MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 135: Eight Trigrams Roaming Dragon Palm

Chapter 135: Eight Trigrams Roaming Dragon Palm

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

A high level boss that was the leader of an entire race really was much smarter than any other NPC w.a.n.g Yu had encountered. Even though he looked rough, Zeus" intelligence really couldn"t be underestimated.

Truly worthy of being an endgame boss! His decision making left even w.a.n.g Yu in awe.

Although the Blood Dragon G.o.d and Heresy Judge Wylie were both elite level 35 bosses as well, their true strength only manifested in their second forms.

Once a boss" health dropped below 30% then they would enter their second stage. This could be counted as the boss unleas.h.i.+ng its true strength. The only problem is that the boss would only have a few tens of thousands of health left at this point.

Zeus, on the other hand, was much smarter than these other bosses. Before the fight even started, he had already lowered his health to the point where he was in the second stage so that his attributes would be at their maximum right from the get-go. Even though he might seem weaker than the previous two bosses w.a.n.g Yu had fought, Zeus was undoubtedly much stronger.

Even though this was a weakened version of Zeus, he was still a level 200 boss to begin with. In his current state, a single attack would have been more than enough to kill w.a.n.g Yu already. To even survive this fight, w.a.n.g Yu already had to perfectly dodge every single one of Zeus" attacks.

"Honourable dragon slayer, are you ready? I"m about to start attacking!" Zeus declared as he lowered his head. Following this, his entire body practically turned into a ball of pure lightning and he charged straight at w.a.n.g Yu.

In the face of Zeus" [Lightning Slam], w.a.n.g Yu remained calm and unhurriedly dodged to the side and completely avoided it.

However before w.a.n.g Yu even had to time to stabilise himself, Zeus reverted back to his normal form and violently slammed the ground.

"s.h.i.+t!" w.a.n.g Yu immediately casted [Rippling Wave] at Zeus and borrowed the recoil to retreat.

Just as w.a.n.g Yu escaped, a series of waves spread out in a two metre area around the spot where Zeus had punched the ground.

"Ssssssh..." w.a.n.g Yu sucked in a cold breath of air. Zeus really was deserving of the t.i.tle of end game boss. The way that he fought and used his skills even had a specific rhythm! If w.a.n.g Yu had been even a second slower, he would already have died!

Seeing that w.a.n.g Yu had managed to dodge both his skills, Zeus couldn"t help but chuckle: "No wonder you"re a dragon slayer! Come, take this hammer!"

As he spoke, Zeus raised his hammer into the air and then suddenly vanished.

"Hm?" After Zeus disappeared, w.a.n.g Yu completely focussed all his senses around his to try and find Zeus. However, no matter how he concentrated, he couldn"t sense Zeus anywhere near him…


w.a.n.g Yu jerked his head upwards and saw Zeus falling right on top of him, with his hammer aimed right at w.a.n.g Yu"s head!

w.a.n.g Yu immediately rolled out of the way and avoided Zeus" attack. After that, w.a.n.g Yu quickly took out a pill from his inventory and ate it, then charged at Zeus again.

[Adrenaline Pill]: Raises all attributes by 300% for 50 seconds and lose 2% of maximum HP every second.

The Adrenaline Pill was almost the same as hacking in this game. If w.a.n.g Yu had any other choice then he wouldn"t have wanted to use it either. However, Zeus wasn"t any slower than w.a.n.g Yu was and he had incredibly high damage on top of it…

w.a.n.g Yu"s family had a saying, strength rules all else. With Zeus" high damage, even if w.a.n.g Yu tried to use taiji quan to deflect or redirect Zeus" attacks, it would still have been incredibly difficult to avoid death. Hence, the only way to defeat Zeus was to consume the Adrenaline Pill and increase his own speed.

Seeing w.a.n.g Yu"s sudden increase in speed, Zeus hesitated for a moment before steeling himself and swing his hammer again.

