Mokushiroku Alice

Chapter 2 - The Lesson in Killing the Girl

Chapter 2 - The Lesson in Killing the Girl

The lesson from which we will be learning about the girl has finally started.

No one in the cla.s.sroom is reeling with joy.


Once we invade the labyrinth, we will be facing the danger of dying.

Furthermore, if we fail to kill the diseased girl, be it wherever it is, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people around the girl with her as the radial point, will die.

Thus, there are two things that are of utmost importance.

The level of difficulty in clearing the labyrinth.The number of people in the area of the labyrinth.

I turn to the first page of the doc.u.ment where 《Target Girl"s Profile》 is written on the cover page. This is what it says.

Her name is Asahi Momoka.

Fourteen years old.

Third year in Miyasaka Middle School.

Family members --- father, mother, little sister.

Quite popular in school.

No boyfriend.

Location of disease onset --- at this moment, my expression stiffens a little for the first time. I feel a slight shiver of fear along my back.

Location of disease onset ---

『Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Ward』

A tight smile surfaces on my face and I say.

"...... haha, don"t screw with me. Right out of the gate, you"re telling me that the disease onset happened right in the middle of a city with three million people?"

In other words, if we fail, at least tens of thousands of people will vanish. If the effective radius is large, at most more than three million people could die.

Dohn, Honjou-sensei taps on the blackboard.

"Who said you can start reading the doc.u.ments!? Arisu Shinnosuke! Stop right now!"

I look up and shrug my shoulders. I can tell that even Sensei is nervous.

The other students indeed have yet to start flipping the pages of the doc.u.ments. Seems like there are several rules governing the progress of the lesson.

After ascertaining that I have stopped reading, Sensei continues.

"First, as always, I"ll give an overview of the overall situation.

The discovery of the girl having an onset of the labyrinth disease took place three hours ago.

After the scouting corps had sent out their men, it was just two hours ago by the time they found out that the labyrinth brought forth by the girl is an age-limited labyrinth.

Aah wait, we have a transfer student. Shinnosuke, do you understand the meaning of age-limited labyrinths?"

Of course, there is no way I would not know that.

An age-limited labyrinth is one with a rule that only allows people who are below a certain age to enter. That is why an organization like 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》 where kids are gathered to risk their lives exists.

I acknowledge with my hand to show that I do not not need any explanation on that, and Sensei continues.

"Then, I shall continue.

The task of exterminating the girl, is a.s.signed to us, 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》, who are unsurpa.s.sed in clearing age-limited labyrinths in j.a.pan, and the collation of information specially for our use started exactly thirty minutes ago.

And, the time limit left before the diseased girl turns into an 《Eternal Labyrinth》 is six hours.

In other words, we"ll learn about the labyrinth brought forth by the girl in the first five hours, and efficiently kill the girl in the remaining hour, which is what we always do. Is everyone following so far?"

Gunjou then raises her hand.

Sensei then asks.

"What is it? Mizuiro Gunjou."

Gunjou replies.

"I think this is a waste of time. The explanation is already sufficient, isn"t it? A genius like me will be partic.i.p.ating. Therefore, we"ll definitely succeed in killing the girl anyway."

"Ah-ha, as usual, you"re br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence. Well, you did earn the place of the best labyrinth raider twice though. But, this time round, we have a transfer student ---"

Gunjou shoots a glare in my direction. When I meet her gaze, she turns away. Is she a kid?

"I don"t think that piece of newly transferred trash will be of much use!"

"Ah-hahaha. What"s with that? Did something happen between the two of you?"

"Nothing happened!"

"You"ll die if you don"t get along, you know ~? If you relax for even an instant......"

"A genius like me would never let my guard down!"

Sensei looks at Gunjou and nods.

"Well, we don"t have much time and I"m not going to waste time mediating a fight between kids. At any rate, the time limit is six hours. Let"s continue with our cla.s.s. Well, turn to the first page of your doc.u.ments. I"ll say this first. The level of difficulty of this labyrinth isn"t high --- according to the investigation, it"s about rank 0.4. So if you keep up with what you guys have been doing, you should be able to clear it easily. As long as you don"t let your guard down and be full of yourself like that idiot Gunjou, it"ll be a walk in the park."

"Hey, Sensei! Who are you calling idiot Gunjou!"

Gunjou raises her voice again, but Sensei ignores her and continues.

"Understand? Please keep that in mind. Now turn to the first page."

In order to quell the students" fear at the fact that the location of the disease onset is right in the middle of a city with three million people, Sensei is a.s.sertively hard-selling them on the low level of difficulty of the labyrinth.

By the way, for some reason, the difficulty level of clearing labyrinths has been low in most cases. Thus, if the investigation has been properly done, and the raiders have a map and a grasp of what can be found inside and their respective locations, then it will not be difficult to deal with it.

As such, the problem with dealing with the diseased girl is a matter of the time limit.

Because of the time limit problem, there were cases where even easy labyrinths were not cleared in time.

That being said, when investigation was not properly conducted and the raiding took place right away, things such as taking the wrong route, or getting hindered by monsters that were sp.a.w.ned for the purpose of protecting the diseased girl, all led to the loss of time.

The problem has to be the time limit.

And running out of time resulting in failure to clear a labyrinth is inexcusable.

As the impact of such a failure is completely different from the failure of bringing back new magic technology from raiding 《Eternal Labyrinths》.

Things such as all the raiders dying and unable to thus clear a labyrinth, or when the raiders escaping because they cannot clear it in time due to the hindrances, are not allowed.

If they fail, the people in that area, which can number from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, will all die.

This is no laughing matter.

That is why the sequence of "labyrinth investigation → education → infiltration + raiding" is treated with importance.

Even if only one hour is left for the raid, if the raiders have a good grasp of the information concerning the labyrinth before raiding it, then the success rate of clearing it will be much higher --- thus, the given sequence is a result of the experience acc.u.mulated by various countries after killing countless diseased girls in the past.

By the way, if a diseased girl turns completely into an 《Eternal Labyrinth》, then the difficulty of raiding it will be upped by at least ten times.

