MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1578: Extreme Combo

Chapter 1578: Extreme Combo

Even though w.a.n.g Yu was in the [Blind] state, he had a lot of room for error in his battle against Luke. However, he remained pa.s.sive the entire time, having to rely on his senses to launch counterattacks.

Once his [Blind] state ended, it was like unsealing w.a.n.g Yu’s vision.

Even with his eyes shut, Luke wasn’t a match for him. Now that w.a.n.g Yu regained his vision, a man who could now go on the offensive was no longer a man forced to stay in his pa.s.sive state.

His attack rate increased exponentially.

Even though Luke didn’t manage to take advantage of w.a.n.g Yu at all, he had the upper-hand in the battle before, suppressing w.a.n.g Yu as he fought.

Now that w.a.n.g Yu could take the initiative, Luke lost the last remnants of his advantage.

Old man Luke couldn’t even defeat w.a.n.g Yu while he was blinded. Now that w.a.n.g Yu regained his status, how could he defeat him at all?

w.a.n.g Yu’s speed improved tremendously when he switched from defensive to offensive. The angles of his attacks were even more tricky.

Luke was not an agile BOSS and with such a ma.s.sive body, he was filled with gaps so there was no way he could defend himself against w.a.n.g Yu’s attacks.

At the same time, Luke had been chasing after w.a.n.g Yu’s attacks the entire time. Now, he didn’t have any ability to retaliate. He could only borrow the power of [Divine Light] to resist w.a.n.g Yu’s barrage of attacks.


Director Li chipped in, “He must be hacking. As a magic BOSS, why is Luke using physical attacks against him instead of his skills? Should we run a check on Luke’s attributes?”

“Director Li, quit joking.” Zhao Xinpei continued, “A G.o.d-grade BOSS like Luke has one of the strongest monitoring systems attached to him. He’s under constant surveillance. If there were any discrepancies, the system service would shut down the map automatically. Don’t you know this?”

As expected, Zhao Xinpei wasn’t there for show. With Ma Longteng around, he didn’t lay low anymore. Not only did he vent all his usual frustration, he even exposed Director Li’s unfamiliarity with the system.

As an executive in the gaming company, he wasn’t even familiar with the system. Comparing his knowledge with the technicians working under him, this was a complete mystery.

As Zhao Xinpei antagonized him, Director Li’s heart jumped as he added hurriedly, “Then, why isn’t Luke using his skills?”

“Enough, stop talking!”

Seeing Director Li dig his own grave, Ma Longteng’s expression turned darker as he waved his hands, “As an executive of the technology department, can’t you tell?”

“Huh? What?” Director Li was confused.

“Little Zhao, tell him!” Ma Longteng was exasperated.

Not only was the technology department in charge of game development, but they also had to undergo game testing. Director Li couldn’t even figure out the most basic, fundamental situation. How did he even get to that position?

“That’s because Luke’s skills were all cancelled!” Zhao Xinfei pointed to w.a.n.g Yu and Luke while he said this. Then, he replayed the video on slow-motion.

Director Li widened his eyes as he stared at the screen.

As expected, as a G.o.d-grade BOSS, Luke had extremely high intelligence stats. When w.a.n.g Yu opened his eyes, Luke sensed that w.a.n.g Yu was going to retaliate. He began casting a skill at once.

However, just as Luke lifted his hands, w.a.n.g Yu lifted his left hand and captured Luke’s wrist. With that, he unleashed [Savage Maul].

[Savage Maul] was a grappling technique. It could even break through [Super Armour]. While Luke had [Divine Light] protecting his body, w.a.n.g Yu managed to pull his arm aside.

Just as he forcibly disrupted Luke’s skills, w.a.n.g Yu used [Thunder Stomp] in the region between Luke’s two legs. That was commonly known as the crotch.

It was evident that Luke had the [Invulnerable] status on him. An ability like [Thunder Stomp] dealt no damage to him. However, Luke backed off several steps from w.a.n.g Yu’s attack, avoiding his grab.

As a G.o.d, Luke had pride. Being stomped like that on his crotch made him furious. When he shook himself free from w.a.n.g Yu’s grab, Luke hurriedly began chanting a spell as he steadied himself.

A BOSS at this level could cast a spell using incantations. However, once Luke began talking, w.a.n.g Yu lowered his head and charged straight at Luke. His right hand flexed into a claw as it penetrated Luke’s defence. Swinging his arm violently, he grabbed Luke’s neck.


Luke’s magical incantation stopped immediately as w.a.n.g Yu’s left hand captured him.

“Pa pa!”

Two loud, resounding sounds ensued. With a left and a right, w.a.n.g Yu awarded Luke with two great slaps.


With these two slaps, Luke’s hair stood up straight in rage. His eyes were about to shoot fire. Behind the screen, everyone sensed Luke’s anger.

When he saw Luke’s response, w.a.n.g Yu revealed a smile of satisfaction. As the saying went, when you fight a G.o.d, you start with a slap. If you kick a G.o.d, begin from the crotch. That was the intended effect of the saying.

That was because w.a.n.g Yu knew that the legendary G.o.d-grade BOSS didn’t understand regular hooligans’ fighting methods.

A typical monster didn’t have AI. Attacking their crotch or slapping them would only increase their aggro to you. In a 1v1 situation, it wouldn’t make a difference.

However, it wasn’t the same for Luke. This old man had high battle power and AI. While w.a.n.g Yu fought him like this, in terms of the actual battle situation, w.a.n.g Yu didn’t have the upper hand at all. After all, Luke had suffered several attacks already, but his HP bar didn’t fall at all.

Furthermore, this type of BOSS’ battle ability increased in-battle. The longer you battled, the worst he got. At that rate, Luke would grow stronger before a single bar of his health dropped.

The main reason for this was Luke’s high AI. To resolve this problem, one had to make him lose his sanity. In this case, rage was crucial in influencing one’s sanity.

Just as w.a.n.g Yu predicted, once Luke was triggered, his strength and speed increased exponentially. However, as his sanity receded, Luke’s attacks became more one-dimensional, with a broader focus on attacks. However, he completely neglected defence…

With this, w.a.n.g Yu’s attack rate increased even further.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

w.a.n.g Yu’s fists and legs targeted Luke continuously. When Luke gave up his defence, w.a.n.g Yu’s attacks began to acc.u.mulate.

At first, w.a.n.g Yu’s consecutive attacks would stop after 10 or 20 combos. However, Luke’s combo acc.u.mulated to 14.

With his actions, w.a.n.g Yu displayed the textbook meaning of a Pugilist’s combo attacks.

All of a sudden, everyone’s gazes in the surveillance room directed to w.a.n.g Yu, who was in the heat of a top-tier battle.

With w.a.n.g Yu’s combo attack, everyone nodded rhythmically, while not a single person dared to make a sound. They were afraid that they would break this terrifying combo if they spoke.

At this point, Ma Longteng was completely sold by w.a.n.g Yu. He completely forgot that w.a.n.g Yu was a possible hacker.

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