After eating the Adrenaline Pill, w.a.n.g Yu"s speed was simply incomparable to what was before. w.a.n.g Yu shot forward and dodged Zeus" hammer with ease and used [Flying Knee] to grab on to Zeus" right hand and then twisted it behind him. After that, w.a.n.g Yu sent a kick towards Zeus" lower back, causing a large -4125 to float above his head.

With Zeus" size and strength, w.a.n.g Yu wouldn"t have been able to grab on and twist his arm like that if it wasn"t for [Flying Knee]. Even though w.a.n.g Yu had grabbed on to his hand, if Zeus had forcibly swung his arm then w.a.n.g Yu would still have been sent flying.

Because of this, w.a.n.g Yu had decided to cancel his skill and kick himself off. By the time Zeus had swung his arm backwards in retaliation, w.a.n.g Yu had already long since released his arm and retreated. Dodging his attack again, w.a.n.g Yu activated [Thunder G.o.d"s Stomp] directly kicked Zeus" thigh.

However ,because of Zeus great strength, he didn"t even flinch under the effects of [Thunder G.o.d"s Stomp], let alone fall to his knees like w.a.n.g Yu had expected.

"Too monstrous..." w.a.n.g Yu muttered in surprise.

Zeus on the other hand was even more surprised than w.a.n.g Yu. Although he had lowered himself to level 35, he should still have been an untouchable existence to a level 20 Pugilist like w.a.n.g Yu. However, w.a.n.g Yu was like a shadow that he couldn"t even touch. Not only did all his skills miss, w.a.n.g yu had even managed to damage him twice already!

"Arrgh!" Having been struck twice by w.a.n.g Yu, Zeus indignantly roared and activated his [Lightning Slam] and shot straight for w.a.n.g Yu behind him.

In the face of this, w.a.n.g Yu merely laughed and leapt forward. Twisting his body, w.a.n.g Yu suddenly appeared in front of Zeus and send his palm up towards Zeus" chin, immediately stunning him.

Eight Trigrams Roaming Dragon Palm!!

This set of martial arts was famed as the most cruel out of all the bare handed techniques in traditional chinese martial arts. Out of the thirty two moves, only four of them were actual attacks. The other twenty eight were were merely stances that were meant to compliment these four attacks.

The main focus of this technique was the word roaming. Once mastered or at the very least brought to a sufficient level, no enemy would even be able to come into contact with the user!

To train in this martial art, one first had to train his stamina for several years by continuously running… In reality, this style of training was no different from an olympic marathon runner so it gradually fell out of popularity.

The w.a.n.g clan"s martial arts emphasised stability and ferocity so w.a.n.g Yu naturally wouldn"t have trained in marathon running. Even so, he had still learnt the basics of this style once in his youth.

The purpose of all the long distance running in the training was to train one"s stamina. Since stamina was limitless in this game, w.a.n.g Yu didn"t have to worry about anything and immediately decided to take advantage of his speed and endless stamina to use this set of palm techniques.

Of course, the main reason that this worked was because Zeus" own fighting abilities were too simple and crude. If w.a.n.g Yu was facing an NPC that was a Pugilist then he naturally wouldn"t have chosen the Eight Trigrams Roaming Dragon Palm to fight with.

If it had been anyone else that just received w.a.n.g Yu"s palm strike, they would already have been flipped by him! This really was a testament to how strong Zeus truly was… Using his half baked Roaming Dragon Palm actually worked…

When Zeus had weakened himself, it had been based on w.a.n.g Yu"s attributes. Because of this, Zeus" own speed had been roughly similar to w.a.n.g Yu"s own. What he didn"t expect was for w.a.n.g Yu to suddenly take a pill and triple all his attributes.

Zeus had only 50000 health at the moment. Even amongst lower level bosses this was still considered incredibly little.. With his attributes tripled, every attack that w.a.n.g Yu sent out was equivalent to a tenth of Zeus" health.

Zeus had originally intended to suppress w.a.n.g Yu with his attributes alone, however now he had been completely outsmarted… Before the 50 seconds had even finished, w.a.n.g Yu had already beaten Zeus into a ray of white light…

"That"s it?"

Even w.a.n.g Yu himself hadn"t imagined that he could kill any boss with such ease...

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