In other words, if the target girl this time were not killed, she would probably become an 《Eternal Labyrinth》 with rank 4.

But well, that does not matter.

Right now, we are in the middle of the lesson from we will learn how to kill the girl, for the sake of saving the lives of three million people.

As expected, a buzz began in the cla.s.sroom the instant the doc.u.ments were turned.

"Yo-Yokohama......? Seriously?"

"I-If we fail in this......"

Started the students among themselves, but at that moment, Gunjou stands up, and snaps the fingers on her right hand twice.

"All right everyone. Don"t get swayed by just this, will you? It"s only rank 0.4 right? You guys know that I have raided a rank 10 《Eternal Labyrinth》 and brought back its magic technology right? This is below a tenth of that. We can clear it before we"ve even finished breathing. If you all would follow me, no one will die, so rest a.s.sured."

With that, the cla.s.sroom goes quiet.

It seems like Gunjou is really well-trusted by the cla.s.s. Only someone like Hishiro Shiro is unhappy with her.

Well, if what Gunjou said was true, that she had succeeded in raiding an 《Eternal Labyrinth》 of rank 10, then she is a pretty high level magician even by world standards. Clearing a rank 0.4 labyrinth will be a walk in the park.

As if to flaunt about her charismatic personality, Gunjou looks at me, grins and says.

"...... now, rest easy and let"s continue with the lesson. This time too, under my leadership, this cla.s.s shall kill the girl!"

She sits down in her chair triumphantly.

With that, once again, our lesson resumes.

『First Hour ---

Please learn about the profile of the girl』

The lesson was a simple one.

We learned about the ident.i.ty of that fourteen year old girl.

Who her first love was.

The friends she hung out with, teased around with.

She knew that the world became what it is today as a result of strife and that she should not be living with a carefree att.i.tude.

But in the end, whatever she did, she was able to live a quiet, daily life in this peaceful country called j.a.pan.

Provided of course, that she never got tangled up with the 《Labyrinth Disease》. However.

No one knew the reason behind how she contracted the 《Labyrinth Disease》. While there is a research paper saying that there are many children who let a darkness from another world seep into their hearts, n.o.body knows how true that is.

At the very least, Saki --- my little sister, did not appear to have any kind of darkness in her heart. She was always smiling happily everyday, having fun and fooling around, always tagging along with me.

But still, she got tangled up with the 《Labyrinth Disease》.

Of course, the rest of the surviving family was troubled. Parents, siblings thought about it. Was there something inside her that they did not notice? If they had noticed it, maybe she would not have come down with the disease perhaps? And blamed themselves for it.

The target girl this time, 『Asahi Momoka』, loved school.

She was a popular person in school.

She loved soft toys and had a collection of them.

Thus, the labyrinth she created has a form that resembled a 『School』.

A gigantic closed down school with multiple levels.

The number of levels above ground and the number of levels below ground are still undergoing investigation.

But, it appears to look like a school.

As expected, a great number of soft toys are patrolling the school; those soft toys appear to be diseased, and would probably attack any infiltrators they find in order to protect their mistress.

There are also a lot of other data about the girl. Like the mother got her license suspended due to speeding at a certain age, or the father"s nickname in his workplace, and so forth, data like these that do not matter have been made public to us.

However, she was apparently more or less brought up in a happy environment.

And thus, while my cla.s.smates are reading through the doc.u.ments that contain all these private information as if she had lost all privacy rights, the first hour by quickly.

We got a ten minute break.

Some went to the toilet.

Some are revising the material they studied in the first hour.

Some are talking among their friends.


But everyone shares a thing in common, which is, all of them are ignoring me.

Probably on Mizuiro Gunjou"s order.

Gunjou shoots a glance at me. "Now you know? You know huh? How is it how is it?" is written all over her face. "It"s about time to start listening to me and prostrate to me." Her expression is really easy to read.

That easy-to-read face is a little adorable.

I smirk with half-opened eyes, and Gunjou puffs out her cheeks, glaring at me. She seems to be getting increasingly angry. Really just a kid.

Well, that does not matter anyway.

I sigh out, then rest my chin in my hand as I stare vacantly out the window.

And then, a voice calls out from behind.

"Hey, the kid who"s being bullied."

The voice of Hishiro Shiro.

I did not turn around.

"Don"t ignore me."

Gahn, my desk got kicked. My chin-resting-in-hand form breaks.

"Oh my."

I turn around and look at Shiro with half-opened eyes.

His cold, sharp, red eyes are looking down at me.

"Isn"t it horrible to kick the desk of the bullied kid? You might get suspended from school, you know?"

Shiro takes up the seat beside me on his own, and looks away. Looking at the blackboard, he tilts his chair.

"What the h.e.l.l do you want?"

I ask, to which Shiro says.

"What"re you going to do?"

"Like I said, about what?"

"Once you enter the labyrinth, you won"t be able to survive on your own, you know? Those who have no friends die."

"Oh, I see. So?"

"Since you have no friends, you will just die like that."

"Eh? You"re kidding me? I thought I"m friends with everyone in the cla.s.s though ~"

"Shut up, moron."

"Ah-haha, ha."

I laugh.

After glaring at me with his sharp, red eyes, Shiro holds out his hand in slight embarra.s.sment and says.

"I"ll protect you, so join me."

I look down at that hand and say.

"Is that a request from a friend? Oh my, I"m a little embarra.s.sed when you are being so straight at it."

"Like I said, shut up. There"s no time for jokes. There are only four hours before we invade the labyrinth."

"Yeah, that"s right."

"Right now, my team has three people. If you join, we"ll have four people, and we"ll be able to kill the diseased girl before Gunjou."

"Ah ~, I see. You"re losing because you don"t have enough people? So, even when the fate of the world hinges on it, you guys are competing for some foolish pride?"

However, Shiro did not bite on my provocation.

"No. It"s because we"ll probably get a bonus payout for killing the diseased girl. With that, we"ll be able to get better equipment, and get our hands on more magic technology as well. The strong get stronger, the weak ones die. Thus, there"s a need to win."

It is as he said.

In this peaceful j.a.pan, this place, a school that battles with the 《Labyrinth Disease》, is a stark contrast.

