MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 508

Following this, a voice could be heard, "Little Yun, I haven"t even arrived yet, don"t be in such a hurry!".

Nian Liuyun raised his head and gasped, "Brother Bull?".

"Of course its me!" w.a.n.g Yu said as the long pole in his hand wavered. Nian Liuyun stumbled backwards and rolled to the side.

"F*ck me! You managed to kill them in such a short amount of time?".

A look of shock appeared on all of Hidden Lurker"s men"s faces.

The monster they were talking about was the seven headed glacial ancient beast that was over LVL50, how could it have been killed so quickly?

"Kill him!".

Hidden Lurker gave the command.

His squad was here for the purpose of a.s.sisting Nian Liyun and was comprised of powerful players. Thunderstorm City was naturally known for its Thunder Skills, when in formation, the damage output was vicious.

The tanks raised their s.h.i.+elds and rushed forward while the archers shot from the back as the mages unleased bolts of lightning.

If they were against any other person, Hidden Lurker did not need to use such a large formation, but Hidden Lurker knew just how powerful w.a.n.g Yu was.

To prevent him from dodging AOE skills, the mages did not cast the lightning spells in unison, rather, they used it in consecutive fas.h.i.+on.

Consecutive Lightning Bolts was a spell that dished out ma.s.sive amounts of damage that could take up to 70% of a player"s HP. This was the bread and b.u.t.ter spell of the Thunder Mage… If w.a.n.g Yu was. .h.i.t by one of them, he would be stunned, which basically rendered him dead.

The cast speed was tremendously fast as well, but there was a weakness- the spell was not an AOE spell, there had to be a target locked on for a high hit rate. If there was not a target that could be selected, the skill"s power was weakened significantly.

w.a.n.g Yu"s reaction time was insane, only his after image could be seen as he dodged both the tank"s charge and the consecutive bolts of lightning. Despite all these, his body never left the one metre radius of the Snow Blooming Lotus.

"Is he human?".

Hidden Lurker"s men had their jaws on the ground. The Quan Zhen Sect was the sworn enemy of Hidden Lurker, and w.a.n.g Yu was the biggest threat in the Sect. This formation was specifically designed to counter him.

Even Nian Liuyun would have fallen to this formation, who knew w.a.n.g Yu could move so casually under its a.s.sault… this was too terrifying.

Originally, it was hard to determine whether w.a.n.g Yu or Nian Liuyun was more powerful. But seeing both of their powers now, it was clear to Hidden Lurker that both of them were sick players. Their potentials might have been similar, but w.a.n.g Yu was definitely stronger.

This was, of course, not just because they were over LVL50.

"Don"t give him time to breathe!" Hidden Lurker commanded.

w.a.n.g Yu danced pa.s.sed the bolts of lightning as he used the long pole in his hand to parry the arrows. At that moment, the two tanks charged over at him.

w.a.n.g Yu smiled and tumbled forward, sweeping the pole behind him and exposing the two hidden Following this, he grabbed each one of them and tossed them at the two tanks.

He unleashed a crus.h.i.+ng blow, sending the four men into the sky as he used [Thunder G.o.d"s Stomp] to send them to the ground. A fiery aura surrounded his body was he unleashed a tornado kick.

The two tanks and two were sucked back before they could do anything as they were scattered by his kick.

This was the LVL40 skill of the Battle Monk which had ma.s.sive amounts of damage in an AOE. The resultant crowd control was less, in this situation, it was non existent, because the four men were vanquished by w.a.n.g Yu"s attack.

"F*ck! Liuyun, fight him!" without his front line, Hidden Lurker did not dare to fight w.a.n.g Yu.

Nian Liuyun leapt forward and used dragged his right leg vigorously across the ground, unleas.h.i.+ng [Mountain Scouring Horse Kick] at w.a.n.g Yu.

The two of them had agreed earlier that if they met while doing the quest, none of them would be merciful, this attack was meant to kill.

The Mountain Scouring Horse Kick was an essential skill in the Eight Baji Quan, w.a.n.g Yu did not dare to estimate its power.

w.a.n.g Yu had a serious look on his face as his left hand was placed in a protective manner over his waist while his right hand hovered in front of his chest. There was a slight bent at his knees as he stared at Nian Liu Yun.

Nian Liuyun went forward as w.a.n.g Yu took a step back, reaching out to parry Nian Liuyun"s with his left hand while his right hand gripped him tightly.

w.a.n.g Yu swiftly turned around and tossed him over his shoulder!

w.a.n.g Yu had originally thought that this was enough to toss him away, but who knew that an overwhelming force suddenly emerged from Nian Liuyun and overcame w.a.n.g Yu, tossing him downwards viciously.

"Oh my!".

With a startled gasp, w.a.n.g Yu was splattered onto the ground.

w.a.n.g Yu bickered, he had thought that Nian Liuyun would have used Kung Fu against him straight up, but it seemed like that was not to be.

Nian Liuyun was fast on his heels as he continued towards w.a.n.g Yu. He stuck out his leg towards w.a.n.g Yu as w.a.n.g Yu raised both hands and charged forward, dodging his kick.

Nian Liuyun followed in hot pursuit, holding the back of w.a.n.g Yu"s head.


With a crisp sound, w.a.n.g Yu"s head was turned to the side as a stunned status appeared on his head.

Battle Notification: You are locked in the Neck Twist gripped, Stun time: 1 second.

"Neck Twist? What skill is this?".

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