MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1189: Team Uniform And War Flag

Chapter 1189: Team Uniform And War Flag

Familiarising actually meant experiencing the environment before the actual compet.i.tion.

The compet.i.tion environment was not complicated at all. Standing from above, one would be able to see everything. Everyone stayed in the venue even after walking one round was so that they could catch up with their old friends.

After all, everyone was from the same ring of gamers. While they might be enemies in the game, they were still friends off-game. Teams in the world of electronic games were not fixed so who knows if they might become teammates in the future? It was always better to make some friends and remain on good terms with the rest of the players.

Even though the Quan Zhen Sect was not from their ring, there were still a few familiar faces around. For example, there were Sanguine Alliance, Heavenly Alliance and many other big guilds around.

In fact, the Quan Zhen Sect even met Nian Liuyun and Purity on their way out.

It appeared that they were representing the second district for this compet.i.tion. Their squad name was very unique called ‘Pugilist Don’t Cry’.

This is what happens when a bunch of uncultured people name their squad.

After leaving the venue, the Quan Zhen Sect had nowhere to go together. Usually, their topics of conversation always revolved around the games. Therefore, everyone entered the game after leaving the venue.

Since the professional tournament was approaching, the atmosphere in the game was vastly different from before too. The streets were filled with banners especially in main cities where they were partic.i.p.ating squads. It was a truly spectacular sight.

This was especially true for Twilight City which had three partic.i.p.ating squads.

Of course, the most eye-catching one was the Bull 13 war flag that belonged to the Quan Zhen Sect. It was basically a nightmare of every player from Twilight City. If it wasn’t for the notorious reputation of the Quan Zhen Sect, people might have already torn it down.

On the third day, it was finally the day of the compet.i.tion.

The players from the Quan Zhen Sect were naturally not going to lie in bed any longer for such an exciting day. Everyone got up early, washed up and gathered in w.a.n.g Yu’s room before preparing to enter the venue.

At this moment, Evil Rampage entered w.a.n.g Yu’s room with a box in his hands.

“Come, come, everyone, take one.”

“What is this?” Everyone was surprised.

“Team uniform!” Evil Rampage threw one set to Fearless before saying, “Try it on! See if it fits!”

Fearless received the s.h.i.+rt and opened up the packaging to the shock of his life.

The colour of the s.h.i.+rt was feces yellow which Fearless couldn’t be bothered about. The problem was the LOGO on the s.h.i.+rt.

The yellow s.h.i.+rt already looked ugly and old fas.h.i.+oned enough by itself. To make things worse, it was even imprinted with a few incomparably bright-coloured Chinese characters.

On the front, it says ‘Supreme Martial Arts’ while the back writes ‘Kung Fu’. Red words on a yellow background looked just like the indecipherable handwriting sold by cheating monks on travels.

Fearless was basically trembling with the s.h.i.+rt in his hands, “This… What on earth is this… Isn’t it too…”

Kung Fu, Martial Arts… These words were basically in the same category as superst.i.tions in this generation.

It was simply a ridiculous looking outfit for anyone to put on.

The Quan Zhen Sect’s motto had always been that they could go crazy but they should never look stupid. Fearless would rather wear a female outfit than to wear this because, at the very least, it wouldn’t look stupid to others, right?

Everybody was as equally as dumbfounded when they saw the uniform.

Moments later, Spring Halo muttered, “Don’t tell me we’re wearing this up to compete? There are over a hundred thousand spectators here… Isn’t this a little too embarra.s.sing?”

“Right? And the game is broadcast live to the whole world. At any given moment, billions of people will be looking at us.” Fearless was almost on the verge of crying.

“Ugly? I think it looks pretty.” w.a.n.g Yu took the s.h.i.+rt from Fearless to measure it on himself before throwing it back to Fearless. He turned to ask Evil Rampage, “Do you have a 5X one?”


Evil Rampage flipped through the box and handed w.a.n.g Yu a much larger one as he happily put it on himself.

Everyone was left speechless.

Fearless swallowed his saliva as he asked Evil Rampage, “Then Brother Evil, is it possible for us not to wear this thing?”

“Possible!” Evil Rampage nodded.


Evil Rampage continued, “But it doesn’t matter what I say. When my father brings his group of friends here to watch the compet.i.tion, I cannot guarantee your safety if he sees that you guys are not wearing it.”

“I…” Fearless no longer knew what to say. He certainly did not want to offend people from the ring of martial arts related to Old w.a.n.g.

Evil Rampage added, “Don’t even think about running away. Even the Sect Head of Swallow Sect is here. Each one of you can forget about getting away.”

“Swallow Sect? What’s that?” everyone asked.

Yang Nuo explained, “They are a sect that specialised in Qing Gong. You see how high we are? They will not have any problem jumping off from here.”

“En!” w.a.n.g Yu complimented, “I’ve even heard that there was once an expert who jumped down from thirty floors high.”

“d.a.m.n it! Seems like we really have to do it!”

Everyone picked out the clothing of their sizes as they put it on without any further prompting.

What on earth… Jumping down from over thirty levels…

After everyone put on their outfit, Yang Nuo asked, “Jumped down from thirty floors high? Who? Why haven’t I heard of him before?”

“You’re still young when he fell to his death. So I doubt you will remember,” w.a.n.g Yu replied.

Everyone, “…”

After everyone put on their outfit, w.a.n.g Yu asked again, “Where is our war flag?”

“Right here.” Evil Rampage grabbed the box upside down as a dark red flag dropped onto the ground.

Evil Rampage picked up the flag as he pulled the flag out from the flagpole.

The flag had the words ‘A Murder Of Crows’ as well as the notorious looking symbol – Bull 13.


Fearless lowered his head at how this flag design came out at the last minute. Everyone forgot about the fact that they needed a war flag to enter the compet.i.tion. Who knew that w.a.n.g Yu would have thought about everything so carefully that he even got people to do up the war flag for this.

The compet.i.tion was about to begin, so it was too late for them to start designing a new war flag. Fearless simply commented, “Forget it! Since we’re going to lose our face and pride, let’s just go all the way! We shall settle with this flag! Let’s go!”

“Go go go go go!”

Everyone looked helpless as they followed behind w.a.n.g Yu and his brother out of the hotel and towards the compet.i.tion venue.

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