I look at Shiro with half-opened eyes and ask.

"But why are you trying to become strong?"


"You can go on with life even if you don"t become strong right? See, look at the schoolyard. Look at the ordinary guys and girls who"re experiencing things like romance and fun times in their P.E lessons. And yet, what is it that you seek beyond power? Why did you enroll into this school? Into this, school where you might just die."

Normally, one would not enroll into such a school.

Most of the people who enter such schools generally fall into a few categories.

As a form of debt repayment.Since their parents happen to part of the JDSF or military-affiliated personnel, they just happen to enroll.A desire for power no matter what.A desire for money no matter what.Wanting to save the world no matter what.

Basically these.

And, those who will survive to become stars, usually belong to the last, "Wanting to save the world" category.

When they have such an aberrant goal, they will be able to find an exceptionally strong willpower that is not normally found in others. Thus, usually, the ones who have ambitions which others make fun of, are the ones who will become strong.

What Honjou-sensei said during the interview was the truth. People with impure motives are, after all, weak in their wills and thus unable to survive.

I wonder which is the case with Shiro.

"Do you want to save the world that much?"

I ask, to which Shiro"s eyes narrow.

"How about you?"

"Why should I babble about myself to a stranger like you?"

"Huh? Then, there"s also no need for me to tell......"

Cutting him off, I say.

"You want me to become your friend right? And you want to beat Gunjou. Then, you should just start with revealing about yourself for now."


Shiro throws me a sharp glare.

"...... all right, very well. But you are going to join me after listening to me, get it?"

I smirk.

Then, Shiro gazes at me in melancholy and begins.

"My big brother went to this school. To repay my parents" debts."

One of the common reasons.

"My big brother died, and the debts were absolved. Our family was thus freed. But I heard that big brother was being used in some kind of experiment."


"I made an inquiry to 《Metropolitan Kichijouji High》 to find out what it was about, but they never came back to me. They didn"t even return his body to us. Well, if he had died in a labyrinth and if his body was lost as result, then it couldn"t be helped. But, there were many suspicious points. Thus, I started my own investigation."

"...... hmm. In other words, it"s for revenge?"

I ask, and Shiro looks back at me.

"Who knows? Well, let"s just start with that. Without power, I can"t protect anyone."

I agree with that. And then, a small thought comes to me. I wonder whether what Shiro had experienced and is seeking for could be the same as mine. The part where we both had a family member who was at the mercy of the 《Labyrinth Disease》.

That is of course provided that everything Shiro had said was true, but.

Shiro says.

"Well, is this enough? Now you can join me."

"I don"t want to."


I then say with a grin.

"I find those who are talkative annoying, and I don"t like it."

Shiro raises his hands. Speedily. And grabs my collar.

"d.a.m.n you, if you take me too lightly, I"ll kill you."

I got dragged down, off from my chair. The other students in the cla.s.sroom turn to look at us. If this were a normal school, it would have completely been a scene in which bullying was taking place.

But, with a stupid grin on my face, I look up at Shiro.

"...... oh myyy, Shiro, you"re really violent. Frankly, I"m really scared and don"t want to be friends with you."

"Aren"t you the one at fault here, f*ck? You were the one who asked me to talk, so what"s the deal with changing the agreement?"

But, I c.o.c.k my head to the side and say.

"Agreements aside, weren"t you the one who didn"t keep your end of the bargain? Your story is a lie, right?"


"I wonder whether that big brother of yours really existed."

"Of course......"

"It"s a lie. You have no big brother. a.s.suming you really do have a big brother. a.s.suming you really did come to this school for revenge. Then, a person like you who goes about shooting his mouth off about that probably has an empty skull but...... I just don"t see how you can be such an idiot. Therefore, there"s only one conclusion. You were lying."

At that moment, I raise my right hand. And swiftly jam my fingers straight towards Shiro"s eyes, with enough force to pierce through them.

Shiro reacts right away.

Releasing my collar, he draws himself back.

"WTF are you trying to do?"

I smirk.

"I wonder what"s the truth behind those red eyes. At the very least, a normal human wouldn"t have such red eyes, right? In other words, the person whom you said was experimented on, the one you called your big brother...... don"t tell me it"s actually you? Shiro."


"If your lie is too big, you won"t be able to deceive me, so you made some subtle allowances and inserted some truth inside, I supposed, but well now, which is which, I wonder. Your desire for revenge is true. The part on experimentation too. But you have no big brother. Even though you have a desire for revenge, it"s not towards this school --- that would be my conjecture."


"But, if so, why did you come to this school? Because you desire power? No, that"s not the only thing. It would be too inefficient otherwise. Then, if that"s the case, an affiliated company of the school, the company that practices human experimentation like nothing would be ---"

Taikou Pharmaceuticals --- I was just about to say the name of the corporation that my cousin, Yayoi, is working at, but Shiro snapped his fingers, and I thus kept quiet.

Shiro is activating his 《Headphone Fuzz》. Like a different person from before, he is now filled with murderous intent.

A sword that looks like a huge knife appears in Shiro"s hand. It is a knife so large that it would be unthinkable for a normal human to handle it. It is a thing born out of magic.

The depths of his red eyes are giving rise to something akin to abhorrence and, they are glaring right at me.

"...... you are pretty talkative yourself huh, hey."

Said Shiro in a rational, cold voice. Seems like this is the real him. Despite the fact that he is an emotion-type who wears his headphone in his left ear.

I too snap my fingers thrice and point at Shiro.

"You"d kill off anyone who"s talkative? Fine. Let"s do it. But I"m probably the stronger one."

"Hah, if you are really that strong, I would want you to join me, but a pity that I really hate talkative guys."

"You just repeated my words earlier."

"A dead person"s words are voided."

"No, those words should be used in a different situation......"

"Shut up, disappear. Penitence Severance switch."

A cursed song is being let loose in Shiro"s brain matter.

His magic has been activated.

He raises his knife.

While I do not know from which labyrinth the technology used for creating that weaponized magic originated, it seems like a dangerous power.

Should I dodge it? Or should I attack before he does?

