MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1571: Light, Darkness And Creation

Chapter 1571: Light, Darkness And Creation

“Dong!” “Dong!” “Dong!”

The Holy Light Spirit’s head constantly knocked against the stairs as it let out terrifying noises. Soon after, The Holy Light Spirit was forcefully dragged to the second level.

This light bulb was truly not showing off for no reason. The light that came out of his head was indeed eternal and after being dragged up by w.a.n.g Yu, it did not extinguish.

The Holy Light Spirit was more desperate than anyone had been. As a mighty Holy Light Spirit, he was actually used as a torch. How ridiculous?!

Even though there was light, the darkness in the second level did not disperse but w.a.n.g Yu felt more a.s.sured with the light. Therefore, he started moving around while dragging the Holy Light Spirit around.

There was no end to the darkness and w.a.n.g Yu had no idea how far he had walked or whether he was walking on the same spot. After a full ten minutes, w.a.n.g Yu did not even see the end of the level.

Holy Light Spirit continued pestering him, “I’ve already told you that as long as you do not merge with me, there will not be light in this world.”

“Is that so?”

w.a.n.g Yu pondered for a moment and said, “If I kill you now, will there be two of you?”

“Of course! Holy light is eternal!”

The Holy Light Spirit replied proudly.

“Alright!” w.a.n.g Yu continued, “It seems like using you as merely a light bulb isn’t going to work. I have to use you as a road sign too.”

After walking for some time, w.a.n.g Yu finally understood something.

He wasn’t able to walk out of the darkness because he didn’t have light as well as a sense of direction.

Since the Holy Light Spirit could clone, it would solve this problem that he had. Light in a dark place like that was extremely clear so placing each Holy Light Spirit would serve as a good reference object.

As long as he killed while walking, he would regain his sense of direction with these reference objects. In this manner, it wouldn’t be hard for w.a.n.g Yu to find the boundaries of the darkness.


The Holy Light Spirit’s expression changed drastically when he heard what w.a.n.g Yu said. His face was filled with incredible despair, “Alright, I admit defeat! Take forty-two steps forward and then thirteen steps to the left and you will arrive at the centre of this world. Placing me there and you will have light all over this place.”

“Haha! Many thanks!”

w.a.n.g Yu smiled when he saw how cooperative the Holy Light Spirit was. By following the instructions given by the Holy Light Spirit, there was indeed an eccentric pedestal with a magical inscription on it.

w.a.n.g Yu inserted the Holy Light Spirit there without much hesitation.


Light shone across the entire room.

Concurrently, a faintly discernible voice could be heard by w.a.n.g Yu’s ears, “G.o.d says: There must be light and with light in the world, day and night can be differentiated.”

w.a.n.g Yu’s hand suddenly became heavier as a hairdryer appeared on his hand…

Because of the light, w.a.n.g Yu realised that the room in the second level wasn’t big but the darkness caused one to lose his sense of direction and hence, target.

In this manner, it seemed like the holy light wasn’t completely useless.

After completing the quest on the second level, w.a.n.g Yu continued walking up. As he arrived at the third level, he realised that while there was light, the entire world was covered with water…

w.a.n.g Yu took out the hairdryer and started blowing the water. As the water split apart, there was air within heaven and earth. The quest was completed and w.a.n.g Yu obtained another quest good ‘bowl’.

On the fourth level, w.a.n.g Yu placed the bowl on the floor as the water gathered to form an ocean. Now there were land, ocean and plants growing on the land.

At this point, everyone should be able to tell that w.a.n.g Yu’s current quest wasn’t as difficult as first expected. Besides the first two levels which were slightly harder, the following few were all autonomous CG animations.

The content of the animation was basically according to the background story of the game. It was essentially going according to the legendary G.o.d of Light’s Seven Days of Creation and w.a.n.g Yu’s role was the G.o.d of Light.

Wherever the G.o.d of Light walks, he creates a new world.

On the fifth level, w.a.n.g Yu created the sun, moon and stars.

On the sixth level, w.a.n.g Yu created fish and birds.

On the seventh level, w.a.n.g Yu created wild animals, insects and humans…

After creating everything, there was no longer another staircase for him to climb. Just as w.a.n.g Yu did not know what to do, a holy light suddenly descended from the sky which enveloped w.a.n.g Yu within it. Shortly after, the scene in front of w.a.n.g Yu changed and he was teleported to the very top of the G.o.d’s Tower.

As the holy light disappeared, w.a.n.g Yu appeared in front of a solemnly dignified white church.

The church was incredibly magnificent and spectacular. While w.a.n.g Yu was in awe of the church, an aura surged out from the church.

w.a.n.g Yu carried the Dragon Emperor bloodline and possessed the t.i.tle of a Dragon Slayer so an aura like that wasn’t effective against w.a.n.g Yu.

Looking at the church in front of him, w.a.n.g Yu muttered to himself, “G.o.d’s Resting Land? It seems like this is where the G.o.d of Light died and the G.o.d’s Glory should be here too.”

As he spoke, w.a.n.g Yu continued to disregard the aura that was surging out from the church. He even invited himself to walk into the church.

This was unlike the previous churches that w.a.n.g Yu came across in the past. In the past, one would see a ma.s.sive cross and a statue hanged on the cross. Beneath the image of G.o.d would be the podium where the priest delivered his teachings.

But the first thing w.a.n.g Yu saw after walking into this church was a ma.s.sive throne.

A benign-faced old man in white was seated on the throne.

However, that old man appeared like he didn’t have a material existence as he looked merely like an afterimage.

It seemed like the designers of the game had something against old people. Although not all sinister fellas were old, all old men were sinister fellas.

As a generational master, w.a.n.g Yu had a kind of instinct for top experts. Looking at this old man, he suddenly s.h.i.+vered as he quickly checked him out.

The outcome was expected as this old man was filled with question marks proving that he was an absolute supreme expert.

The old man could also sense w.a.n.g Yu checking him out and even though it was rather rude, the old man wasn’t bothered. He spoke first, “You’re here…”

The old man’s voice sounded very holy and even though there were no emotions involved, w.a.n.g Yu had an immense urge to prostrate himself in wors.h.i.+p.

“You are?”

After his spirits were lifted, w.a.n.g Yu asked.


Seeing how w.a.n.g Yu was not enticed by his voice, the old man was startled as he looked astonished.

“My name is Luke, the G.o.d of Light!” the old man replied but his voice seemed pretty weak.

“G.o.d of Light!! Aren’t you dead?” w.a.n.g Yu asked doubtfully.

“Which explains my current state.”

Luke smiled bitterly, “Since you’re here, let us begin. Come, come to me and offer me your formidable physique.”


w.a.n.g Yu was stunned, “Offer my physique? Are you still asleep?”


Luke was also stunned when he heard w.a.n.g Yu’s words. He started sizing w.a.n.g Yu up and asked, “Didn’t you merge with the Holy Light Spirit?”

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