parable of the period, that all error, physical, moral, or religious, will fall before Truth demonstrated, even as dry leaves fall to enrich the soil for fruitage.

Sin, sickness, and disease flee before the evangel of Truth as the mountain mists before the sun. Truth is [30]

[Page 252.]

the tonic for the sick, and this medicine of Mind is not [1]

necessarily infinitesimal but infinite. Herein the mental medicine of divine metaphysics and the medical systems of allopathy and h.o.m.opathy differ. Mental medi- cine gains no potency by attenuation, and its largest [5]

dose is never dangerous, but the more the better in every case.

Christian Science cla.s.sifies thought thus: Right thoughts are reality and power; wrong thoughts are unreality and powerless, possessing the nature of dreams. Good thoughts [10]

are potent; evil thoughts are impotent, and they should appear thus. Continuing this category, we learn that sick thoughts are unreality and weakness; while healthy thoughts are reality and strength. My proof of these novel propositions is demonstration, whereby any man [15]

can satisfy himself of their verity.

Christian Science is not only the acme of Science but the crown of Christianity. It is universal. It ap- peals to man as man; to the whole and not to a por- tion; to man physically, as well as spiritually, and to all [20]


It has one G.o.d. It demonstrates the divine Principle, rules and practice of the great healer and master of meta- physics, Jesus of Nazareth. It spiritualizes religion and restores its lost element, namely, healing the sick. It [25]

consecrates and inspires the teacher and preacher; it equips the doctor with safe and sure medicine; it en- courages and empowers the business man and secures the success of honesty. It is the dear children"s toy and strong tower; the wise man"s spiritual dictionary; the [30]

poor man"s money; yea, it is the pearl priceless whereof our Master said, if a man findeth, he goeth and selleth

[Page 253.]

all that he hath and buyeth it. Buyeth it! Note the [1]

scope of that saying, even that Christianity is not merely a gift, as St. Paul avers, but is bought with a price, a great price; and what man knoweth as did our Master its value, and the price that he paid for it? [5]

Friends, I am not enough the new woman of the period for outdoor speaking, and the incidental platform is not broad enough for me, but the speakers that will now ad- dress you-one a congressman-may improve our platforms; and make amends for the nothingness of [10]

matter with the allness of Mind.

Well Doinge Is The Fruite Of Doinge Well


This period is big with events. Fraught with history, it repeats the past and portends much for the future. [15]

The Scriptural metaphors,-of the woman in travail, the great red dragon that stood ready to devour the child as soon as it was born, and the husbandmen that said, "This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the in- heritance may be ours,"-are type and shadow of this [20]


A mother"s love touches the heart of G.o.d, and should it not appeal to human sympathy? Can a mother tell her child one t.i.the of the agonies that gave that child birth? Can that child conceive of the anguish, until she [25]

herself is become a mother?

Do the children of this period dream of the spiritual Mother"s sore travail, through the long night, that has opened their eyes to the light of Christian Science? Cherish

[Page 254.]

these new-born children that filial obedience to which the [1]

Decalogue points with promise of prosperity? Should not the loving warning, the far-seeing wisdom, the gentle entreaty, the stern rebuke have been heeded, in return for all that love which brooded tireless over their tender [5]

years? for all that love that hath fed them with Truth,- even the bread that cometh down from heaven,-as the mother-bird tendeth her young in the rock-ribbed nest of the raven"s callow brood!

And what of the hope of that parent whose children [10]

rise up against her; when brother slays brother, and the strength of union grows weak with wickedness?

The victim of mad ambition that saith, "This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours," goes on to learn that he must at last [15]

kill this evil in "self" in order to gain the kingdom of G.o.d.

Envy, the great red dragon of this hour, would obscure the light of Science, take away a third part of the stars from the spiritual heavens, and cast them to the earth. [20]

This is not Science. _Per contra_, it is the mortal mind sense-mental healing on a material basis-hurling its so-called healing at random, filling with hate its deluded victims, or resting in silly peace upon the laurels of headlong human will. "What shall, therefore, [25]

the Lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others."

[Page 255.]

Little G.o.ds

It is sometimes said, cynically, that Christian Scien- tists set themselves on pedestals, as so many petty deities; but there is no fairness or propriety in the aspersion.

Man is not equal to his Maker. That which is formed [5]

is not cause, but effect; and has no underived power.

But it is possible, and dutiful, to throw the weight of thought and action on the side of right, and to be thus lifted up.

Man should be found not claiming equality with, but [10]

growing into, that alt.i.tude of Mind which was in Christ Jesus. He should comprehend, in divine Science, a recognition of what the apostle meant when he said: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of G.o.d: and if children, then heirs; [15]

heirs of G.o.d, and joint-heirs with Christ."

Advantage Of Mind-Healing

It is sometimes asked, What are the advantages of your system of healing?

I claim for healing by Christian Science the following [20]


_First:_ It does away with material medicine, and rec- ognizes the fact that the antidote for sickness, as well as for sin, may be found in G.o.d, the divine Mind.

_Second:_ It is more effectual than drugs, and cures [25]

where they fail, because it is this divine antidote, and metaphysics is above physics.

[Page 256.]

_Third:_ Persons who have been healed by Christian [1]

Science are not only cured of their belief in disease, but they are at the same time improved morally. The body is governed by Mind, and mortal mind must be corrected in order to make the body harmonious. [5]

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