MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1370: The Stubborn Scarless

Chapter 1370: The Stubborn Scarless

“Hm! That’s a good weapon!”

w.a.n.g Yu’s eyes shone as he caught the dagger that was headed for him.


Scarless cursed silently when she realised that she had lost her weapon once again.

The dagger might only have simple designs but it was an Obsidian grade equipment. It could enhance the speed of the user to the point it exceeded even an Archer’s killing skill.

The reason it was previously taken away by Boson was because the dagger had flown quite a distance and its speed was reduced from the curvature of the trajectory. However, Scarless this time was only a few feet away from w.a.n.g Yu and yet the same thing occurred. Scarless was amazed at both w.a.n.g Yu’s reaction time and his attack speed.

Scarless herself reacted quickly as the battle unfolded. As soon as she lost her weapon, she flipped her left hand and a new dagger appeared in its grasp. With the rope in her right hand, she rushed towards w.a.n.g Yu.

w.a.n.g Yu casually raised his dagger to meet her blow for blow.


A clanging sound reverberated in their ears. As w.a.n.g Yu parried her attack, the disparity in strength led to Scarless losing her balance momentarily.

w.a.n.g Yu’s figure flashed and he moved to the other side of Scarless in an instant.

Although w.a.n.g Yu was holding the dagger, there was still the rope attached to it in the grasp of Scarless. When he flitted to the other side, the rope naturally followed his movement. With a subtle flick, the loose rope was flicked under Scarless’s feet as they wrapped around her leg.

Following that, w.a.n.g Yu pulled tightly on the rope.


Scarless crashed to the ground with a loud thud.

Before she could process what had happened, she was lying on the ground with her eyes wide open. She stared at w.a.n.g Yu who was brandis.h.i.+ng the dagger at her, completely at a loss of what to feel.

After a brief moment, she recollected herself and pointed at w.a.n.g Yu with trepidation, “This… No! This is not possible, how do you know the [Traceless Snow Steps]!!”

That’s right, what w.a.n.g Yu had just executed were the [Traceless Snow Steps] from Moon Shadow Faction. It was the same move that Scarless had utilised repeatedly to mock the other players from Quan Zhen Sect.

“I learnt it!”

w.a.n.g Yu coldly answered with a single sentence before looping the excess rope around Scarless’s neck. She was now fully incapacitated with her neck and feet bounded together.

w.a.n.g Yu did not believe she could run away while being bound in this manner.

“Not possible!!”

Scarless was still coming to terms with the new revelation and did not even realise she was being restrained. She pointed at w.a.n.g Yu and exclaimed, “Moon Shadow Faction is a family clan! I don’t remember you as my martial brother!”

“I know!”

w.a.n.g Yu simply extended his hand, “Pa.s.s me the claw!”


Scarless looked down at the claw that was in her hands as she handed it over to w.a.n.g Yu without any trickery.

w.a.n.g Yu knotted both ends of the rope before continuing, “I learnt it from you.”

“Bullsh*t! I don’t even recognise you, how could I possibly teach you?” Scarless replied in exasperation.

“Pfft!” w.a.n.g Yu paid her no heed, “Do you think I need you to teach me this half-baked martial art? I learnt simply by looking at it a few times!”

“Learnt it after seeing it a few times?”

Scarless was stupefied after hearing w.a.n.g Yu’s claims…

[Traceless Snow Steps] was a movement skill that Scarless had started learning from a young age. She had to practice for over 10 years before she could claim to be a master… To think that w.a.n.g Yu had learnt it just by looking at it a few times… Scarless’s current emotional state was at a new low. It was not simply the fact that an outsider had stolen their martial arts.

It was like a course that you spent ten years slogging hard at. However, another person comes along and he understands all the content in an instant… This sort of situation makes people doubt the meaning of life.

Scarless was unwilling to completely believe what w.a.n.g Yu said but based on her understanding of w.a.n.g Yu’s character, he was a person who did not resort to deception.

In actual fact, w.a.n.g Yu’s claim was not an exaggeration at all.

For martial arts, there are many paths but eventually, these paths converge into a single path!

w.a.n.g Yu was a generational talent martial arts Grandmaster. His understanding of martial arts had already reached the pinnacle. He could already understand [Seven Star Steps] in an instant so naturally, [Traceless Snow Steps] posed no difficulty to him.

Scarless dug herself a pit the moment she chose w.a.n.g Yu as a model to compare herself with…

“You stinky fart! You stinky fart!”

Scarless was on the ground shouting and wailing. She was behaving like a kid in the supermarket when the parent did not give in to her when she wanted to buy snacks.

w.a.n.g Yu paid her no heed and pulled the rope in his hands. Scarless was bound tightly as w.a.n.g Yu dragged the rope along back in the City Lord Mansion.

Since many players had been online and Twilight City’s gate was closed, they were all loitering on the streets.

Scarless was counted as an attractive lady with a good figure. Many players wanted to play the role of her knight in s.h.i.+ning armour to save this damsel in distress.

Once they ascertained the ident.i.ty of the man who was mistreating her, they immediately shut up and some even volunteered to do the dirty work for w.a.n.g Yu. w.a.n.g Yu was happily rejecting the kind help from the

On the following day, the females from Twilight City felt that their lives were threatened so many of them left the city for good in search of other cities to settle down in.

This was just a footnote of course. It was completely unimportant.

The members from Quan Zhen Sect were a.s.sured when w.a.n.g Yu took responsibility for this matter. Everyone had been waiting for a long time the moment the two entered the residence.

When the incapacitated players from Monarch saw that their leader had been captured and dragged into the door like a dead dog, they lost all hope.

w.a.n.g Yu casually threw Scarless into the corner under the feet of her subordinates. He looked at her and said, “If you dare to gamble, then be prepared to admit defeat. I have already restrained and caught you. Isn’t this the time to hand over the seal!”


Scarless gazed at him with a stubborn expression, “I am a woman after all. Didn’t your mum teach you not to trust a woman’s words?”

The item drop rate in <> was not high. This rate fell even more for extremely rare items. Scarless felt that as long as she did not willingly hand over the seal, w.a.n.g Yu would have no way of dealing with her! Death was a better option compared to losing it!

w.a.n.g Yu hated unscrupulous players that did not honor their prior agreements. With a darkened face, he turned over to Scarless who was still being headstrong, “Do you really think I have no way of dealing with you?”

“What? Are you going to search my body?” Scarless glared at him with sharp eyes.

Was it the case that cultivating qing gong resulted in the pract.i.tioner having loose morals as well?

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