MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 553


Just this sentence alone was enough to make Thunderlord Block and Nian Liuyun blush…

The two of them were not some unknown small characters. Either one of them could be considered a great G.o.d in any other place. However, they had fallen to such a state where they were celebrating one successful attack together…

One must know that before fighting them, w.a.n.g Yu had suffered severely from the incredible attacks from the guards. His health was only left with a single digit but w.a.n.g Yu was still able to hold them off so confidently. w.a.n.g Yu"s current words seemed more like a mocking rather than a compliment.

Everyone here was an expert but w.a.n.g Yu was really not showing any respect with his words.

To be honest, it was never w.a.n.g Yu"s intentions to mock Thunderlord Block and Nian Liuyun.

The two of them were better at forcefully controlling others while w.a.n.g Yu was not one to be controlled. One reason why w.a.n.g Yu was not struggling against them was the difference in levels and skills. The second reason was due to the mistmatch of jobs.

Thunderlord Block"s s.h.i.+eld might have a high defense but its damage output was very low. In conclusion, he was never a match for w.a.n.g Yu and if it wasn"t for his incredible armour, he would have been dead a long time ago.

Nian Liuyun"s damage output was more than sufficient but his defense was low. His skills were also significantly not as good as w.a.n.g Yu. Before w.a.n.g Yu learnt Qinggong, Nian Liuyun was still able to last a few rounds against w.a.n.g Yu. After w.a.n.g Yu learnt his Qinggong, the tremendous increase in speed was something Nian Liuyun couldn"t handle.

w.a.n.g Yu also knew how shameless Nian Liuyun"s fighting method was. Therefore, every move against Nian Liuyun was a killer move so that he would be killed even before he got to speak…

However, the situation was completely different the moment the two of them worked together.

PVE was hard for experts to work with one another. PVP was a different scenario especially when the two experts were Nian Liuyun and Thunderlord Block. One to attack and the other one to defend. They coincidentally managed to complement each other"s weaknesses and such match was hard to come by.

Fighhting against these two experts, w.a.n.g Yu had no choice but to be serious.

w.a.n.g Yu said to the two of them, "The two of you are too strong! I might go a bit overboard with my attacks later so I hope you don"t mind!"

"…" Nian Liuyun was speechless.

Given Thunderlord Block"s temper, he was no longer able to contain w.a.n.g Yu"s ridicules as he pointed at w.a.n.g Yu, "A true expert prefers death to humiliation. Fight if we must, why is there a need to utter so much nonsense?"

"Indeed! I admire your att.i.tude!" w.a.n.g Yu smiled as he charged towards the duo.

"Take two steps back and raise your s.h.i.+eld to use [Taunt]!" The moment w.a.n.g Yu charged forward, Nian Liuyun ordered Thunderlord Block.

Without any prompting, Thunderlord Block had already raised his s.h.i.+eld. At that moment, w.a.n.g Yu had already arrived as his leg kicked the s.h.i.+eld. The enormous impact caused Thunderlord Block"s entire body to tremble.

Before w.a.n.g Yu could retract his leg, Thunderlord Block used another [Taunt]. While drawing w.a.n.g Yu onto him, Nian Liuyun jumped out from behind the s.h.i.+eld. He extended his arms to grab w.a.n.g Yu"s ankles.

Because he was kicked to his death by just one of w.a.n.g Yu"s leg, Nian Liuyun used all his might this time to grab both of w.a.n.g Yu"s ankles. To be honest, Nian Liuyun was pretty embarra.s.sed that his many years of training was just so he could grab onto w.a.n.g Yu"s ankles.

At the same time, Thunderlord Block"s s.h.i.+eld was descending from above.

While Nian Liuyun resorted to dirty tricks like that, w.a.n.g Yu was not one to be someone not to be trifled with. He bent his waist to grab Nian Liuyun"s hair with one hand and Nian Liuyun"s ear with the other one. He pulled them with a lot of force concurrently.

