MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 939: A Reasonable NPC

Chapter 939: A Reasonable NPC

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Yup, it’s me!”

w.a.n.g Yu was not a pretentious person so he straightforwardly admitted.

“Good!” Esther’s eyes looked ice-cold as she lifted the huge sword in her hand and landed it on w.a.n.g Yu’s shoulder.

“Brother Bull, be careful…”

Little Bookworm was shocked at what happened and let out a scream. On the other hand, w.a.n.g Yu was full of smiles and did not move at all.

“Why did you not dodge?” It seemed like it was Esther’s first time coming across such a player as her expression looked quite surprised.

w.a.n.g Yu smiled and said, “Why should I dodge? I did not do anything wrong. G.o.d’s guards will not kill an innocent civilian, right?”

“Hehe!” Esther smiled and kept her sword before saying, “That’s right, you’re very right. G.o.d’s guards only act against those with evil intentions.”

“F*ck! You can do this too?” Little Bookworm heard him and was filled with respect for him.

Esther was an attraction for the City of Hope and so, it was natural that many people peeped at her, countless even disregarded their lives to approach her but Little Bookworm had never seen anyone who did not die. Seeing how w.a.n.g Yu easily go past it, he was shocked and quickly sent w.a.n.g Yu a private message, “Brother Bull, why did she let you off?”

“Haha.” w.a.n.g Yu laughed and said, “This is a Knight of the Round Table, not a gangster. They are the most reasonable and I have nothing to fear. Without dodging their attack, it meant that I did not have any evil intentions so obviously she won’t kill me!”

“Really? What would happen if you dodged?” Little Bookworm asked puzzledly.

“It would be as good as telling her that I have something to hide so obviously, I will be killed,” w.a.n.g Yu said.

“d.a.m.n, the system is too shameless to exploit players’ instinctual reaction!” Little Bookworm was fearful.

It was instinctual to dodge when being attacked. Any normal human would dodge. The system’s warped logic was really ridiculous.

At this thought, Little Bookworm suddenly frighteningly turned to asked w.a.n.g Yu, “But Brother Bull, why did you not dodge?”

“Because I know she won’t kill me.” w.a.n.g Yu smiled.


“She did not have a murderous intent!” w.a.n.g Yu explained.

“What? Brother Bull, are you sure you are speaking English?” Little Bookworm heard these two words, murderous intent, and was even more confused. It seemed like not only the system had a warped logic of its own.

Just then, Esther asked w.a.n.g Yu, “May I know why did you call for me? I’m sure you know that this is a sacred place. Private matters should not be discussed here. If you want to add me as a friend, you’ll have to ask later.”

This was indeed an NPC who was hara.s.sed N times a day. She really understood men’s intentions and so she also treated w.a.n.g Yu as one of the perverts too.

“Then when are you off work?” Little Bookworm interrupted.

Esther seriously said, “As the Knight which G.o.d values the most, I have a heavy responsibility so I can’t leave throughout the night.” Little Bookworm thought for a while and asked, “So you mean that you don’t get off work?”

“Your conclusion is very accurate,” Esther said.

“…” Little Bookworm was instantly speechless. Compared to those women who only knew how to turn guys down by giving lame excuses, Esther used G.o.d as her excuse. She was indeed above others.

w.a.n.g Yu awkwardly said, “Honestly, I am indeed looking for you for a private matter. Could you take some time to speak to me?”

“Sure!” Esther’s personality was as rugged as her appearance. In the face of w.a.n.g Yu’s request, she agreed without hesitation.

“You are someone with no evil intentions. I’m sure you have something important to speak to me about. Let’s just talk here,” Esther said.

“Didn’t you say not to speak about private matters here?” Little Bookworm reb.u.t.ted.

“It depends on the individual!” Esther shut everyone’s objections with just one line.

There was no other way as this was just the system being the system, cheating so blatantly.

“I shall speak my mind then!” w.a.n.g Yu gave it some thought then asked, “Do you know of an equipment called the Soul of the G.o.ds?”

“Yes, I know!” Esther nodded and asked, “Why are you asking about it?”

“Since you know, that’s great.” w.a.n.g Yu’s heart skipped in joy and said, “Do you know the origins of that Soul of the G.o.ds?”

“I do!” Esther said.

“Where is the Soul of the G.o.ds?” w.a.n.g Yu asked again.

“On me!” Esther was indeed a Knight of the Round Table. The value of honesty was displayed extremely prominently on her.

“That’s great. Please let me return it to its original owner,” w.a.n.g Yu said agitatedly.

w.a.n.g Yu might always use force to resolve issues but he was actually a very reasonable person. It was only towards unreasonable people that w.a.n.g Yu relied on violence.

It was extremely hard to find a reasonable NPC like Esther even if one really tried so w.a.n.g Yu could not contain his excitement upon coming across one.

w.a.n.g Yu just thought that he would be able to take the Soul of the G.o.ds without fighting, Esther coldly said, “No way. G.o.d bestowed this to me so as the chosen one, I can’t easily give something bestowed to me away.”

“G.o.d bestowed? This is Simba’s. He asked me to find it for him,” w.a.n.g Yu explained patiently.

“Simba gave up the Soul of the G.o.ds on his own accord and so G.o.d bestowed it to me. You have no rights to take it back,” Esther said.

“Well, now he wants it back, can’t he?” w.a.n.g Yu said panickedly.

“Hmph!” Esther said with some unhappiness, “What do you think this is? Something you can throw aside when you don’t want it then take it back again? Since Simba gave it up, he will never get G.o.d’s recognition again. There won’t be any use even if you take the Soul of the G.o.ds back!”

“Well… You make some sense…” w.a.n.g Yu wanted to be logical with Esther but he realised that Esther made more sense.

Simba gave up the Soul of the G.o.ds himself so he does not own it anymore. It was unreasonable to approach its current owner for it now.

Initially, w.a.n.g Yu already did not really want to take up this quest. After hearing what Esther said, he did not want to do it even more.

Forget it, he was going to leave it as it was. He would just say he did his best.

Just as w.a.n.g Yu made his decision to give up this quest, Little Bookworm suddenly asked, “What if we insist on taking the Soul of the G.o.ds with us?”

“Hey, hey, hey… What rubbish are you saying?” w.a.n.g Yu heard him and quickly stopped his rudeness. However, it was too late as Esther heard what Little Bookworm said.

Due to her status, Esther did not take offence by Little Bookworm. Hearing such ridiculous things from Little Bookworm did not anger Esther; instead, she said with a smile, “If you want to take the Soul of the G.o.ds away, I would have to either give it up or you guys will have to kill me. So? You guys think you can kill me?”

As she spoke, Esther pierced her double-handed sword half feet into the ground, looking pretty scary.

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