I must make my choice in an instant.

Should I dodge it with my Acceleration switch, or should I activate my attack magic?

My finger dances, tracing a trail of light in the air. I then select the cursed song used for activating the magic in my 《Headphone Fuzz》.

And, in the moment when I have made my selection, Shiro raises his knife --- but,

"...... kidding. From your reaction speed alone, I could tell that you are pretty skilled."

His knife that was born out of magic disappeared.

I look at Shiro with half-opened eyes, and say.

"...... were you testing me?"

"Yeah. I now know that you have some ability."

"If we went at it for real, you"d just be put to shame though."

"I wonder. We won"t know until we fight it out."

"No, I can tell."

"Is that so? Then, lend me that power of yours in the labyrinth."

Once again, Shiro holds his hand out to me.

And says.

"I won"t do anything bad to you. Our interests should be aligned. So, join me."

I look down at that hand with half-opened eyes. This school is really strange. Kiryuu Kiri also did the same though, is it fashionable to hold out one"s hand, I wonder. You guys are not even Americans who are so fond of their handshakes.

I say.

"But, you never told me what I wanted to hear."

"You want me to tell you about my background? Ah ~, I see. Just as you said. I"m here for revenge."

"Smells like a lie."

"It"s true, I"m telling you. I need power to carry out my revenge. But I can"t tell you who I want to take revenge on, and I won"t want to tell you either. If I"m a loose-lipped idiot, then you won"t want to follow me right?"


But, Shiro is mistaken. Whether one were loose-lipped or not, I have no intention of following anyone. I have no intention of trusting anyone else.

The only things I believe in, are myself, and money.

I hold out my hand. Clasp Shiro"s hand, smile and say.

"All right. I know that you have to get me on your side and win against Mizuiro Gunjou. That"s why I shall become your friend."

"Heh, you are unexpectedly a great guy......"

But, I cut him off and say.

"But can you pay me? My friendship can be bought with money."

"Huuh? Are you saying that for real......"

The moment he said that, Piih, the siren-sounding bell started ringing again.

It is signaling the start of the second hour.

Shiro looks up at the bell, then glowers at me and says.

"...... you are a real piece of trash."

I smirk.

"I"m often told that. So, what"s it going to be? Are you going to buy me with money? If you reject my proposal, then I"m going to go negotiate with Gunjou. She looks like she"s rich, and will surely buy me. And if that happens, you will lose. Oh my oh my, your desire for revenge looks questionable to me, huh? Well, let me just quote you my price. For each labyrinth raid, my friendship charge will be six million, how"s that?"


"No good? Too high? Why, so you"re just a broke guy. I have no business with broke guys. Well then, the deal"s over, goodbye ~"

As I am about to let go of Shiro"s hand, he returns with a stronger grip, and says.

"...... I"ll pay, just once for now."

Seems like he can afford it.

No, I know that he can afford it. At the very least, the people who are risking their lives actively at this school, should be able to afford this much.

After all, they are getting paid by the school with this kind of money, and besides, the maintenance of 《Headphone Fuzz》 requires lots of money. The more one is active, the more money one gets, in mind-numbing amounts; however, in order to use magic, insane amounts of money must be paid out. Thus, it is more like magic is dependent on money as a raw material, and can only be employed through expending money.

It is thus as such, I need a limitless amount of money more than anyone else.

Partly for the sake of maintaining several of the powerful 《Headphone Fuzz》 that I have in my possession, partly for the sake of acquiring new magic technology, though, that is all just part of the process.

There is only one reason why I need money.

I need money for privately developing the devices needed to invade the most difficult eternal labyrinth --- 《Apocalypse Alice》.

Right now, I have employed the help of a certain researcher for such development, and every month, I have to pay out hundreds of millions of yen. Thus, I am always short of money. It never is enough.

At any rate, I need money.

I need fame.

I need power.

I do not need anything else, nor do I believe in anything else.

Buddies, friendship, a purpose in life, romance, love, youth, I have no time to believe in such stupid things.

The only things I need to believe in, are myself and money.

To save my little sister Saki who will not be saved by anyone else in this world --- to protect what is important to me, no matter how much power I have in this world, it will thus never be enough.

Therefore, I need money.

I need magic.

I need money.

I need magic.

I need money for using magic.

I smile frivolously, and say.

"Yaah, if you can pay me, then we will be friends. I have a principle of never betraying my friends."

Shiro brushes away my hand and says.

"I can"t really trust you."

"For real? Well, I"m not interested about getting you to trust me, as long as you pay me."


"Ah-haha, like I said, I have often been called that."

Shiro glares at me with his red eyes. But I am already used to getting such glares.

Shiro says.

"Fine. I"ll pay. You will be under my command. Follow my orders."

"Oh my, aren"t we supposed to be friends?"

"Shut up trash."

Shiro turns around and returns to his desk. At the same time, Honjou-sensei enters the cla.s.sroom.

"All right, we"re starting the second-hour period! We don"t have much time, so sit down! Now!"

And with that, the second hour starts.

『Second Hour ---

Lesson on memorizing the structure of the labyrinth made by the girl』

The lesson in the second hour, is to focus on memorizing the map that was made from a.n.a.lyzing the scans done from the outside, by the researchers of Taikou Pharmaceuticals, on the labyrinth made by the girl.

According to the intel, the labyrinth takes the form of a school.

It is made up of rooms like cla.s.srooms, teachers" office, infirmary, home-econs room, etc. etc.

But, it is a large place with twelve levels above and fifteen levels below. On top of that, all the corridors are complex, like a maze. Thus, it is necessary to completely grasp the architecture from the map before our intrusion. Otherwise, getting lost and slowed down as such will prevent the labyrinth from getting cleared before the time limit is up.

If the time is used up, then there is the possibility of three million people losing their lives this time, thus, failure is not allowed.

It is therefore necessary to go straight to where the girl is and kill her without getting lost along the way.

The girl is on the eighth level underground.

In a cubicle of the toilet at the end of the corridor.

It is not known why she is in the toilet.

But, the location is known.

We memorized the route.

The talk about it having a low level of difficulty might indeed be true. The map scan was detailed, and it seems easy to reach the girl.

