Modern Mythology

Chapter 23

{124} M. R. R. ii. 324.

{125a} Paris: OEuvres, 1758, iii. 270.

{125b} M. R. R. ii. 324.

{126} I have no concern with his criticism of Mr. Herbert Spencer (p.

203), as I entirely disagree with that philosopher"s theory. The defence of "Animism" I leave to Dr. Tylor.

{135} Meyer, 1846, apud Brough Smyth, Aborigines of Victoria, i. 432.

{138} My italics.

{139a} M. R. R. ii. 208-221.

{139b} Ibid. ii. 209.

{140} M. R. R. ii. 218.

{141a} De Dianae Antiquissima apud Graecos Natura, p. 76. Vratislaw, 1881.

{141b} De Diane Brauron, p. 33. Compare, for all the learning, Mr.

Farnell, in Cults of the Greek States.

{142a} M. R. R. i. x.

{142b} Life in California, pp. 241, 303.

{142c} Religion of the Semites, p. 274.

{142d} See also Mr. Frazer, Golden Bough, ii. 90-94; and Robertson Smith, op. cit. pp. 416-418.

{142e} Apostolius, viii. 19; vii. 10.

{143a} Melanesians, p. 32.

{143b} Samoa, p. 17.

{143c} M. R. R. ii. 33.

{143d} See also Frazer, Golden Bough, ii. 92.

{143e} M. R. R. ii. 208.

{144a} M. R. R. ii. 209.

{144b} Custom and Myth, "Star Myths."

{148a} L. Preller, Rom. Myth. p. 239, gives etymologies.

{148b} AEn. xi. 785.

{149a} A. W. F. p. 328.

{149b} Dionys. Halic. iii. 32.

{149c} Hist. Nat. vii. 2.

{149d} AEn. xi. 784.

{149e} AEn. xi. 787.

{150a} Serv. AEn. vii. 800.

{150b} Authorities in A. F. W. K. p. 325.

{151a} Herabkunft, p. 30.

{151b} Pausanias, viii. 385.

{151c} A. W. F. K. xxii. xxiii.

{153} Ja.n.u.s, pp. 44-49.

{161} Home, the medium, was, or affected to be, entranced in his fire tricks, as was Bernadette, at Lourdes, in the Miracle du Cierge.

{163} The photograph referred to is evidently taken from a sketch by hand, and is not therefore a photograph from life.--EDITOR. The original photograph was hereon sent to the editor and acknowledged by him.--A. L.

{169} Proces, Quicherat, ii. 396, 397

{171} Introduction to Popular Religion and Folk-Lore in Northern India, by W. Crookes, B.A., p. 10.

{172} Iamblichus, De Myst. iii. 4.

{173} Folk-Lore, September 1895.

{174} Quoted by Dr. Boissarie in his book, Lourdes, p. 49, from a book by Dr. Dozous, now rare. Thanks to information from Dr. Boissarie, I have procured the book by Dr. Dozous, an eye-witness of the miracle, and have verified the quotation.

{175} Predvestniki spiritizma za posleanie 250 lyet. A. M. Aksakoff, St. Petersburg, 1895. See Mr. Leaf"s review, Proceedings S. P. R. xii.


{178} Prim. Cult. i. 138.

{179} Journal of Anthrop. Inst.i.tute, x. iii.

{180a} Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo, p. 42.

{180b} Relations, 1637, p. 49.

{183a} Abor. of Victoria, i. 429.

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