MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 425: Leave this matter to me!

Chapter 425: Leave this matter to me!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“Big Brother, I heard that you have a big negotiation going on?”

The person sending the message was Evil Rampage. The moment he openedthe message bar, w.a.n.g Yu could sense Evil Rampage’s eagerness thoughthey were 108,000 li apart.

“How did you know?” w.a.n.g Yu asked in wonder.

Quan Zhen Sect’s and Daybreak Studios’ dispute was something thatonly happened recently. w.a.n.g Yu and Evil Rampage rarely interacted inthe game, so he didn’t inform Evil Rampage of this matter.

Evil Rampage, “I also don’t really understand the noise that’s on theforums. However, one of my subordinates told me that Daybreak Studioshad been contacting many gaming studios, seemingly trying to work withyou.”

“Oh, they didn’t find you?” w.a.n.g Yu asked. Peerless Heaven was one ofthe most powerful gaming studios. Li Xiao Bing actually didn’t findthem?

“My gaming studio is too huge, so he wouldn’t dare find me. So how isit? Have you decided to work with him? If you’re going to work withhim, you might as well work with me. Don’t let your leftover water flowinto some outsider’s field…” Evil Rampage rambled on.

w.a.n.g Yu was speechless. So this fella was here to discuss business with him.

“What cooperation? That b*tch kidnapped your sister-in-law and triedto threaten me. I don’t know how to deal with them, so how can I workwith him?”


After a brief moment of silence, Evil Rampage repeated those wordswith an incredulous tone, “Daybreak Studios kidnapped my sister-in-law?”

“Ya. She’s trapped in Storm City’s Sunset Guild headquarters.” As hegot here, w.a.n.g Yu said light-heartedly, “Didn’t you always brag abouthow amazing you are and that you have hundreds of thousands offollowers? Lend me some to flatten Daybreak Studios to the ground.”

w.a.n.g Yu was previously obstructed by Peerless Heaven’s men before andhe knew that Peerless Heaven had many people. w.a.n.g Yu never reallyconsidered that he would ask a person that he bullied to help him, thushe didn’t think of this previously. But now that Evil Rampage had comeknocking on his door, w.a.n.g Yu wouldn’t simply let go of him.

“d.a.m.n it, that bunch of trash. Where are you now?” Evil Rampage asked w.a.n.g Yu.

“Twilight City Inn.”

“Wait for me. I will arrive in a short moment.”

“Err…” w.a.n.g Yu jolted and asked, “What use is there if you come alone?”

“Enough nonsense! Wait for me!”

w.a.n.g Yu, “…” This kid’s b.a.l.l.s had grown big. He actually dared to speak to him in such a manner.

Looking at w.a.n.g Yu’s expression, Fearless grinned and asked, “A professional has come to find you?”

“Ah, en…” w.a.n.g Yu nodded.

Compared to the people from Quan Zhen Sect, Evil Rampage could indeed be considered a professional.

“How many people is he bringing over?” Fearless asked.

“I don’t know…” w.a.n.g Yu shook his head.

Fearless mumbled to himself, “I hope he would bring more people.”

Ten minutes later, Evil Ramage energetically walked into the inn.

“Boss, tell me, how should we do this?” The moment he sat down, Evil Rampage went straight to the point.

Before w.a.n.g Yu could say anything, Fearless went ahead and asked, “Boss Evil Rampage, first tell us how many people you have?”

“I have few subordinates that are free, so I stopped my mining operations. Are 100,000 people enough?” Evil Rampage asked.

“100,000? What the f*ck!” Even though they were used to largesituations, w.a.n.g Yu and Fearless could not be helped but be shocked byEvil Rampage’s grand offer.

“If it’s not enough, I can have my other operations stopped and I will holler everyone over,” Evil Rampage added.

