MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 427: Impressive Brother

Chapter 427: Impressive Brother

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

If they don’t help Daybreak Studio, at the very most, they would belosing some extra earnings. If they chose to help Daybreak Studio andoffend people they shouldn’t, they would be drowning themselves withdisasters.

Li Xiao Bing was also confused but to calm the hearts of the army, heexplained, “Don’t worry! Our Feng Yun Guild has just suffered a defeatso the Peerless Heaven would most possibly be trying to profit from ourmisfortune. I’m sure our Feng Yun Guild has never offended PeerlessHeaven…”

“F*ck… Boss Li better not be lying to us.” Everyone started suspecting the words of Li Xiao Bing.

n.o.body has heard stories about how Peerless Heaven would go aroundprofiting from other people’s misfortunes. Even so, everyone knew thatLi Xiao Bing was a smart person who wouldn’t go and offend PeerlessHeaven for no legitimate reason.

Li Xiao Bing made a solemn vow, “I am definitely not lying.”

System Notifications: Peerless Thousand Miles have started a Headquarters War with Money Guild.

Just as Li Xiao Bing spoke, the system sent him another notification.

“F*ck you! And you’re still telling us you’ve never offended PeerlessHeaven?” Looking at this notification, everyone could no longer siteasy.

In a matter of a few minutes, consecutive attacks were launched ontwo guilds under the Daybreak Studio. Who would still believe that theDaybreak Studio didn’t offend those people?

Li Xiao Bing started to panic too as he opened up his studio’s chat. He asked, “What is happening?”

The chatroom was initially in a mess but when everyone noticed thatLi Xiao Bing entered, someone asked, “We have no idea. Boss, you don’tknow too?”

“I have no idea. Have we s.h.i.+fted out supplies?” Presently, Li XiaoBing was the most concerned about his supplies. It wouldn’t matter evenif he offended Peerless Heaven. At the very most, they could just changea name and start over again.

The head of Money Guild replied, “The members of the Peerless Heavenare all over the city and all teleportation spots have been blocked off.Our people are completely unable to return.”

It was true that the Daybreak Studio had ten guilds under them.However, Feng Yun Guild was the only one of true strength. The rest ofthe guilds under them were merely for them to store supplies. This wasbecause warehouses in the city were chargeable. However, warehouses ofguilds were not only free but also big. Therefore, it was perfect forstoring excess inventory.

“Unable to return?” Li Xiao Bing was slightly dumbfounded beforereplying in a hurry .”Everyone return to your own guild now. Immediatelytransport the supplies away.”

Eventually, the bosses of the ten guilds in the chatroom repliedunanimously, “The teleportation spots everywhere have been blocked offso how are we supposed to return?”

“F*ck!” Li Xiao Bing was both angry and anxious. After his shock, his mind was completely blank and empty.

System Notification: Peerless Ocean started a Headquarters War with xx Guild…

System Notification: Peerless Ancient China started a Headquarters War with xx Guild…?

Following which, a series of notifications shocked the entire gamingworld. At the same time, Li Xiao Bing had completely lost hisconsciousness.

There was pin-drop silence within the Daybreak Studio’s office. Everyone was so shocked that they had no idea what to say.

“Boss, Boss Li, I suddenly remembered that my wife is giving birth today. I got to leave first…”

“My wife is also going to give birth too…”

“I am getting married today…”

“Aren’t you already married?”

“Can’t I marry twice? Boss Li, I am really busy today. Feel free tocontact me if you need any more help in the future. However, pleasedon’t contact me for the next few days…”

The whole group of them started to emphasise that they were notrelated to Daybreak Studio. One by one, they all left the office.

No one knows whether there will still be a Daybreak Studio after a few more days.

Daybreak Studio couldn’t be compared to Peerless Heaven. In the faceof absolute power and strength, any form of strategy would be a kind ofjoke.

The 100,000 men of Peerless Heaven split up across the city to sealup the teleportation arrays. This was to prevent the members of DaybreakStudio to return to their headquarters. Next, they will oppress themand start attacking all their headquarters one after the other.Eventually, they will clear everything from their warehouses.

After nine of the guilds that he took so much effort to build up wereall destroyed, Li Xiao Bing finally woke up from his senses when he wasleft with one last one.

Li Xiao Bing knew that he had failed but he wanted to fail knowingwhy he was attacked. He was unwilling to accept defeat in this state.

Therefore, Li Xiao Bing added Evil Rampant as a friend.

“Boss Evil Rampage.” Li Xiao Bing sent a message after adding him as a friend.

“En,” Evil Rampage knew from the start that Li Xiao Bing would add him as a friend.

“You’re not being reasonable by doing this. Are you not afraid ofbeing criticised by the online forum?” Li Xiao Bing spoke faintly.

Studios were, after all, still a form of business. Even if this wasin the game, it was still despicable for his studio to rob otherstudios’ warehouse so brazenly. In the eyes of professionals, this was avery lowly act and would be deserving of criticism and attacks fromother gamers.

Evil Rampage sneered coldly, “Boss Li is way too forgetful. Don’t youremember the despicable things you do? As compared to your dirty acts, Istill think my method is more straightforward and candid.”

Li Xiao Bing kidnapped and blackmailed someone to work with him. EvilRampage was basically giving Li Xiao Bing a taste of his own medicine.Between the two acts, Li Xiao Bing’s method might be brilliant but thenature of it was truly detestable.

Li Xiao Bing replied, “I dare to swear that I’ve never done anything to let down Peerless Heaven.”

Who was he kidding? A monstrous power like the Peerless Heaven wasstrong enough to influence the balance of this game. No matter how wildLi Xiao Bing was, he would never be so wild that he would want to sendhimself to die. After careful thoughts, Li Xiao Bing was certain that hedidn’t do anything that might trigger Peerless Heaven.

“An eminent person like you must have a really short memory. I am atthe west teleportation array in Storm City. Why don’t we talk things outin person?”

“Then I will have to trouble you to wait there for a moment.” After aquick reply, Li Xiao Bing instantly rushed over to Storm City.

Half an hour later, Li Xiao Bing brought Daybreak Winter and co. tothe location of the teleportation array mentioned by Evil Rampage.

Just like how his subordinates described, the teleportation arrayswere surrounded very tightly. In a very prominent position near theteleportation array was a man seated with his legs crossed. His familiarface was staring right at Li Xiao Bing, who was in the teleportationarray.

“It’s you?!” Li Xiao Bing shouted loudly as he saw the Peerless Heaven’s player.

“Are you Li Xiao Bing?” Evil Rampage asked as he waved his hands to signal his men to let Li Xiao Bing out.

“Tsk, I really didn’t expect that you will actually spend money tobuy over the people from Peerless Heaven!” Li Xiao Bing spoke in anindignant tone. In his eyes, w.a.n.g Yu was the one who spent big bucks toget Peerless Heaven’s manpower to fight for him.

Evil Rampage replied, “I am Evil Rampage!”

“?” Li Xiao Bing was slightly taken aback before sneering, “Why are you lying? Aren’t you called Iron Bull?”

“Iron Bull? Haha!” Evil Rampage smiled slightly, “That is my elder brother, my biological brother!”

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