In that case, it will be easy to kill her, I suppose.

With that, the second hour comes to an end.

『Third Hour ---

Lesson on the girl"s weakness』

The third-hour period is even easier.

It is a lesson on the girl"s weakness.

The girl is weak against water. If a bucket of water were poured onto her, it would be like corrosive acid to her and her body would be covered in burns.

A cubicle in the toilet.


If the thing about "girls contracting the 《Labyrinth Disease》 is because of a darkness they carry" were true, then one could more or less imagine what might have happened to the girl.

The part about her being popular in school --- is it really true?

Perhaps she is actually a target of bullying?

Or, like getting shut inside the toilet and having water poured onto her?


But, to me, it does not matter. The diseased girl, 『Asahi Momoka』, is not my little sister.

She is a stranger.

It is not my concern.

Her life and death is none of my business.

Therefore, there is only one thing that matters.

That is, I now know her weakness.


I have left the cla.s.sroom and am on my way to the toilet.

In this school, you can find a toilet at the end of the corridor after pa.s.sing by a number of cla.s.srooms, but since I did not want to visit a toilet that has been packed by the other students, I went two floors above, to the toilet that is on the floor where the AV room and the meeting room are at.

There are no other students. Naturally. No one would come to a toilet that is this far.

More importantly, we are in the midst of the lesson in killing a diseased girl. There is probably no student who would stay too far away from the cla.s.sroom. This floor is thus terribly quiet. Even the lights along the corridor have not been switched on.

I look hard at the toilets with half-opened eyes.

The gents is on the right.

The ladies on the left.

Without hesitation, I head towards the ladies.

There is only one reason for that.

And it is because I have never seen the inside of a female toilet.

And the diseased girl that we are going to kill is said to be inside a female toilet.

I want to avoid the stupid situation whereby I would fall behind while fighting just because I do not know the layout of the place that I will be in. Thus, I am about to enter the female toilet for the purpose of learning its layout.

"...... uuw, uuuw, uoh-ueeeh."

I can hear the voice of a woman coming from the toilet. And it is the voice of a woman who is puking.

Following that,

"Haah, haah...... don"t get jittery. I-I"ll be fine. I"m going to be fine. I"ll do it this time too. I"ll be able to kill the girl without dying, without letting any of my comrades get killed!"


I narrowed my eyes and quietly close the door to the toilet.

But, I can still hear the voice. Since this place is terribly quiet with no one else but me.

"...... I"m a genius. I"m a genius. I even have seven corporate sponsors. Even Papa and Mama have great expectations of me. That"s why I have to win; I will be worthless if I don"t win...... all right. Let"s do it. This time too, I"m a perfect genius...... I"ll absolutely clear the labyrinth!"

Pah, she patted her face, getting motivated, it seems from the sounds.

A flushing sound.

Running water from the tap at the basin.

It stops.

And then, the woman comes out of the toilet.

The self-proclaimed genius girl --- Mizuiro Gunjou.

With a small back, fair skin and blond hair, that girl walks out of the toilet while wiping her hands with a handkerchief.

I-I"ll be fine. I"m going to be fine.

I have my back up against the wall just beside the door to the toilet and as such, she never notice me when she came out of the toilet. And I could have just let her go without calling out to her. More like, a gentleman"s manners dictate that I should not call out to a girl after seeing her do all.

But sorry. Unfortunately, I am no gentleman.

Smirking, I say.

"Yaah, what a flashy way of throwing up, vomit-girl."

In an instant, I can see Gunjou"s small body make a startled jump in a funny way. She immediately turns around. Her face all red. Filled with a mix of fl.u.s.ter and shame, her tear-filled, almond-shaped blue eyes glare at me,

"W-W-Wh-Wh-Why are you here in such a place!?"

"I am just going to the toilet."

"You don"t need to come to a toilet this far right! D-Don"t tell me that you tailed me here?"

"Haha. You are being over-sensitive. Everyone"s visiting the toilet just before the labyrinth raid, so it"s crowded downstairs."

"Ah...... I-I see."

Gunjou seems to accept my explanation, but it was a lie. The toilet below here is empty.

Even after accepting what I have said, Gunjou glares at me again.

"Even so, what"s the meaning of eavesdropping at the female toilet! Pervert!"

"Ah-ha, I"m called that quite a lot today. Even I wouldn"t have the fetish of getting excited from listening to a girl puke."

Gunjou"s face could not have become redder than what it is now. Her body trembling, her mouth quivering, she glares at me with a face that is on the verge of tears, and says.

"...... h-how much have you heard?"


"You"ve been listening all this while right? To me talking to myself in the toilet."

"You talking to yourself? Did you do something like that?"

"Eh!? Ah, you didn"t hear that?"

As I see the color of relief gradually returning to Gunjou"s face, I grin stupidly and say.

"Yeah. I didn"t hear it. I didn"t hear anything like "it"s scary it"s scary, I have to answer to the expectations of Papa and Mama"."


Her eyes widen in surprise. Her blue eyes seize me, and following that, a strong hatred blazes in those eyes of hers. She is really easy to figure out. In an adorable way. She holds out her slender right hand. And snaps her fingers thrice.

It was the sound indicating that magic is being activated.

Gunjou says sharply.

"I"m going to kill you!"

Unlike Kiri, when she says "kill", she means it. At any rate, she is wearing a 《Headphone Fuzz》 in her left ear.

A right-brain type.

An emotion-type.

Furthermore, since the sight of her vomiting have been seen by someone else, her emotions are probably at an all-time high.

"...... Sea Moon Wheel switch."

Said Gunjou.

I knew that magic. It was a magic made from the technology brought back from the eternal labyrinth called Water-Death 7.

By the way, that labyrinth had the architecture of a gigantic pool but --- well, it does not matter now. Anyhow, this magic should be hard to manipulate.

Numerous transparent b.a.l.l.s resembling jellyfish with water inside them are floating around Gunjou, and they start rotating furiously with a Gwihn Gwihn sound. The "jellyfish" that are spinning like circular saws will cut anything that touches them and inject a paralysis poison into the bloodstream --- or something like that, is what the magic is capable of, if I remember correctly.

