ariel Ariel"s crew was far less terrifying.

Unfortunately there was very little in the mission log to help him reconstruct what his first meeting with Naismith on Earth had looked like from the Dendarii point of view. The log had concentrated on rehabilitation and refit reports, d.i.c.kerings with a.s.sorted ship"s chandlers, and engineering briefings. He"d found exactly one order pertinent to his own adventures embedded in the data flow, advising all ship masters that Admiral Naismith"s clone had been seen on Earth, warning that the clone might attempt to pa.s.s himself off as the Admiral, giving the (incorrect) information that the clone"s legs would show up on a medical scan as normal bone and not plastic replacements, and ordering use of stunners-only in apprehending the imposter. No explanations, no later revisions or updates. All of Naismith/Vorkosigan"s highest-level orders tended to be verbal and undoc.u.mented anyway, for security-from the Dendarii, not for them-a habit that had just served him well.

He leaned back in his station chair and glowered at the comconsole display. The Dendarii data named him Mark. That"s another thing you don"t get to choose, Mark. That"s another thing you don"t get to choose, Miles Naismith Vorkosigan had said. Miles Naismith Vorkosigan had said. Mark Pierre. You are Lord Mark Pierre Vorkosigan, in your own right, on Barrayar. Mark Pierre. You are Lord Mark Pierre Vorkosigan, in your own right, on Barrayar. But he was not on Barrayar, nor ever would be if he could help it. But he was not on Barrayar, nor ever would be if he could help it. You are not my brother, and the Butcher of Komarr was never a father to me, You are not my brother, and the Butcher of Komarr was never a father to me, his thought denied for the thousandth time to his absent progenitor. his thought denied for the thousandth time to his absent progenitor. My mother was a uterine replicator. My mother was a uterine replicator.

But the power of the suggestion had ridden him ever after, sapping his satisfaction with every pseudonym he"d ever tried, though he"d stared at lists of names till his eyes ached. Dramatic names, plain names, exotic, strange, common, silly . . . Jan Vandermark was the alias he"d used the longest, the closest sideways skittish approach to ident.i.ty.

Mark! Miles had shouted, being dragged away, for all he knew, to his own death. Miles had shouted, being dragged away, for all he knew, to his own death. Your name is Mark! Your name is Mark!

I am not Mark. I am NOT your d.a.m.ned brother, you maniac. The denial was hot and huge, but when its echoes died away, in the hollow chamber left inside his skull he seemed not to be anyone at all. The denial was hot and huge, but when its echoes died away, in the hollow chamber left inside his skull he seemed not to be anyone at all.

His head was aching, a grinding tightness that crawled up his spine through his shoulders and neck, and spread out under his scalp. He rubbed hard at his neck, but the tension just circulated around through his arms and back into his shoulders.

Not his brother. But to be strictly accurate, Naismith could not be blamed for forcing him to life in the same way as the other House Bharaputran clones" progenitors. Oh, they were genetically identical, yes. It was a matter of . . . intent, perhaps. And where the money came from.

Lord Miles Naismith Vorkosigan had been just six years old when the tissue sample from a biopsy was stolen from some clinical laboratory on Barrayar, during the last gasp of Komarran resistance to Barrayaran imperial conquest. No one, neither Barrayaran nor Komarran, was intrinsically interested in the crippled child Miles. The focus had all been on his father. Admiral Count Aral Vorkosigan, Regent of Barrayar, Conqueror (or Butcher) of Komarr. Aral Vorkosigan had supplied the will and the wit which had made Komarr into Barrayar"s first off-planet conquest. And made himself the target of Komarran resistance and revenge. Hope for successful resistance had faded in time. Hope for revenge lived on in exiled bitterness. Stripped of an army, arms, support, one Komarran hate group plotted a slow, mad vengeance. To strike at the father through the son upon whom he was known to dote . . .

