MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 757: Team Selection

Chapter 757: Team Selection

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

w.a.n.g Yu and his companion lived a simple life and did not have much to pack. Both quickly gathered a few sets of clothing and left the house.

Li Xue and co. were still in the game at this point in time so w.a.n.g Yu did not have time to inform them of the change in plans.

Although w.a.n.g Yu’s house was a distance away from L City, the transportation system was efficient. There were still trains running in the afternoon.

As both went up on the bus, w.a.n.g Yu was serene and relaxed. He seemed like he was enjoying himself on a holiday. Mu Zi Xian was the complete opposite. She was gripped by anxiety as she was faced with the daunting task of meeting w.a.n.g Yu’s family.

One had to know that Mu Zi Xian and w.a.n.g Yu were not just dating, but the couple had actually eloped together to get married… Explaining such a situation to w.a.n.g Yu’s family would be extremely awkward.

There was no other way around this. One had to do what was right. A daughter-in-law must meet her in-laws. Without the blessings of family, a marriage would not be perfect.

On the road, Mu Zi Xian could not stay still. She was constantly fidgeting around with her mirror, occasionally touching upon her makeup. She wanted to give the best first impression to w.a.n.g Yu’s parents… However, her makeup skills left much to be desired. In her distressed state, she almost made a mess of her makeup.

“What are you doing? What have you done to your face?” w.a.n.g Yu turned his head over and was dismayed and what he saw.

“Doesn’t it look nice?” Mu Zi Xian pouted her lips and asked.

w.a.n.g Yu facepalmed and replied, “You look like a monster. Faster, go and wash it away.”

“You b*stard!!” Mu Zi Xian playfully threw a punch towards w.a.n.g Yu.

There was still eight hours to their destination. w.a.n.g Yu did not have anything else to do and starting browsing the Rebirth Forum on Mu Zi Xian’s tablet.

There were many discussions going on in the forums, but the most talked-about topics was that of the professional league.

In the past, teams could acc.u.mulate points during the regular season. As long as their points reached a certain threshold, they were able to register for the main compet.i.tion.

These were the rules of the compet.i.tive arena and they applied to everyone, including <>.

Most of the guilds had already acc.u.mulated some points during the regular season. Quan Zhen Sect had only decided recently that they wanted to compete in the compet.i.tion. Therefore, their total tally was currently at 0…

There were only two months left before the start of the compet.i.tion. Judging from the laidback nature of the people from Quan Zhen Sect, acc.u.mulating enough points to qualify for the compet.i.tion was going to be difficult…

However, <> paid a lot of attention to their ordinary team. There was even an internal selection test for those who wanted to compete in the compet.i.tion.

The benchmark for the internal selection test was very low. As long as one was in the team, he could sign up for it. This led to Soaring Dragon Game Studios getting large approvals from the community of players.

For the longest time, the professional tournament was exclusive to players of big guilds. The ordinary players simply did not stand a chance. This time, Soaring Dragon Game Studios was giving an equal opportunity for all.

Soaring Dragon Game Studios understood that there was a large disparity between large guilds and the ordinary players. Even when faced with an even playing field, ordinary players were not expected to be able to win anything. What they were more focused on was that every player was treated equally.

At this moment on the forum, there was a lot of buzz generated about the compet.i.tion. Some were busy a.n.a.lysing which teams were likely to come out victorious and others were busy promoting their favourite players.

However, most of the discussions were of people trying to find teammates…

Some of these players could not even find teammates within their own city… This was indicative of their actual combat ability.

w.a.n.g Yu was successfully attracted to an official post about the tournament. This was with regards to team selection compet.i.tion and also the professional tournament.

The specific timing for the team selection compet.i.tion was already out. It was less than ten days from now and the registration deadline was to be one day before the compet.i.tion.

This compet.i.tion divided the main city into 15 districts. w.a.n.g Yu belonged to the seventh district.

The format for the compet.i.tion and tournament was roughly similar. There were the individual events, King of the Hill events, Team PVP events. There was to be a minimum of 10 players in each team and a maximum of 12 players.

The top team in each district would then be eligible to partic.i.p.ate in the knockout rounds with the other thirty-five teams that had already qualified.

The top twenty teams of the knockout round would then be able to compete in the national tournament. While the top four teams of the national tournament would be the representatives for the regional tournament.

Today <> was divided into three major regions, namely, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Each district has its own sub-area and server according to each country. The smaller countries were split into fewer districts. For a big continent like Europe, it was split into fifteen districts.

The top two teams for each regional tournament would have the chance to compete in the World Champions.h.i.+ps. The ultimate winner of the World Champions.h.i.+ps would a true champion. This team would truly to be called unrivalled.

After reading the notice, w.a.n.g Yu collected his thoughts and said to Mu Zi Xian, “Just by looking at the format of the compet.i.tion, I can already feel the viciousness of upcoming fights.”

“Of course, compet.i.tion is always cruel,” Mu ZI Xian replied.

“Do you think we have hope in this compet.i.tion?” w.a.n.g Yu murmured.

Mu Zi Xian did not reply w.a.n.g Yu directly but instead said, “Before <>, the Soaring Dragon Game Studios had a previous game that had a similar format of giving ordinary players equal chances for compet.i.tions.”

“Oh? What was the outcome of it?” w.a.n.g Yu inquired.

“Those fifteen ordinary teams never made it out of the knockout stages…” Mu Zi Xian continued, “Professional players simply have the absolute advantage over ordinary players in every aspect of the game. No matter is it in combat strength or tactics…”

Sure enough, players were divided into two categories. One of such categories would be those with the ability and also ambition. These players sought fame and fortune. Unsurprisingly, many capable gamers belonged to this category.

The other category were players with ability but harboured no grand ambition. They were happy playing the game as it was and had no interest towards compet.i.tions of any sorts.

Although this category of people were few and far between, they would definitely not venture into esports…

Once these two categories of players were eliminated, what was left were those who had neither ambition nor ability.

Therefore, the ordinary teams had to pick players from the bottom of the barrel.

There was already an inherent disparity between ordinary players and professional players. Coupled with the additional monetary support by guilds, professional teams had simply accrued too large of an advantage compared to ordinary teams.

Even if Lady Luck was upon these ordinary teams, it was near impossible to envision a route to victory.

“All things said, I am guessing our team’s chances do not look that optimistic.” w.a.n.g Yu scratched his chin in contemplation.

“That may not be the case.” Mu Zi Xian revealed a smile. “Our team has you… Furthermore, Fearless and the rest are no slouches themselves… The World Champions.h.i.+ps may be a stretch but National Champions.h.i.+ps is definitely within reach.”

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