MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1531: I’m Illiterate!

Chapter 1531: I’m Illiterate!


When they saw how arrogantly Anthun left, Prairie Fire responded in shock, “What happened just now? What ability did that old tortoise use?”

“Quit calling him an old tortoise. That’s a G.o.d-grade BOSS!” w.a.n.g Yu responded informatively, “He removed the seal. If you scold him however you like, he might take your life anytime.”

“G.o.d-grade BOSS? Are you for real?” Prairie Fire asked as he smiled.

Clearly, Prairie Fire didn’t believe a single word w.a.n.g Yu said.

A G.o.d-grade BOSS was a legend-like existence. It had sufficient power to exterminate the heavens and earth. How could it wade around in this lake and target humans like this?

Furthermore, a G.o.d-grade BOSS was an overwhelming existence. This old tortoise looked nothing like one.

“Of course it’s true!” w.a.n.g Yu affirmed.

“Then, what were you talking about just now?” Prairie Fire asked.

“Nothing!” w.a.n.g Yu responded casually, “He was begging to become one of my entourage; so, I signed a contract with him…”

“Haha, Brother Bull really knows how to crack a joke. Let’s go!” When he heard w.a.n.g Yu’s words, Prairie Fire didn’t bother asking more. Well, since his brothers were asking for help so sincerely, there was no reason for him to pry into the matter.

Of course, w.a.n.g Yu knew that Prairie Fire didn’t believe anything he said. However, he couldn’t be bothered to explain any further. After all, matters would come to light eventually. No matter how much you explained, n.o.body would believe it.

Just like how Uncle Bull talked about how he and the Monkey King were sworn brothers and he was the eldest out of them, n.o.body believed him. So, he wasn’t going to explain further. w.a.n.g Yu understood the author’s feelings. As long as they didn’t believe the explanation, there was no point.

In the future, when somebody asked about what w.a.n.g Yu was like, Prairie Fire only explained it in one sentence. “He’s pretty nice and strong, but he really likes to show off and exaggerate…”

After pa.s.sing through the lake, there was only a short distance before they reached Giant Dragon Castle.

Along the way, they didn’t meet other BOSSES. Instead, there were regular mobs and they didn’t face any hiccups. After an hour, they finally spotted Giant Dragon Castle in the distance.

How should one describe the Giant Dragon Castle? Grandiose wasn’t good enough. However, other than that, there was no way Old Bull could describe it. There was only one way to talk about it; it was humongous!

It was a lot larger than being large.

Since it was Giant Dragon Castle, the place where a large group of lizards lived wouldn’t be too small.

Staring into the distance, Giant Dragon Castle was like a tall mountain that stood in the distance. It glimmered with gold and sparkled under the bright sun. n.o.body could tell if it was a mountain or a castle.

Outside the castle, there was a castle lake which spanned ten feet long. In the middle of it, several castle bridges that were dozens of metres wide stationed themselves across the lake.

If these large lizards could fly, what was the point of building these bridges? Was it to allow people to enter and exit easily?

Anyway, the game designers’ brains were far too unique. It was something players’ dared not imagine.

Across the bridge, there was a large city gate that was dozens of metres wide and 20-over feet tall. A red dragon lay down at the two sides of the city gates.

That’s right; they were lying down. Ma.s.sive dragons had dominated ever since they were born. As such, they acted as they wished. To put things plainly, they were lazy…

Even if they were stationed at the gates, they wouldn’t miss the chance to take a nap.

It was understandable for Giant Dragon Castle. The Giant Dragon tribe wasn’t a place where anyone would mess around. The so-called guards were nothing more than a formality.

Of course, whether or not it was a formality, in the face of two mature dragons, Prairie Fire and the others behaved properly.

What a joke! These two giant dragons were both BOSSES no matter where they were. Who would do anything stupid in front of them?

“Brother Bull, how should we wake them up?”

“Why should we wake them up?” w.a.n.g Yu asked in confusion, “Just cross the gates…”

“Wouldn’t that be trespa.s.sing?” Prairie Fire refused his suggestion in an upright manner, “We came to Giant Dragon Castle for a discussion. We shouldn’t offend them.”

With that, Prairie Fire stepped forward and pulled out an arrow. Then, he began tickling a dragon’s nose with it.

As he tickled the dragon, he shouted gently, “h.e.l.lo, sorry to disturb you…”

“This idiot…” Seeing this, w.a.n.g Yu broke into a cold sweat.

Prairie Fire was an expert, too. After playing the game for such a long time, he didn’t learn a single thing. He really thought that this game was played by the rules.


With Prairie Fire’s disturbance, that giant dragon sneezed viciously and woke up…

Luckily, Prairie Fire dodged quickly. That mouthful of dragon’s saliva would have killed Prairie Fire.

Shaking its head, that dragon woke up as it stared at Prairie Fire bleary-eyed. He asked angrily, “Who are you? You dare to disturb me in my sleep?”

“I’m Prairie Fire!” Prairie Fire pulled out an invitation and handed it over, “We’ve been invited to Giant Dragon Castle.”

“What’s that?” the dragon asked in confusion.

“It says so in the letter.” Prairie Fire wiped his sweat.

The dragon cursed angrily, “I can’t f*cking read!”


w.a.n.g Yu burst out into laughter.

It seemed like the Giant Dragon Tribe had low literacy rates. However, it was pretty shocking. What made his b.a.l.l.s shake was the fact that these giant lizards weren’t ashamed of it. Instead, they were proud; what kind of logic was that?

Prairie Fire explained hurriedly, “The Ice Giant Dragon Tribe’s Elder Haagen-Daaz gave this invitation to me. He told me to find a dragon named Manda.”

“Elder Manda?” That dragon thought about it before he replied, “Elder Manda is the Giant Dragon Castle’s Elder Sect’s guild leader. Why are you looking for him?”

“It’s stated in this invitation!” Prairie Fire explained as he wiped his sweat.

“I can’t f*cking read!” The dragon soldier responded irritably, “Read it to me!”

“D*mn, this is in dragon language. How can I understand it?!” Seeing how difficult the gatekeeper was, Prairie Fire panicked too. He mimicked the dragon’s tone.

“Hmph!” The dragon glared at Prairie Fire as he said, “Since you don’t understand, I can’t let you in unless you step over my dead body.”

With that, the dragon slapped the invitation back into Prairie Fire’s face.


Being played by the NPC in front of w.a.n.g Yu left Prairie Fire feeling embarra.s.sed. However, what could he do? He couldn’t beat him up like w.a.n.g Yu…

“That’s right, he’ll listen once you teach him a lesson!” With that, Prairie Fire’s eyes lit up, “Brother Bull, how about you teach him a lesson?”

w.a.n.g Yu was the man who beat the Golden Drake BOSS to a pulp, forcing him to beg for forgiveness. Taking care of a regular dragon would take nothing more than a few minutes from him.

“I can’t.” w.a.n.g Yu extended his hands as he repeated Prairie Fire’s words, “We came to Dragon Castle for a discussion. We shouldn’t offend them.”

“…” Prairie Fire’s face turned as green as a bitter gourd.

“Alright!” Seeing Prairie Fire’s expression, w.a.n.g Yu finally gave in, “I’ll give it a try.”

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