I look at that with half-opened eyes, and say.

"Water magic huh? The diseased girl this time seems to be weak against water so --- what a nice magic."

Gunjou says.

"Whatever, activate your 《Headphone Fuzz》 as well. I"ll teach you what will happen when you make a fool out of me."

"But I don"t want to learn what will happen."

"That doesn"t matter! Just get on with it! Hurry up! I"ll really kill you, you know!?"


"Hey, stop ridiculing me already!"

Gunjou waves her fingers. A water disc flies towards me. Fast. It brushes against my neck and at its high speed, cut into the wall and lodges itself in it.

A thin smile surfaces on my lips and I say.

"You missed?"

"Are you an idiot!? If that had hit you, you would have died!"

"Oh my, weren"t you going to kill me?"


"Aah, I see. Your magic sucks and you missed."

"There"s no way that will haaaaapppeeenn!"

Gunjou raises both her hands in fury. I have no idea how she can let loose so much emotions openly, but she just seems to be such a type.

Possessing strong emotions, and using those emotions to wield magic ---

I look hard at Gunjou and say.

"Hey, vomit-girl."

"If you use those words again, I"ll separate your head from your body cleanly."

"Then Gunjou."

"Why are you using my first name!? I"ll really send you fly......."

But, I interrupt her and say.

"You know...... why"re you going to the labyrinths?"


"If you"re so afraid to the point of barfing, then you should just give up. You"re already a rich man"s kid right? Then, there should be many ways for you to obtain happiness. There"s no need for you to do something like descending to a s.h.i.tty place where people die right?"

On hearing that, Gunjou lowers her right hand that has been activating her magic.

The "jellyfish" disappear.

Her blue eyes look hard at me and she says.

"...... it doesn"t concern you."

"Well, that"s true too."

"Anyway, a second-rate commoner like you shouldn"t interfere with a genius like me."

"I"m not doing that, am I?"

"Whatever, just don"t interfere with me!"

Gunjou hollers angrily. For some reason, she is on the verge of tears. As expected of an emotion-type. Her expressions have been shifting again and again.

I say.

"Hey Gunjou."

"Like I said earlier, don"t call me by my first name......"

But I cut her off.

"If you like, shall I protect you?"

"...... eh."

"A girl like you doesn"t need to shoulder everything by herself. There"s no need to be afraid of your friends dying, no need to tremble at the prospect of failure. I can do all those in your place. I"ll protect you."

At that moment, Gunjou"s eyes widen in slight surprise.

"...... w-w-wh-wh-wha-what are you saying? Erm erhh, does that mean......"

Her cheeks turn red. Her blue eyes waver, looking troubled. Just as I thought, she is an emotion-type that is easy to figure out.

I grin, and say.

"So, will you pay me money?"


For a while, Gunjou"s face changes to one that seems unable to comprehend what I am saying.

Thus, I explain to her.

"By the way, Shiro seems willing to pay me six million for a raid, but if you"re willing to pay ten million or more, then I will happily become your knight. Compared to vomiting out of fear, ten million is a cheap......"

At that moment, Gunjou takes a step forward. And sends her right fist flying straight at my cheek. It would have been an easy thing to dodge, but I took that fist. The inside of my mouth got cut, and I can taste iron.

I lick my wound with my tongue and smile foolishly.

"...... let"s see, for the pain I"m feeling now, make that twelve million. If you want me to help you......"

"You"re annoying, shut up trash!"

"Then, our negotiations have failed? Are you okay with me lending a hand to Shiro? If I"m on his side, you might just lose, you know?"

"Hahh, don"t get too carried away. Who do you think I am?"

"Scaredy cat vomit-girl?"

Her fist came at me again, but I did not take that this time. I take a step backward, and while smirking, I look at her intently.

"I think you"re going to need me though."

"I don"t need someone like you."

"Well, if you change your mind along the way......"

"I won"t. I"ll teach you in the labyrinth. That who"s the real genius. I"ll teach you that someone of your level is of no use in that kind of place!"

After yelling angrily, Gunjou turns around. And faces her back to me.

At the same time, Piih, the siren rings out.

It is sounding the start of the fourth hour.

Therefore, I too start walking, and Gunjou then says.

"Hey, stop following me!"

"Even if you tell me that, we"re in the same cla.s.s, aren"t we?"

"If we return together, the rest might think we were doing something together right!?"

"I was looking at you vomit, and you were being looked at while vomiting."

"Ah-uuwu...... I-I"ll definitely kill you in the labyrinth!"


I laugh, and head back to the cla.s.sroom.

『Fourth Hour ---

Lesson on selecting the magic to kill the girl』

The fourth-hour period --- is a lesson on selecting the magic that will be useful for this labyrinth raid.

Basically, inside a 《Headphone Fuzz》, there is only room enough to accommodate six cursed songs.

In other words, one can only use six varieties of magic.

This means that one must deal with any kind of situation with just those, however, there were many a times that one would not be able to tackle the obstacles and traps a labyrinth had given rise to with just six varieties of magic.

Let"s just take the offensive cla.s.s of magic as an example:

Extreme close-range offense.

Close-range offense.

Mid-range offense.

Far-range offense.

Extreme far-range offense.

Special offense system.

If one were to employ these six varieties of magic, one would have no room for any kind of defensive magic.

Or say, room for illusionary magic or magic used for sensing traps. Or magic used to forcibly open locked doors and so forth.

Thus normally, the six available slots will be filled by 『2 Offense, 2 Defense, 2 Support (balanced configuration)』, or 『3 Offense, 2 Defense, 1 Support (offense-specialized configuration)』, or song distributions such as these that have a certain degree of balance will be employed.

However, in the case of team raids on a labyrinth, it will be a different story altogether.

Those who excel in offensive magic will be in charge of offense; those who excel in defensive magic will undertake the responsibility of defense all by themselves.

And while protecting those who only equip themselves with support magic for the sole purpose of breaking through the labyrinth, the team advances --- such has been the strategy employed as a result.

That is why one will need friends.

