MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 428: Destruction

Chapter 428: Destruction

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“Brother?” Li Xiao Bing was in complete confusion when he heard what Evil Rampage was saying.

Daybreak Winter and co, who followed Li Xiao Bing here, also revealed expressions of disbelief.

As a younger brother, Evil Rampage was actually the boss of one ofthe game’s biggest guild. The older brother, however, was actuallyhaving fun in a small and broken guild with only slightly more than tenmembers… If it weren’t for the similarity in looks, n.o.body would believethe words of Evil Rampage.

Li Xiao Bing was dazed on the spot as many thoughts filled up hishead. If w.a.n.g Yu is Evil Rampage’s older brother, didn’t he just kidnapEvil Rampage’s sister in law?

This was far worse than poking a hornet’s nest. In fact, this was more like igniting an atomic bomb on himself.

Initially, Li Xiao Bing thought that w.a.n.g Yu’s threat to make Li XiaoBing’s life torturous was merely something he said out of anger.

After all, a person would have unlimited lives in this game.Moreover, a professional gamer like Li Xiao Bing wouldn’t bother muchabout his levels. Therefore, he believed that regardless of how brutalw.a.n.g Yu’s methods were, they wouldn’t be able to hurt his own roots. Whowould have thought that w.a.n.g Yu’s little brother was actually the bossof Peerless Heaven.

There were many big guilds and organisations in the game with largeresources. Even though Peerless Heaven wouldn’t dare to claim that noone can rival them in this game, they had absolute speaking authority interms of studios.

Now that he had offended Peerless Heaven to such an extent, Li XiaoBing wouldn’t dare to expect Evil Rampage to let him off easily.

Li Xiao Bing had always been an unscrupulous person and had neverregretted the things he did in the past. However, after hearing thewords of Evil Rampage, his face was filled with regret and despair.

“Boss…” Daybreak Winter called out helplessly as he noticed Li Xiao Bing’s lifeless face.

“Everyone can leave now…” Li Xiao Bing turned to Daybreak Winter and co. as he answered in a low tone.

“Boss, what do you mean by we can leave now…” Daybreak Winter’s face was just as solemn.

Everyone understood what Li Xiao Bing meant when he said that. LiXiao Bing didn’t mean that everyone can head back to their respectivehomes to rest for the day. What he meant was that the studio will bedissolving.

The pay at Daybreak Studio was definitely one of the highest in thering of business. Dissolving this business… Doesn’t that mean that alarge majority of people will be jobless?

“We’re dissolving this studio because we’ve lost!” After saying this,Li Xiao Bing turned back to Evil Rampage, “Boss Rampage, I am at faultfor this matter. I am willing to dissolve my studio but my bunch ofbrothers still need to feed a living. I hope you will not make thingsdifficult for them in the future.”

No matter what kind of moral standing Li Xiao Bing had, he wassomeone who could still to meet gains or losses with equanimity. At thisvery moment, he was indeed very broad and magnanimous towards his men.

“Boss…” Daybreak Winter and co. said unanimously, “Let us fight together for one last time.”

Li Xiao Bing replied, “We’re not fighting anymore. I cannot be the one who drags everyone down. This shall be it.”

Looking at these fellas, Evil Rampage scratched his chin and startedspeaking, “Looking at you guys in such a state, why do I feel like I amthe bad guy here… Moreover, my brother only told me to not let you beable to hang about in REBIRTH.”

“Really?” Hearing the words of Evil Rampage, traces of hope flashed past Li Xiao Bing’s eyes.

The profession of opening a studio was actually not only for specificgames but all the games. With the size of Peerless Heaven, it wasindeed possible if they really wanted Daybreak Studio to never showtheir face in any of the other games too. However, Evil Rampage’s wordsimplied that they weren’t out to exterminate Daybreak Studio to thecore.

The professions in the current online games were extremely developed.Even if they lost their footing in a valuable market like REBIRTH,their studio could still survive as long as they still had their groundin the other games.