Nian Liuyun couldn"t help himself as he was pulled towards w.a.n.g Yu. Thunderlord Block couldn"t react in time and the [s.h.i.+eld Bash] smashed onto Nian Liuyun"s back. Nian Liuyun entered the dizziness state.

w.a.n.g Yu wanted to make use of this opportunity to kick Nian Liuyun to death but Thunderlord Block made it in time again. He pressed his s.h.i.+eld downwards in an attempt to break w.a.n.g Yu"s neck.

w.a.n.g Yu hurriedly dodged Thunderlord Block"s s.h.i.+eld as he half-squat on the ground. Presently, Nian Liuyun"s dizziness state had already been dispelled. He rolled backwards and got back up to his feet. He spread his arms as he charged at w.a.n.g Yu like an eagle.

w.a.n.g Yu waved his hands and his fist set changed to a long pole. He raised it above his head with some force and Nian Liuyun sat on the top end of the pole.

The most vulnerable part of a man was undoubtedly in that position. Other than the crotch, there was also the a.n.u.s…

w.a.n.g Yu took advantage to wave his long pole as he threw Nian Liuyun to one side.


A devastating high pitch voice was heard and Nian Liuyun was lying on the ground, unconscious… Sense of pain was not in the game so this should be purely due to fright…

The players from the United Alliance under the leaders.h.i.+p of Hidden Lurker and the Quan Zhen Sect were also frightened when they saw this…

Thunderlord Block, who was closest to the scene, was so shocked that his mucus started flowing down… He raised his s.h.i.+eld to cover himself as he dared not expose any body part to w.a.n.g Yu, regardless the front of back…

w.a.n.g Yu jumped upwards as he flew towards Thunderlord Block. He was clearly trying to stomp on his head.

When w.a.n.g Yu was still in front of the s.h.i.+eld, Thunderlord Block exposed his head and used [Taunt] at w.a.n.g Yu.

This method was called "Guarding A Tree Stump Waiting for Rabbits" and was a Guardian"s high level technique. He was able to draw targets way above his head to his s.h.i.+eld before enhancing the [s.h.i.+eld Bash] to forcibly cause a displacement dizziness control effect.

Even so, w.a.n.g Yu had yet to arrive while his pole reached first. Before Thunderlord Block could finish saying "B*stard", w.a.n.g Yu"s pole was sent right into Thunderlord Block"s mouth. This shut Thunderlord Block up.

"F*ck your mother!"

Thunderlord Block cried out because he personally witnessed what this pole came in contact with… Currently, it was actually inserted into his mouth.

Thunderlord Block only exposed his head from behind the s.h.i.+eld in order to use his [Taunt] against w.a.n.g Yu. w.a.n.g Yu"s pole formed a fulcrum with the periphery of the s.h.i.+eld.

The lever principle told us that the side with the longer length would have a greater energy. After inserting the pole in Thunderlord Block"s mouth, w.a.n.g Yu swung his pole upwards and towards the right. This was to pry Thunderlord Block out from his s.h.i.+eld.

After losing his s.h.i.+eld, Thunderlord Block became a turtle without his sh.e.l.l. w.a.n.g Yu only needed three punches and two kicks to turn him into white light.

After getting rid of the two of them, w.a.n.g Yu dragged his pole over to help Fearless and co.

United Alliance just witnessed their two experts being wiped out so viciously and that man who did it was walking towards them. They were so frightened that they had practically forgotten to defend. In just three seconds, they were exterminated by the other members of the Quan Zhen Sect.

"Slow down! I want Hidden Lurker!" w.a.n.g Yu shouted as he ran towards them.

w.a.n.g Yu was still too slow. When he arrived at the scene, Vainglory had already twisted Hidden Lurker"s head.

"Uncle Bull, did you say something?" Vainglory asked.

"F*ck… Nothing…" w.a.n.g Yu replied.

"Oh, eh? This despicable man dropped something." Just at this moment, Vainglory saw an irregular metal strip object. He bent over to pick it up.

"What is it? What is it?" Everyone asked excitedly.

In >, the chances of a player without PK points to drop equipment was extremely low. Hidden Lurker was killed so many times by w.a.n.g Yu but had never drop anything before. Who knew that Vainglory"s first kill was enough for Hidden Lurker to drop something.

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