When Peerless Heaven first started, it already had tens of thousandsof players and it immediately occupied a large portion of home citymines. Because of this, Evil Rampage was able to earn large sums ofmoney, allowing Peerless Heaven to officially enter the gaming circleand become one of the most structured gaming studios.

Gradually, Evil Rampage’s business became bigger. Besides the potionsmarket which it didn’t have any experts in, Peerless Heaven wasinvolved in the gem, armour, material markets.

In particular, their ore production was huge. Today, 300 home citymines are under Peerless Heaven’s monopoly. After the game wentofficial, a large number of players swarmed to join Peerless Heaven,causing Peerless Heaven’s numbers to expand to 200,000 people.”

In this era where guild numbers were the greatest comparator, a guildof 200,000 people was unrivalled. Against such a leviathan, even anexpert would have to learn to keep a low-profile.

Fearless hurriedly said, “It’s enough, it’s enough.”

At the same time, Fearless was secretly in shock. Evil Rampage’sbusiness was huge. Back then in Termination Manor, his tens of thousandsof followers already allowed him to be the biggest guild in the game.This fella was so young but he was able to manage such a huge business.From the looks of it, w.a.n.g Yu’s family wasn’t as poor as he made it outto be.

When w.a.n.g Yu heard Evil Rampage’s words, he was also shocked. Hethought that he understood his own brother. Ever since Evil Rampage wasyoung, he would always brag and exaggerate. Thus, when Evil Rampage saidthat he had a few hundreds of thousands of brothers, w.a.n.g Yu didn’treally believe it. Who knew that this kid would really be able to createsuch a large army.

“You have really grown up…’ w.a.n.g Yu looked at Evil Rampage, then athimself. Suddenly, he felt as though he lacked something that hisyounger brother had.

“That guild is at Storm City’s Squall Ridge. Its coordinates are… Wehave to…” Just as w.a.n.g Yu wanted to tell Evil Rampage what they shoulddo, Evil Rampage waved his hand and said boldly, “You don’t need to tellme how we should fight. You only need to tell me who to beat, and howhard we have to beat him.”

“Beat Daybreak Studios and beat him till he no longer dares to mess around in this game!”

w.a.n.g Yu was an honest man. Since he had already said it to Li Xiao Bing, he would naturally go about doing it.

“Alright! I happen to find those fellas irritating too,” Evil Rampage said with a malicious look in his eyes.

Fearless saw a gap and cut in, “Those fellas recently purchased alarge number of potion materials… If you have those resources and workwith us, hehe… You know of high-grade potions?”

“Really?” When Evil Rampage heard those words, he immediately feltexcited. He had been looking at the huge potion market with starvingeyes for a long time now.

“Of course!”

Fearless laughed.

“Alright! Leave this matter to me!” Evil Rampage patted his chest andsaid, “Old Brother, just wait as I get sister-in-law back.”

With that, Evil Rampage didn’t even stop as he energetically left the inn.

w.a.n.g Yu was speechless. Evil Rampage had only just arrived but he left immediately. He didn’t even exchange any private words…

Fearless lifted up his cup and downed it. Thereafter, he sighedemotionally as he looked outside the window, “I’m afraid DaybreakStudios is going to be part of history…”

Since Li Xiao Bing said he kidnapped Mu Zi Xian, Fearless knew that Daybreak Studios was screwed.

In Rebirth, besides a noob like w.a.n.g Yu, everyone knew that the guild that you should never offend was Peerless Heaven.

From the very start, Daybreak Studios was Peerless Heaven’scompet.i.tor. Peerless Heaven had always been eyeing Daybreak Studios asits prey. If not because there wasn’t a good reason, it would haveswallowed Daybreak Studios a long time ago.

Who knew that Daybreak Studios would actually cause such a ruckus andkidnapped Evil Rampage’s sister-in-law. Indeed, it was as thoughsomeone had delivered Evil Rampage what he wanted. With such a reason,Evil Rampage definitely wouldn’t let Daybreak Studios go off lightly.

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