MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 424: What Gaming Studios Are Afraid Of

Chapter 424: What Gaming Studios Are Afraid Of

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

When he heard Fearless’s words, w.a.n.g Yu hurriedly stopped.

That’s true. Storm City was huge and there were many guildheadquarters. If Li Xiao Bing didn’t say it, only heaven would knowwhere Mu Zi Xian was.

According to Mu Zi Xian, the guild was called Sunset Guild. Themoment he received that news, w.a.n.g Yu immediately contacted DefiantTiger. Defiant Tiger expressed that he had never heard of this guildbefore. From the looks of it, Sunset Guild was a small guild that evenan experienced player in Storm City had never heard of.

After all, even a huge guild like Feng Yun Guild could remain inconspicuous, what more a small guild like Sunset Guild?

Moreover, Li Xiao Bing was a noob at Level 10. Levels definitelydidn’t mean much to Li Xiao Bing, and thus, slaughtering him was lettinghim get away easily.

Seeing w.a.n.g Yu stop, Li Xiao Bing straightened up and saidcontentedly, “That’s right, your wife is in my hands. If you kill me,then you can forget about knowing where she is. So, shall we start ourdiscussions?”

“I will discuss with your mother’s c*nt!”

Seeing Li Xiao Bing use Mu Zi Xian to coerce him again, w.a.n.g Yu’stemper exploded. He turned and said to Fearless, “Treat him, don’t allowhim to die!”

As he was speaking, w.a.n.g Yu’s left hand grabbed Li Xiao Bing’s wristand his right hand held onto Li Xiao Bing’s elbow. With a crackingsound, Li Xiao Bing’s arm was deformed.

Although Fearless wasn’t an expert, he could tell that Li Xiao Bing’s bones were snapped off…

Disjointment was a skill. If w.a.n.g Yu wanted, he could set the bonesback in place. However, with w.a.n.g Yu’s current state of anger, he didnot have such intentions.


The game couldn’t accurately judge the damage from joint damages.Moreover, w.a.n.g Yu didn’t use the true disjointment method. Thus, Li XiaoBing didn’t die.

Although there weren’t any pain receptors in the game, having one’sbones cracked was a very stressful thing. Even bystanders could feel thepain when they heard the sound. As the very subject of the act, Li XiaoBing’s face instantly turned pale-white and he felt a deep sense ofdoom.

How could Fearless allow him to die so easily? With a wave of hisstaff, he casually threw two healing spells, pulling Li Xiao Bing’s HPback up. At the same time, w.a.n.g Yu grabbed Li Xiao Bing’s left leg andforceful pull, it was pulled up to Li Xiao Bing’s right shoulder.

The sounds of bones cracking left Fearless’s hair standing. Thisfella was really left in a state where he could neither beg for life ordeath. Fortunately, this was a game.

w.a.n.g Yu grabbed Li Xiao Bing’s hand and threatened, “Are you going tospeak? If not, I will break every single finger one at a time!”

w.a.n.g Yu underestimated Li Xiao Bing’s ability to withstand thestress. After all, no matter what you did in the game, there wouldn’t beany pain. People wouldn’t even be afraid of death and Mu Zi Xian was akey factor in his plans. Thus, how could Li Xiao Bing succ.u.mb so easily?

Li Xiao Bing said provokingly, “If you think that I would succ.u.mb like this, then continue torturing me!”

“Hmm!” Seeing Li Xiao Bing’s expression, w.a.n.g Yu knew that this kidwas not afraid of him. With a cold harrumph, he turned Li Xiao Bing intowhite light.

Fearless jolted, “You weren’t able to get the info. Why did you kill him?”

“Did you think he would tell us?” w.a.n.g Yu shot back with another question.

Fearless stroked his head, “We could promise him or lie to him…”

From the very start, Fearless wanted to use some delaying techniques.Who knew that w.a.n.g Yu’s temper would explode and he would resort toviolence so quickly? Well, w.a.n.g Yu couldn’t be blamed. If this situationwere to befall him, he might not be able to remain so calm.

“I am disgusted by him! I will not negotiate with him!”

“Then do you have any other method?’


As he was speaking, w.a.n.g Yu pulled open the friend’s menu and asked Mu Zi Xian, “Do you know that you have been kidnapped?”

“Kidnapped?” Mu Zi Xian startled and she immediately started tosurveil her surroundings. She soon noticed that there were people allaround her and they were all secretly looking at her. Previously, shethought that it was because these people had never seen a beauty before…

“That seems to be true. What’s the point of kidnapping me though?” Mu Zi Xian asked in puzzlement.

“If you’re kidnapped, then our shop is gone,” w.a.n.g Yu said.

In Rebirth, shopowner had to pay rent. If the shopowner wasn’t onlinefor a period of time and the shop’s income enters red, the system wouldtake the shop back.

Following which, w.a.n.g Yu asked, “Are you able to kill yourself to come back?” The calm w.a.n.g Yu could think quite well.

Mu Zi Xian soon replied, “Safe zone, can’t kill myself.”

“Then do you know where you are?” w.a.n.g Yu asked.

“Let me observe my surroundings. I will tell you later.”

Mu Zi Xian had worked in the game’s customer support before. In termsof the game’s map information, Mu Zi Xian was more knowledgeable thananyone else. Thus, she didn’t need to ask around for information. Fromthe terrain, she could accurately guess her location.

Moreover, the monster distribution among Rebirth’s cities did notrepeat. Even ordinary players could roughly guess their location fromthe monsters they see at the headquarter’s gate.

After closing the conversation with w.a.n.g Yu, Mu Zi Xian stood up andheaded towards the headquarter’s gate. This small guild’s playerhurriedly stopped her, “The guild is being reconstructed. Viewing isprohibited.”

“…” When Mu Zi Xian heard this, she reverified that she was trulykidnapped. After which, she started to size up her surroundings.

Not long later, w.a.n.g Yu received Mu Zi Xian’s reply, “The terrain isSquall Ridge. Squall Ridge has a total of three guild headquarter sites.The lowest headquarter site is the Level 20-30 area.”

“Go, to Storm City!”

After receiving Mu Zi Xian’s news, w.a.n.g Yu turned and prepared to leave.

Fearless, “We only have a little more than 10 people. If we try to save her, I’m afraid we will suffer terribly.”

“We can ask the Sanguine Alliance for help.”

“Our opponent is a gaming studio. The Sanguine Alliance had alreadyhelped us greatly by partic.i.p.ating in the guild battle. If we were toask them to help us attack another guild, I’m afraid we would be placingSanguine Warflag in a difficult position,” Fearless said calmly.

Sanguine Alliance was a merchant-type guild. Before doing anything,they had to consider the costs and benefits. If they were to offend agaming studio, the boss of Sanguine Alliance definitely wouldn’t behappy.

“This…” w.a.n.g Yu didn’t know what to say.

“Moreover, if we attack Sunset Guild’s headquarters, do you think wewould be causing much damage to Daybreak Studios? Would they be afraid?”

Daybreak Studios was a large-scale gaming studio. They definitely hadmany of such small guild headquarters. Attacking one of them wouldn’teven cause them to flinch.

“What do you think those people are afraid of the most?” w.a.n.g Yu’s head ached.

Li Xiao Bing wasn’t even afraid of his bones being snapped. w.a.n.g Yu was truly wondering what would make him afraid.

Fearless laughed, “Li Xiao Bing is a businessman. He’s afraid of amarket with money. For this, we have to find professional help.”

“Professional?” Before w.a.n.g Yu could fully respond to Fearless’s words, his message bar suddenly flashed.

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