Like a sorcerer in an old tale, the Komarrans dealt with a devil to have a simulacrum made. A b.a.s.t.a.r.d clone, he thought with a silent, humorless laugh. But things went wrong. The crippled original boy, poisoned before birth by yet another murderous enemy of his father"s, grew strangely, unpredictably; his genetic duplicate grew straight . . . that had been his first clue that he was different from the other clones, he reflected. When the other clones went to the doctors for treatment they came back stronger, healthier, growing ever-faster. Every time he went, and he went often, their painful treatments seemed to make him sicklier, more stunted. The braces they put on his bones, neck, back, never seemed to help much. They had made made him into this hunchbacked dwarfling as if molding him in a press, die-cut from a cast of his progenitor. him into this hunchbacked dwarfling as if molding him in a press, die-cut from a cast of his progenitor. I could have been normal, if Miles Vorkosigan had not been crippled. I could have been normal, if Miles Vorkosigan had not been crippled.

When he first began to suspect the true purpose of his fellow clones, for rumors pa.s.sed among the children in wild ways even their careful handlers could not totally control, his growing somatic deformations brought him silent suppressed joy. Surely they could not use this this body for a brain transplant. He might be discarded-he might yet escape his pleasant, smiling jailer-servants. . . . body for a brain transplant. He might be discarded-he might yet escape his pleasant, smiling jailer-servants. . . .

His real escape, when his Komarran owners came to collect him at age fourteen, was like a miracle. And then the training had begun. The endless harsh tutoring, drill, indoctrination. At first a destiny, any destiny at all, seemed glorious compared to his creche-mates" end. He determinedly took up the training to replace his progenitor, and strike a blow for dear Komarr, a place he had never seen, against evil Barrayar, a place he had never seen either. But learning to be Miles Vorkosigan turned out to be like running the race in Zeno"s paradox. No matter how much he learned, how frantically he drilled, how harshly his mistakes were punished, Miles learned more, faster; by the time he arrived, his quarry had always moved on, intellectually or otherwise.

The symbolic race became literal once his Komarran tutors actually moved to effect the subst.i.tution. They chased the elusive young Lord Vorkosigan halfway around the wormhole nexus, never realizing that when he vanished, he utterly ceased to exist, and Admiral Naismith appeared. The Komarrans had never found out about Admiral Naismith. Not planning but chance had finally brought them together two years ago on Earth, right back where the whole stupid race had started, in pursuit of a vengeance gone twenty years cold.

The time-delay had been critical in a way the Komarrans had not even noticed. When they first began chasing Vorkosigan, their customized clone had been at the peak of his mental conditioning, committed to the goals of the revolt, unreflectingly eager. Had they not saved him from the fate of clones? Eighteen months of watching them screw up, eighteen months of travel, observation, exposure to uncensored news, views, even a few people, had planted secret doubts in his mind. And, bluntly, one could not duplicate even an imitation of a galactic-cla.s.s education like Vorkosigan"s without inadvertently learning something about how to think. In the middle of it all, the surgery to replace his perfectly sound leg bones with synthetics, just because Vorkosigan had smashed his, had been stunningly painful. What if Vorkosigan broke his neck, next time? Realization had crept over him.

Stuffing his head full of Lord Vorkosigan, in bits over time, was just as much of a brain transplant as anything done with vibra-scalpels and living tissue. He who plots revenge, must dig two graves. He who plots revenge, must dig two graves. But the Komarrans had dug the second grave for But the Komarrans had dug the second grave for him. him. For the person he never had a chance to become, the man he might have been if he had not been forced at shock-stick point to continually struggle to be someone For the person he never had a chance to become, the man he might have been if he had not been forced at shock-stick point to continually struggle to be someone else. else.

Some days he was not sure who he hated more, House Bharaputra, the Komarrans, or Miles Naismith Vorkosigan.

He shut off the comconsole with a snort, and rose to pick out his precious data cube from the uniform pocket in which it was still hidden. Upon reflection, he cleaned up and depilated again, before donning fresh Dendarii officer"s undress greys. That was as regulation as he could make himself. Let the Dendarii see only the polished surface, and not the man inside the man inside. . . .