The more friends one has, the more tactics that will be available. Any kind of irregular situation could thus be dealt with.

In order to break through the labyrinth this time, there are two of magic that are absolutely necessary.

Sensing of traps.

Unlocking of magic locks.

Along the route to the diseased girl located on the eighth level below ground, there are three locks that have to be undone.

Two of the floors are trapped zones, according to the reports.



It is not something I am concerned with.

As always,

Two slots for offense.

One for defense.

Three for support.

This is the usual configuration I go with and I have used that in all the labyrinths I have raided. Thus, I have no intention of changing anything this time as well. Teamwork? What"s that? Trusting in others with the hope that your trust will be answered is a thing meant for the lazy fellows who have been drowned in the lukewarm waters of a peaceful world.

That was why, during that lesson --- while everyone was desperately fretting about what songs to choose for their 《Headphone Fuzz》, I merely gazed out vacantly at the schoolyard.

『Fifth Hour ---

Time for forming the teams for raiding the labyrinth made by the girl』

The final lesson before invading the labyrinth.

It is a period used for discussing among your buddies the tactics to be used and telling the rest what sort of magic you have selected for your 《Headphone Fuzz》.

But, since I have no buddies nor friends, I did not talk to anyone.


Scratch that, in the midst of it, Shiro approaches me and says.

"All right. I"ve transferred the money. Just as promised, you"re now in my team. So I"ll introduce the rest of the team to you."

I look at Shiro. Behind him, is a timid-looking girl with black hair tied up into a ponytail. And a bespectacled guy.

Shiro says.

"Once we enter the labyrinth, these will be your buddies. Yuuyami Himi is on all-support role. Endou Yousuke on all-defense."

The girl"s name is Yuuyami Himi.

The bespectacled guy is Endou Yousuke, it seems.

Each of them has all his or her slots filled with a single cla.s.s of magic. In other words, these people employ teamwork.

I ask Shiro.

"Then, you are on all-offense?"

But Shiro grins and shakes his head.

"I"m on all-specialized-offense."


"Well, mine are really special, so you can just think of them as all-offense. So, about you. I"m hoping that you can adjust yours to a balanced configuration though."

I nod in affirmation.

"It"s just nice then."

"Yours is already balanced?"


"All right. Then, we can beat Gunjou this time."

Pachin, Shiro snaps his finger once.

I look at him in amazement.

Since I now know why Shiro and his gang had always lost to Gunjou. In a team which each member only carries one type of magic, it will be over if even one of them is out of commission. In that case, more members should be a.s.sembled so that the team can proceed even if a member gets taken out, but this cla.s.s has a charismatic, vomit-girl called Mizuiro Gunjou, and more or less the entire cla.s.s are subordinated to her and as such, he wasn"t able to further increase his allies.

That was why Shiro had been losing --- well, at the very least, that should be what he is thinking.

With half-opened eyes, I look at Gunjou who is at the front of the cla.s.sroom, giving instructions to her teammates regarding this particular labyrinth raid, and I then say.

"Hey Shiro."


"Who"s stronger, you or Gunjou?"



"It"s true, you know?"

"Well, fine."

While gazing at Gunjou"s almond-shaped eyes and fair skin, I say.

"So what"s Gunjou"s slot configuration?"

Shiro too looks in the direction of Gunjou, and says.

"I don"t know about that for this raid, but it should be a balanced configuration that gives more emphasis to offensive capabilities."

"...... oh. 3 offense, 2 defense, 1 support?"

"It"s the opposite for defense and support. 1 defense and 2 support."

"Aah, I see. Feels good to know."

I smirk.

Even after gathering so many allies, Gunjou does not believe in anyone. She is an outright balanced type. Even if she were to lose all her allies, she has a slot configuration that would enable her to clear the labyrinth by herself. She is prepared for the worst possible scenario.

In other words, she is serious.

To the point of barfing from the nervousness arising out of her seriousness.

On the contrary, Shiro fully trusts in his buddies. Normally, with just these members, having each of them on a single cla.s.s of magic would be unfathomable. Or, maybe it is because that it is necessary for a focused attack to shake Gunjou off with just these few members.

But if it comes to that, then indeed,

"With all slots equipped with specialized offensive magic, then Shiro should have more firepower when it comes down to killing each other......"

Though I have no idea whether humans do kill one another in a peaceful country like j.a.pan.

By the way, in the other countries, in the underground world of the small countries, while raiding the labyrinths there, if one encounters other raiders, it would be an obvious thing to kill each other for personal gains.

Those with power will get everything.

Everyone else is an enemy.

Depending on the situation, there are even times when you can get attacked by your own teammates from behind.

In those places, there is no fool who will fill their slots with just one cla.s.s of magic. There is a limit to how much of a good guy he can be. Or maybe, there is a special reason as to why he has to do that.

I look at Shiro with half-opened eyes.


Said Shiro, to which I reply.

"I was pondering about whether you are a fool or you are having special circ.u.mstances."


"Never mind. Well, seems like the real thing is starting."

I say.

I look out the window with half-opened eyes.

From afar, along with a roaring noise, there are five transport helicopters flying towards here.

We are going to move.

To Kanagawa Prefecture where the diseased girl is.

Pahn Pahn, Honjou-sensei knocks on the blackboard twice and says.

"Al~right, we"re halfway through the fifth-hour period. We"ll finish the remaining half while moving to the actual ground. Everyone, are you ready?"

On hearing that, my cla.s.smates remain quiet with nervous-looking faces.

Gunjou stands up and puffs out her chest.

"Huh, who do you think I am? I"m the genius Mizuiro Gunjou right? I was already ready since the day I was born."

What a liar. Didn"t you just puke from being nervous?

Shiro then says. To his two pals behind.

"All right, let"s go. We"ll win this time."

And brings up his palm.

"Let"s do this."

Endou Yousuke meets his hand with a slap.

"I"ll do my best."

Yuuyami Himi also lightly slaps his hand in a timid way.

Finally, Shiro turns his terribly gloomy looking palm towards me.

"You too. Even though your friendship was bought with money, we"re a team right now. Please look out for me."

"...... don"t tell me you want me to hi-five you?"


