MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1418: What Kind Of Monster Is This

Chapter 1418: What Kind Of Monster Is This

w.a.n.g Yu was a Pugilist who was supposedly weak in every aspect.

Two Tank jobs were not enough to withstand a single attack from the BOSS. Hence, if w.a.n.g Yu went up, it was even possible for him to be killed by a sneeze by h.e.l.l Lava.

Battling a BOSS of a higher level was something of a low fault tolerance to do.

There were 20 players in the team, and it would not hurt to lose a Pugilist. However, if the whole team was wiped out because of him, it wouldn’t be worth it.

“Why don’t I do it…” G.o.d of Death’s Left Hand added.

G.o.d of Death’s Left Hand knew that he was not a match for w.a.n.g Yu, but PVP was different from PVE after all. For a BOSS with such high oppressive ability, it was not reliable for a melee player to pull the aggro.

“It’s fine!” Fearless rejected with a smile, “He can manage..”



G.o.d of Death’s Left Hand wanted to add something but a roar was heard because w.a.n.g Yu poked h.e.l.l Lava’s face with his pole.

h.e.l.l Lava roared with anger and raised his huge fist, punching it towards w.a.n.g Yu.

Power-type BOSSES have high damage output, high defence as well as high judgement. However, they have a vital weakness and that was being too slow in their movement.

While h.e.l.l Lava raised his fist, w.a.n.g Yu had already calculated and predicted the landing point of the punch.


w.a.n.g Yu smiled at h.e.l.l Lava’s punch and hopped a step backwards calmly.


h.e.l.l Lava’s punch landed on the ground in front of w.a.n.g Yu and formed a huge indent.

A punch with such a huge impact had a long stun time as well. Before h.e.l.l Lava could retract his fist, w.a.n.g Yu rushed towards h.e.l.l Lava and stopped at his feet before stabbing his pole upwards.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

A loud thud was produced and the pole stabbed onto h.e.l.l Lava’s chin.


The players from Kingdom of h.e.l.l cheered as they saw what happened.

Making use of the BOSS’s stun time to counter-attack was not considered a skill with high expertise in the eyes of the experts from Kingdom of h.e.l.l.

However, h.e.l.l Lava was Level 70 and was capable of crus.h.i.+ng Tanks with a single blow of his. A weak job like the Pugilist would be even more vulnerable towards the BOSS’s attacks. Under this stressful situation, it was very admirable for a Pugilist to be able to move freely and this sense of confidence and guts were something that everybody admired as well.

Of course, as an elite BOSS, h.e.l.l Lava’s attacks would not be as boring as a normal BOSS.

After seeing w.a.n.g Yu stabbing his chin from such a close distance, h.e.l.l Lava attempted to hug w.a.n.g Yu into his arms.

“F*ck, he’s trying to hug!”

Seeing such a lowly move from h.e.l.l Lava, Kingdom of h.e.l.l players was nervous for w.a.n.g Yu.

h.e.l.l Lava’s extraordinary strength was almost able to take Asura and Crotch Lord’s lives away, and if w.a.n.g Yu were to be hugged into h.e.l.l Lava’s arms, he might end up becoming a compressed stick.

At the crucial moment, w.a.n.g Yu advanced and rolled to behind h.e.l.l Lava as he stabbed his pole upwards at a slanted angle.


w.a.n.g Yu’s pole stabbed accurately in between h.e.l.l Lava’s arms.


The entire place went silent and h.e.l.l Lava was rooted as well.

w.a.n.g Yu seemed familiar with what he was doing and who knew how many BOSSES were victims of this move of w.a.n.g Yu’s. After all these thoughts, players from Kingdom of h.e.l.l agreed that w.a.n.g Yu was indeed formidable.

There were no such things as high-cla.s.s or low-cla.s.s cla.s.sifications in martial arts, but anyone who could attack their opponent with a series of moves were considered skilled martial artists.

If w.a.n.g Yu stabbed an ordinary player with his move, there would be a high possibility of them developing a fear of that pole but it might be different for BOSSES. However, there was something that everyone could be sure of, it was that the BOSS’s aggro was successfully attracted by w.a.n.g Yu.

“Roar!! Terrible! Unforgivable!”

After a few seconds, h.e.l.l Lava let out a loud roar and his right arms scooped from behind.


w.a.n.g Yu did not avoid the attack once again but leaped a step forward, landing right behind h.e.l.l Lava’s left leg.

h.e.l.l Lava’s arms and body formed a huge intersection and w.a.n.g Yu avoided h.e.l.l Lava’s attack perfectly.

Everybody remember this: When the opponent attacks, the area behind his body would be a blind spot and the attack could be dodged by simply squatting down. At the same time, your right hand can reach upwards at a slanted angle and grab your opponent to make him lose his ability to fight.

You can find a strong person nearby to test this out, and if you were beaten to death, you can appear in Old Bull’s dream and request for some paper offerings for yourself.

Back to the main point.

h.e.l.l Lava missed his attack and ended up in a stunned effect again.

If w.a.n.g Yu did what he always did, w.a.n.g Yu would grab in between h.e.l.l Lava’s crotch. However, he could not confirm the gender of h.e.l.l Lava.

It would be very good if h.e.l.l Lava was a male, because w.a.n.g Yu could attract aggro and hit a vital spot. If h.e.l.l Lava was a female, he would be charged with hara.s.sing female NPCs.

For security reasons, w.a.n.g Yu retracted his right hand and raised his leg then used [Thunder G.o.d’s Stomp] to kick the back of h.e.l.l Lava’s knee.

h.e.l.l Lava was weak in his legs and w.a.n.g Yu’s [Thunder G.o.d’s Stomp] had a high judgement with a knockback effect.

That kick from w.a.n.g Yu made h.e.l.l Lava lose his balance.


A loud bang was heard and h.e.l.l Lava kneeled on the ground.

“I will make you lie on your stomach! [Wind Thunder Fury]!”

w.a.n.g Yu roared and leaped off the ground. Green light appeared on his body, and he used [Wind Thunder Fury]. His strength attribute boosted straight away, then he used [Eagle Stomp] to kick onto the back of h.e.l.l Lava’s head.


h.e.l.l Lava roared and got stepped under w.a.n.g Yu’s feet.

“What… the f*ck is this monster?”

G.o.d of Death’s Left Hand’s squad saw what w.a.n.g Yu did and all of them were stunned.

The phrase that was originally meant to describe h.e.l.l Lava became something to describe w.a.n.g Yu. w.a.n.g Yu became the true definition of a monster in everyone’s eyes.

The players from Kingdom of h.e.l.l were feeling very confused at this point, because it did not make sense for a level 70 Obsidian BOSS to be defeated this easily by a mere Pugilist. What an embarra.s.sment for the BOSS.

At this crucial moment, Fearless commanded everyone else, “The BOSS’s aggro is now stable, everyone attack.

Fearless’s command brought the attention of the Kingdom of h.e.l.l players back and everybody started using their own weapons and attacked h.e.l.l Lava with full force.

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