He steeled himself, exited the cabin, stepped across the corridor, and pressed the buzzer to the hermaphrodite captain"s quarters.

No response. He pressed it again. After a short delay Thorne"s blurred alto voice came, "Yes?"

"Naismith here."

"Oh! Come in, Miles." The voice sharpened with interest.

The door slid aside, and he stepped within, to realize that the reason for the delay was that he"d woken Thorne from sleep. The hermaphrodite was sitting up on one elbow in bed, brown hair tousled, its free hand falling away from the keypad which had released the door.

"Excuse me," he said, stepping backward, but the door had already sealed again.

"No, it"s all right," the hermaphrodite smiled sleepily, curled its body in a C, and patted the bed invitingly in front of its sheeted . . . lap. "For you, anytime. Come sit. Would you like a back rub? You look tense." It was wearing a decidedly frilly nightgown, flowing silk with lace trim edging a plunging vee neckline that revealed the swelling pale flesh of its b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

He sidled to a station chair instead. Thorne"s smile took on a peculiarly sardonic tinge, even while remaining perfectly relaxed. He cleared his throat. "I . . . thought it was time for that more detailed mission briefing I promised." I should have checked the duty-roster. I should have checked the duty-roster. Would Admiral Naismith have known the captain"s sleep-cycle? Would Admiral Naismith have known the captain"s sleep-cycle?

"Time and past time. I"m glad to see you come up out of the fog. What the h.e.l.l have you been doing, wherever you went for the past eight weeks, Miles? Who died?"

"No one. Well, eight clones, I suppose."

"Hm." Thorne nodded wry acknowledgment. The seductive sinuosity faded from its posture, and it sat up straight, and rubbed the last of the sleep from its eyes. "Tea?"

"Sure. Or, uh, I could come back after your sleep-shift." Or after you"re dressed. Or after you"re dressed.

It swung its silk-swathed legs from the bed. "No way. I"d be up in an hour anyway. I"ve been waiting for this. Seize the day." It padded across the cabin to do its tea-ritual again. He set up the data cube in the comconsole and paused, both polite and practical, for the captain to take its first sips of the hot black liquid, and come fully awake. He wished it would put its uniform on.

He keyed up the display as Thorne wandered close. "I have a detailed holomap of House Bharaputra"s main medical complex. This data is not more than four months old. Plus guard schedules and patrol patterns-their security is much heavier than a normal civilian hospital, more like a military laboratory, but it"s no fortress. Their everyday concern is more against individual local intruders intent on theft. And, of course, in preventing certain of their less voluntary patients from escaping." A significant chunk of his former fortune had gone into that map cube.

The color-coded image spread itself in lines and sheets of light above the vid plate. The complex was truly that, a vast warren of buildings, tunnels, therapy-gardens, labs, mini-manufacturing areas, flyer pads, warehouses, garages, and even two shuttle docks for direct departure to planetary orbit.

Thorne put down its cup, leaned over the comconsole, and stared with interest. It took up the remote control and turned the map-image, shrank and expanded and sliced it. "So do we want to start by capturing the shuttle bays?"

"No. The clones are all kept together over here on the west side, in this sort of hospice area. I figure if we land here in this exercise court we"ll be d.a.m.n near on top of their dormitory. Naturally, I"m not overly concerned about what the drop shuttle damages, coming down."

"Naturally." A brief grin flickered over the captain"s face. "Timing?"

"I want to make it a night drop. Not so much for cover, because there"s no way we"re going to make a combat drop shuttle inconspicuous, but because that"s the one time all the clones are together in a small area. In the day they"re all spread out in the exercise and play areas, the swimming pool and what-not."

"And cla.s.srooms?"

