MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 587: Large Disparity in Strength

Chapter 587: Large Disparity in Strength

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Frontier Invasion War: Inspired by the G.o.d of Light to cleanse the sinful Dead Spirit City and to purify the evil of the world. Quest target: Do not get exterminated within 120 minutes.

The players from the Dark Faction received similar notification.

Activating the war scenario quest: “Frontier Invasion War”

Frontier Invasion War: The Light Faction’s conflagration started burning on our free land. Pick up your weapon and protect our home. Quest target: Kill all invaders within 120 minutes.

Faction players:

Light Faction 5421 players

Neutral Faction 1 player

Dark Faction 271544 players

After receiving the quest, every player could see on their display three rows of numbers in red, yellow and blue. These numbers represent the number of players from each faction. At the same time, the system wanted to differentiate the players’ faction so they marked every player above their heads.

Players from the Dark Faction would have a black flame while the Light Faction’s players have a white cross above them. As for the Neutral Faction, w.a.n.g Yu had a green th.o.r.n.y halo. Because of the light and shadow effect, it just looked green from far away. This made w.a.n.g Yu extremely unhappy as he cursed at the weird tastes of the game designers.

“F*ck! How ridiculous!” After receiving the notification, everyone from Quan Zhen Sect expressed their unhappiness.

w.a.n.g Yu was right. The war between the two parties really did drag Quan Zhen Sect into it. Having played the game for so long, the fellas from Quan Zhen Sect had always been the one wrecking others. This was the first time they had been dragged into a war. Moreover, they were forced into this war without the option to escape.

There was no other choice. Previously, players were differentiated through the colour of the outfit that they wore. Dark Faction’s players usually wore dark coloured clothes. Therefore, they simply needed to change their outfit to look like them.

Now, the white cross was sticking on top of them. There was simply no way to hide. The more infuriating thing was that this cross looked as arrogant as the G.o.d of Light. It was exuding extremely bright radiance that everyone with this cross above their heads would look as bright as a light bulb in a dark environment like this.

“This is all Fearless’ fault. His evilness harmed us all!” Everyone started dissing Fearless again.

“F*ck!!” Fearless replied, “How would I know that Berserk Heavenlaw would be so foolish to ignite an invasion quest? You guys know I hate dealing with invasion.”

“F*ck Berserk Heavenlaw!” Everyone changed direction and started scolding Berserk Heavenlaw instead.

Even though Berserk Heavenlaw had additional rewards such as being recorded in history and the t.i.tle of ‘Defender of the Light’, these were merely useless items. At this moment, they were even more shocked than Quan Zhen Sect.

Quan Zhen Sect only had tens of people. There weren’t significant differences whether they were a level 2 or 3 guild. Even if they die in the war, they would even have a free trip back to the city.

However, the situation for Berserk Heavenlaw was drastically different. If they failed, every other guild will only decrease by 1 level. As the defender of the Ironcliff Fortress, they will decrease by 2 levels. Currently, Berserk Heavenlaw was a level 2 guild and if they dropped 2 levels, they would be a level 0 guild. Berserk ThunderG.o.d couldn’t help but s.h.i.+ver in fear at the thought of this… F*ck this game!

If that really happened, Berserk Heavenlaw would become the greatest joke in history. In the future, Berserk Heavenlaw’s nickname would be Overconfidence.

“Now we’re doomed! We will become a level 0 guild and it’s all your fault!” Berserk Heavenly Thunder pointed at the cross above his head as he cursed at Hidden Lurker.

Hidden Lurker was not exactly in a good mood too as he replied, “What has this got to do with you becoming a level 0 guild? Isn’t it because you fools started killing people without thinking?” “All of you shut the h.e.l.l up!” Berserk ThunderG.o.d’s trigger was activated when he heard the word zero. Berserk ThunderG.o.d flew into a rage when the two of them couldn’t stop arguing while his head was in a mess.

“Boss, what do we do now? Shall we gather all our brothers for one charge?” Berserk Heavenly Thunder asked.

At this point in time, Berserk Heavenly Thunder was still pretty confident in the guardians formation of Berserk Heavenlaw. However, this fella was really not using his brain. The opponent has an army of over 300,000. If they charged with 5000 men, aren’t they like a mantis trying to stop a chariot?

Against such a large scale of enemies, individual abilities wouldn’t be able to make a difference to the outcome. Even if every player from the Berserk Heavenlaw could fight ten players, the Dark Faction simply need to send more than ten times the number of people over to suppress and exterminate them.

“Gather your head! Do you really think we stand any chance of winning? All we need to do now is to stall for time. Why are you so stupid?” People with higher IQ would feel superior over others. When Hidden Lurker saw how brainless Berserk Heavenly Thunder was and still tried to take command, he really couldn’t stand it anymore.

“F*ck you…” Berserk Heavenly Thunder waved his staff and was going to strike Hidden Lurker with lightning but was stopped by Berserk ThunderG.o.d, “Heavenly Thunder, your temper is really… At a time like this, you still want to attack one of us?”

“How is this f*cker one of us! We will never get along!” Berserk Heavenly Thunder spat a mouthful of saliva while looking at Hidden Lurker.

Berserk ThunderG.o.d said helplessly, “Boss Hidden Lurker is right. Right now, our priority is to stall for time. We have to survive for two hours.”

“There are so many people from the Dark Faction. How are we going to stall for time?” Wild Thunderheart, who had always been quiet, spoke.

Hidden Lurker replied, “Let them scatter in all directions towards the Dead Spirit Swamp.”

“What about us?” Berserk ThunderG.o.d asked.

“Ahead of us is the Port of Cowell. We will head there to hide in a bunker.” Hidden Lurker said.

“B*lls.h.i.+t! Port of Cowell is right at the entrance of the Dead Spirit City. Aren’t we seeking our own death by going there?”

“It is dark under the lamp. Don’t you know that logic you fool!”

Seeing that the two of them were going to start arguing again, Berserk ThunderG.o.d hurried to say, “Alright, we will listen to Boss Hidden Lurker and go to Port of Cowell. Heavenly Thunder, stop making a scene!”

Not everyone felt the sense of pride for their faction. Initially, there were a few players from Dead Spirit City who were not interested in partic.i.p.ating in this activity. However, their att.i.tudes changed drastically when the notifications were sent out.

If they didn’t win this war, there will be punishments. They might not care about the decrease in level of the main city. However, they would be affected if their guild’s level decreased too.

With this system notification, the system forced all those initially uninterested players out too. Even players offline were called online by friends. The number of players in Dead Spirit City increased exponentially. Very soon, the city was almost filled to capacity.

Many of these gamers had no gift for commanders.h.i.+p. When over hundreds of thousand players gathered in the city, it was hard for anyone to take charge of the situation. Therefore, when the city was filling up to its capacity, the players simply started swarming out of the city at the other end. They started sweeping the Dead Spirit Swamp for their faction.

This was the advantage of having a lot of people. With over two hundred thousand people, any guild or group of people would have more players than the Light Faction. Moreover, the players from Dark Faction will not need to leave the war after dying. They basically had an unlimited resource of players. They definitely had the capability of suppressing the other faction to make them collapse within two hours.

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