"You would have to excuse me due to religious reasons."

"Go to h.e.l.l."

Shiro laughs.

And Gunjou is looking at the both of us. Glaring at me.

I grin stupidly with half-opened eyes.

Even as I smile, the situation continues to advance.

There is not much time left before the time limit will be up.

Honjou-sensei says.

"Now now, let"s get going! Everyone, leave the cla.s.sroom and board the choppers!"

And thus, we started moving towards Kanagawa Prefecture.

13:03 PM

1 hour 27 minutes left before the diseased girl turns into an 《Eternal Labyrinth》

The transport helicopters lifted off with adolescent guys and girls packed into them.


Roaring noise.

The tension from my cla.s.smates.

The journey from Kichijou, Tokyo, to Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, by helicopters should take only about fifteen minutes, but for some reason, it seems like a long journey.

Beside me, sat Shiro"s buddy, Yuuyami Himi. With a black ponytail. And timid-looking, down-turned eyes.

Himi calls out to me.


I pretended to not hear her soft voice over the roar of the helicopter and did not answer.

Himi then starts,


And then goes quiet. She hangs her head, looking troubled. After a few minutes of silence,


She once again calls out to me, this time with a slightly louder voice.

I turn my half-opened eyes to Himi and say.

"I"m actually ignoring you."

"Eh...... ah, sorry."

"So, what is it?"

"Erm, I mean...... I was wondering, Arisu-kun, are you already used to raiding labyrinths?"

"Why did you think that?"

"Well, it"s because you look very calm."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. You"ve been grinning all this while."

"Haha, more like smirking...... perhaps."

"So, does that mean you"re not afraid?"

Himi asks, looking at me. Fear is reflected from her eyes.

I"m not afraid?

It is difficult to answer that. There is no way that I will not be afraid to go to a place where I might die. I too fear dying like anyone else.

But, I have gotten used to that. As I have been continuing to set foot in places where I might die, my senses have become numb and I have gotten used to it.

But it is not like my fear had disappeared. I am merely used to it. I am merely used to walking together with fear. I am just used to grinning like a fool, shrugging it off.

I continue grinning stupidly without answering, and Himi continues.

"I-I"m afraid. Even though this is already my third raid, I still......"

"Is that so? But isn"t that normal?"

"But, people like Gunjou-san, Shiro-san and Yousuke-kun seem to remain unbothered by it, and yet, I"m so afraid that it"s unbecoming......"

At the very least, I had seen Gujou vomit in the toilet so I do not think anyone would be able to remain "unbothered". Well, it might just be a matter of degree.

Himi is extremely afraid. I wonder whether it is because of her strong sensitivity towards fear. But that is not a bad thing. The type that has strong sensitivity, gets a boost in their capabilities in sensory and support of magic.

And she has a full-support configuration in her cursed song selection.

Which means that she might provide a good amount of power in those.

I say to her.

"You know."

"Ah, yes."

"I understand that you"re afraid, but what good will it do to tell me that?"

"Ah, ah, I-I"m sorry...... because we"ve never talked before despite being in the same team......"


"Erm, I might not be of much help, but since you"re someone whom Shiro-san relies on, you must be a really amazing person."

I look hard at her with half-opened eyes.

"So, as a full-support member, I will provide support to you with everything I got, so please take care of me, that"s what...... I wanted to say......"

I stare at her with half-opened eyes.

"...... I-I"m sorry...... did I do something that made you angry?"

She says with a face that seems to be on the verge of tears, to which I reply.

"No. From the beginning, I have always had this face."

"Ah, I"m sorry."

"Well I get it. Do help me out when I need support."


"Then, can I make my very first request for now?"

"Yes, what"ll it be?"

Said Himi happily, to which I say.

"I feel gloomy while we"re on the move, so can you don"t talk to me like you"re a friend of mine?"


This time, from behind Himi whose face is in shock, Mr. speaks up. His eyes behind those are sharp.

Endou Yousuke is his name right? Looking at me, he says.

"Hey hey, don"t bully Himi."


"And also, you"re a pretty unpleasant guy. What"s wrong with you? Is there any benefit you can get from having an att.i.tude that makes others hate you?"

I look up, at Yousuke with a thin smile on my face.

"At the very least, I can spend my off days quietly."

"Haha, because you lack friends?"

"That"s right."

"Then, why don"t we hang out together next time? After all, we"re now teammates. We can go watch a movie on Sunday, and then chit-chat at a family restaurant."

"What kind of creepy thing is that?"

"Don"t sweat the small stuff. Anyhow, in order for us to hang out together on our rest days ---"

Yousuke then holds out his hand. And he then says.

"Let"s all survive this. I"m on all-defense, so I"ll do everything in my power to not let any of my teammates die. Please take care of me, Shinnosuke."

Yousuke further goes on to take Himi"s hand and put it above his. And further goes on to say to Shiro behind,

"Hey Shiro ~. Come over here. Let"s do another huddle before it starts."

"Hn ~?"

Shiro"s face pokes out and after looking at Yousuke and Himi, he piles his hand onto theirs.

I then wearily say to the trio who are hard-selling me with their piled up hands.

"Erm, I thought about this as well during the hi-five session, can you guys stop this kind of hara.s.sing act?"

Shiro then smiles and says.

"Shut up, just put your hand on top. I already paid you six million, didn"t I?"

My hand was grabbed out of my own volition.

And with the hands of four people put together, one on top of another.

Yousuke says.

"Well, leader. Your speech please."

Shiro nods and says.

"We"ll definitely win this time. The labyrinth difficulty is low. There"ll be no casualties, and we"ll get our hands on everything. Let"s all survive and return, everyone!"

And then, the three team members of Shiro"s team answer.



"c.r.a.p, you"re noisy ~"

At that moment, the helicopter starts descending.

At last, labyrinth infiltration is about to begin.

There is about one hour left before the time limit will be up.

If we fail to kill the girl, three million people might be sacrificed.

That is why we cannot fail.

We will kill the diseased girl in that remaining hour --- and save the world.

It started.

The time started.

The last hour used for killing the girl started.


I take a deep breath in my seat.


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