Evil Rampage replied, “My brother told me that, not me.”

“Thank you.” Li Xiao Bing had mixed feelings but still thanked Evil Rampage.

Just not too long ago, Li Xiao Bing still had a successful businessin this game. Within moments, he was violently annexed and to makethings worse, he was actually thanking the person who did this to him.This was truly humiliating.

After saying that, Li Xiao Bing relayed the message to everyone inthe group chat. Following which, everyone from the Daybreak Studio wentoffline simultaneously.

Evil Rampage also received a notification. System Notification: Sunset Guild has surrendered.

“We’re really letting them off?” After Li Xiao Bing went offline, Evil Rampage asked w.a.n.g Yu, who was seated at the corner.

Earlier on, w.a.n.g Yu was the one who got Evil Rampage to say what he said.

w.a.n.g Yu replied, “Aren’t they already backing out of this game?”

“We should have thoroughly exterminated people like them!” Evil Rampage replied with some displeasure.

w.a.n.g Yu answered promptly, “This is just a game and I believe he hassuffered enough. Moreover, his workers need to make a living too.”

“Being merciful to your enemy is being irresponsible to yourself.”

“I know all these but what you don’t know is that if you really forcesomeone to the edge, they will really go off the scale.” w.a.n.g Yuanswered.

“Really? You know?”

w.a.n.g Yu nodded, “En, I know.”

At this moment, Mu Zi Xian walked out from the Sunset Guild’steleportation array. w.a.n.g Yu walked over to grab her shoulder as he saidto Evil Rampage, “I must be so fortunate to see your sister-in-lawhere.”

“Er…”: Evil Rampage scratched his head blankly.

Mu Zi Xian pushed w.a.n.g Yu away and replied, “What are you saying? Howcan you be so corny in front of your brother? You really need to learnhow to exercise restraint.”

“Nothing much! I just felt that it is really nice to have you.” w.a.n.g Yu smiled widely.

“Really? Then I shall make you something nice to eat tonight.”


“You’re back?”

When they returned to the Quan Zhen Sect, it was for the first timethat everyone was around. None of them was surprised to see w.a.n.g Yu’ssuccessful attempt to bring Mu Zi Xian back in one piece. After all,even Peerless Heaven was sent out to help. In fact, it would be asurprise if they failed to bring her back.

“En, Little Chicky, I’ve got something for you!” w.a.n.g Yu took out a pitch-black fragment to hand it to Vainglory.

After receiving the fragment, he called out excitedly, “Uncle Bull, Ilove you…” After saying that, Vainglory took out seven more similarlooking fragments to a.s.semble them on the table. Following which, apurple radiance could be seen.

Everyone, who was fortunate enough to witness the development of anancient grade weapon, shouted anxiously, “F*ck! Little Chicky, hurry upand see it’s attributes.”

Vainglory opened up the attribute tab proudly.

[Despair Sting] (Fist Weapon) (Ancient) (Yet to Activate)

Hint: Go to the Land of Despair to retrieve the activation mission of the Despair Sting from a homeless martial artist.

“I still have to complete a mission…” Vainglory commented with some disappointment.

Everyone started reprimanding Vainglory’s comment, “Of course, do youreally think it is that easy to obtain an ancient grade weapon?”

“F*ck all of you jealous old men!”

Just as everyone was shouting at each other, Fearless walked over tow.a.n.g Yu, “I’ve made my decision. What do you think about my idea ofworking together with Peerless Heaven from now on?”

“What did you suddenly think of doing this?” w.a.n.g Yu inquired.

Fearless replied, “A common man’s only crime is to carry the jadearound. Only when we are strong enough, will we be able to protect whatwe want to protect.”

“Speak the truth!”

“We should keep the goodies within the family.”


“You obliterated the Daybreak Studio so ruthlessly that all the ingredients cannot be sold at a good price anymore…”

“I knew it!”

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