MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1140: A Pugilist’s Combo Attacks

Chapter 1140: A Pugilist’s Combo Attacks

Undeniably, crows of a feather flock together was a very apt expression.

Back then, w.a.n.g Yu was an innocent child but after being with Fearless for so long, his way of thinking had been influenced such that he habitually objectified everything.

Based on the battle just now, this lady was the type to stand and attack so in a battle, she would not be able to use her running forte.

Furthermore, in their team, they already had Unfathomable Mystery as an Archer so her presence was not significant.

Tyrone, on the other hand, was an ancient-grade BOSS with remarkable abilities and had the most challenging talent w.a.n.g Yu ever came across in the game… Exchanging Five Flagtree for such a BOSS was indeed worth it.

Of course, objectifying people is not a good habit as after all, Tyrone is a high AI ancient BOSS so naturally, he would not be bluffed so easily.


Hearing what w.a.n.g Yu said, Tyrone chuckled and said, “Young man, you need abilities to bargain. I’ll take this lady, but you guys shall be my servants, how about that? Isn’t that an honour? Hurry and chop off your own heads. Don’t wait for me to do it on my own.”

Great, Tyrone’s judgement of beauty was bad but he sure was arrogant. It was not hard to tell that this lad’s personality was twisted and strongly prioritised his extreme beliefs. To deal with such people, avoidance was not the way, the only way is to act first.

“Look there!”

Just then, w.a.n.g Yu suddenly pointed behind Tyrone and shouted.


Tyrone heard him and instinctively turned around.

Immediately, w.a.n.g Yu forcefully stomped the ground to activate his qinggong to dash right in front of Tyrone. He used a [Savage Maul] to pull Five Flagtree towards him and at the same time, as w.a.n.g Yu’s arms pulled, he activated a [Knee Shot]. Following up, his feet twisted and threw Five Flagtree behind him.

Unfathomable Mystery aimed his flying dagger at Tyrone the moment w.a.n.g Yu dashed out. Seeing how w.a.n.g Yu saved Five Flagtree, he sent the flying dagger towards Tyrones.

At the same time, Tyrone had already turned back. Seeing how w.a.n.g Yu s.n.a.t.c.hed Five Flagtree away, Tyrone was fuming mad. He stretched his pale white right hand into his ma.s.sive cape to take out a staff.

That staff was made by some unknown skeleton. Its entire body was s.h.i.+ning in gold and at its top was a skull. The eye sockets and nose bridge of the skull had a triangular formation of three huge red, green and blue gemstones carved on them. Their s.h.i.+ne blinded whoever looked at them.

Tyrone’s staff gently tapped and the blue gemstone sent out a ray of light which hit Unfathomable Mystery’s flying dagger away. Soon after, a row of white bone arrows appeared in mid-air and began stabbing towards w.a.n.g Yu’s back.

As everyone knew, w.a.n.g Yu’s senses were quite sensitive so the moment Tyrone took out his staff, w.a.n.g Yu felt the killing aura. Just in time, w.a.n.g Yu quickly dodged towards the ground and used his left hand to raise his weapon while changing it into a s.h.i.+eld.


The bone arrows rained down and made ear-piercing sounds as they hit w.a.n.g Yu’s s.h.i.+eld.

After a round of bone arrows, w.a.n.g Yu’s s.h.i.+eld’s block value was severely depleted.


After keeping his s.h.i.+eld, w.a.n.g Yu took a deep breath and cursed.

Although w.a.n.g Yu’s s.h.i.+eld was not big, it was still a G.o.d-tier equipment with defence way higher than Guardians’ Tower s.h.i.+eld which was strong yet bulky. Back then, when w.a.n.g Yu was beaten up by nearly a thousand people, it could comfortably defend him.

However, Tyrone’s damage almost wiped out this s.h.i.+eld’s block value. Luckily, w.a.n.g Yu’s s.h.i.+eld was a G.o.d-tier equipment. If not, based on Tyrone’s attack, it would have taken his life.

“What? This s.h.i.+eld?”

Seeing that w.a.n.g Yu was still alive, Tyrone was very surprised too. He stared at the s.h.i.+eld in w.a.n.g Yu’s hands and when he saw clearly what it was, his face gave off an extremely shocked expression.

Regaining his senses, Tyrone lifted the staff again. A green light flashed from the skull and a ball of poisonous green smoke gathered.

w.a.n.g Yu rolled on the ground to Tyrone’s feet then used his two hands to press against the ground. His two legs flew upwards and sent a [Thunder G.o.d’s Stomp] to Tyrone’s face.

[Thunder G.o.d’s Stomp] was a skill w.a.n.g Yu often used as it had very high judgement.

Tyrone might be a BOSS more than twenty levels higher than w.a.n.g Yu but after all, he was a monster in a human body and was a vulnerable Archer, so his immunity to control skills was not too high.

w.a.n.g Yu used both legs, putting in 120% of his strength.



In a boom, a figure representing the HP lost appeared above Tyrone’s head while it fell backwards from the kick.


As Tyrone’s skill was interrupted, the collected ball of poisonous smoke also disappeared into thin air.

It had always been w.a.n.g Yu’s style to kill him at his weakest.

Seeing that Tyrone was under the control effect, w.a.n.g Yu quickly followed up by leaping right above Tyrone, crossed his legs, then continuously used [Eagle Stomp] to step on Tyrone’s old, frail face.





A series of damage floated above Tyrone’s head. Tyrone had lost balance and after w.a.n.g Yu’s few stomps, he could not stand straight and fell to the ground with a loud thump.

w.a.n.g Yu saw this and twisted his knees aiming at Tyrone to executed a [Rus.h.i.+ng Knee] towards his neck. Moving downwards, w.a.n.g Yu’s knees aggressively smashed into Tyrone’s neck.


“Heavenly Tyrant Fist Dance!!”

Following another large damage appear, w.a.n.g Yu’s fists emitted blinding rays and with a roar, he smashed a [Heavenly Tyrant Fist Dance] onto Tyrone’s face.



In <>, combo attacks were a scary form of attack. As a Pugilist who relied on combo attacks to survive, w.a.n.g Yu’s set of combo attacks had greater operational strength than any of those mentioned on forums as the damage it could do was extremely scary.

Tyrone’s HP bar of eight million HP was reduced by 10% by w.a.n.g Yu’s combo.

Ten percent was a whole eight hundred thousand. In such a short time, not just a little Pugilist, even if it was a Magician equipped completely with G.o.d-tier equipment going all out here, he would not be able to inflict even half of the damage w.a.n.g Yu did.

Quick actions, agile and short CD time for skills were all advantages of a Pugilist. w.a.n.g Yu seamlessly used these three advantages on a textbook level to create the scariest scene a Pugilist can cause.

Seeing this, Mystery Observer who was not too far away had his jaw dropped and Unfathomable Mystery even forgot to continue attacking. Five Flagtree, on the other hand, was completely immersed in staring at w.a.n.g Yu charismatically sending out combo attacks with heart-shapes coming out from her two eyes.

At that point in time, the three of them only had one thought, “d.a.m.n, is this really a Pugilist? Why is he so different from the Pugilist I understand?”

However, just then, Tyrone who was pressed against the ground and beaten up by w.a.n.g Yu had a blue light flash out of his staff, and Tyrone’s entire body emitted white light.

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