"No, not exactly. They don"t teach "em much beyond the minimum necessary for socialization. If a clone can count to twenty and read signs, that"s all they need. Throw-away brains." That had been the other way he"d known he was different from the rest. A real human tutor had introduced him to a vast array of virtual learning programs. He"d lost himself for days at a time in the computer"s patient praise. Unlike his Komarran tutors later, they repeated themselves endlessly, and never punished him, never swore or raged or struck or forced him to physical exertion till he grew sick or pa.s.sed out. . . . "The clones pick up a surprising amount of information despite it all, though. A lot from their holovid games. Bright kids. d.a.m.n few of these clones have stupid progenitors, or they wouldn"t have ama.s.sed a sufficient fortune to buy this form of life-extension. Ruthless, maybe, but not stupid."

Thorne"s eyes narrowed as it dissected the area on the vid, taking apart the buildings layer by later, studying the layout. "So a dozen full-kit Dendarii commandos wake fifty or sixty kids out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night . . . do they know we"re coming?"

"No. By the way, make sure the troops realize, they won"t look exactly like kids. We"re taking them in their last year of development. They"re mostly ten or eleven years old, but due to the growth accelerators they will appear to have the bodies of late teenagers."


"Not really. They get great physical conditioning. Healthy as h.e.l.l. That"s the whole point of not just growing them in a vat till transplant time."

"Do they . . . know? Know what"s going to happen to them?" Thorne asked with an introspective frown.

"They"re not told, no. They"re told all kinds of lies, variously. They"re told they"re in a special school, for security reasons, to save them from some exotic danger. That they"re all some kind of prince or princess, or rich man"s heir, or military scion, and someday very soon their parents or their aunts or their amba.s.sadors are going to come and take them away to some glamorous future . . . and then, of course, at last some smiling person comes, and calls them away from their playmates, and tells them that today is the day, and they run . . ." he stopped, swallowed, "and s.n.a.t.c.h up their things, and brag to their friends. . . ."

Thorne was tapping the vid control unconsciously in its palm, and looking pale. "I get the picture."

"And walk out hand-in-hand with their murderers, eagerly."

"You can stop with the scenario-spinning, unless you"re trying to make me lose my last meal."

"What, you"ve known for years that this was going on," he mocked. "Why get all squeamish about it now?" He bit off his bitterness. Naismith. He must be Naismith.

Thorne shot him a sharp glare. "I was ready to fry them from orbit the last time, as you may recall. You wouldn"t let me." was ready to fry them from orbit the last time, as you may recall. You wouldn"t let me."

What last time? No time in the last three years. He"d have to scan the mission logs back even further, dammit. He shrugged, ambiguously. No time in the last three years. He"d have to scan the mission logs back even further, dammit. He shrugged, ambiguously.

"So," said Thorne, "are these . . . big kids . . . all going to decide we"re their parents" enemies, kidnapping them just before they go home? I see trouble, here."

He clenched, and spread, the fingers of his right hand. "Maybe not. Children . . . have a culture of their own. Pa.s.sed down from year to year. There are rumors. Boogeyman stories. Doubts. I told you, they aren"t stupid. Their adult handlers try to stamp out the stories, or make fun of them, or mix them up with other, obvious lies." And yet . . . they had not fooled him. But then, he had lived in the creche much longer than the average. He"d had time to see more clones come and go, time to see stories repeated, pseudo-biographies duplicated. Time for their handlers" tiny slips and mistakes to acc.u.mulate in his observation. "If it"s the same-" If it"s the same as it was in my time If it"s the same as it was in my time, he almost said, but saved himself, "I should be able to persuade them. Leave that part to me."

"Gladly." Thorne swung a console chair into clamps close beside his, settled down, and rapidly entered some notes on logistics and angle of attack, point-men and back-ups, and traced projected routes through the buildings. "Two dormitories?" it pointed curiously. Thorne"s fingernails were cut blunt, undecorated.

"Yes. The boys are kept segregated from the girls, rather carefully. The female-usually female-customers expect to wake up in a body with the seal of virginity still on it."

"I see. So. We get all these kids loaded, by some miracle, before the Bharaputrans arrive in force-"

"Speed is of the essence, yes."

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