Monster Integration

Chapter 2208 - Dangerous Crystal

Chapter 2208 - Dangerous Crystal

"You humans seemed to be confident; I want to see if you remain this confident when I burned you with my fire and eat you alive," The Goatman said and came at Rhea with the lightning werewolf beside it which is most dangerous of two.

They both went for Rhea instead of coming at us together; they may look angry and dumb, but they are very sly and know how to use their nature to their greatest advantage.

Within a second, they burst out of immense power and attacked Rhea with great teamwork.


Seeing their powerful attack coming, she instantly activated her diamond ability which surprised me as it had been consumed by her bloodline.

"It seemed like it had become part of her bloodline and became even more powerful," I thought as I saw Rhea taking their head on as tear through their attacks and attacked the Werewolf.

The move shocked the Grimms, as n.o.body with a sane mind would directly pa.s.s through the attack of the enemy, which is on the same level as them.

The Werewolf reacted instantly but still got a long gash from Rhea"s sword before it was able to put enough distance between it and her.

Her sudden and powerful attack had made Grimms even more serious, and they burst out with serious power.

I kept half of my concentration on the battle while the other half focused on Jim. I had scanned all twelve pieces of broken formation and sent it to avatar my core which is running with half of the conscious power I have.

The twelve parts belong to different parts of the formation, some are even harmless individually, but in that mix, everything has become dangerous.

I have to design something that all, a net to be exact, which would immobilize these formations which would help Jim walk out of them safely. The plan is simple enough, but it is not.

It will be hard and very time-consuming to design, but it is the only idea that gives a relative safety to Jim, while other ideas I have are not as safe as this one.

I did not waste any time and begin crafting the formation; it will take a while as it is not the only thing I have to focus on. There are also two Grimms that Rhea is fighting; I have to remain aware of it too.

While Rhea is doing more than fine against those two Grimms and it would not be a problem for her to kill them.

It would be a grave mistake for me to be unaware of the battle. Who knows if one of these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are something like a strength medallion and attack with it, that would be disastrous.

Half an hour pa.s.sed by, and great change have occurred in the battle, the Grimms were being beaten to every inch of their life, and they were gravely injured that their priority s.h.i.+fted to running away from killing Rhea.

While they want to run away, Rhea is not letting them. She suppressed them, not letting them move, even an inch toward the exit.

Seeing the conditions of the Grimm Monsters, the battle would not last more. It was due to Rhea being a little unfamiliar with her new powers that battle had lasted so long. If she had been experienced with it, it would have ended within fifteen minuits.

"b.i.t.c.h, you have forced me!" Said the Werewolf suddenly and took out the crystal, which is s.h.i.+ning blazingly with very unstable energies that put fear on my face. As those unstable energies are not normal, they are Grandmaster level.

"Let"s die together," It said with madness as the crystal in its eyes hand blazed even more brightly.


Suddenly the unstable energies in the crystal stabilized, and the crystal turned to normal before it came floating toward me, and all the Werewolf could do was let out a sound of shock.

"You should not play with something as dangerous as vichas pyrenes crystal; they are extremely dangerous, you know," I said as I took the crystal in my hand.

While I am far from my peak in dealing with a Grimm Monster such as it would be a great challenge if I fought against it head-on; but I will be fine as long as I use my strings.

Since the battle began, I had been mobilizing my strings against the Grimms. I had no intention of interfering with Rhea"s battle, I had only used strings as a precaution, and it is a good thing I did.

I don"t know where this b.a.s.t.a.r.d had found such a dangerous thing, but if it had exploded, it would have us with it.

This pyranic crystal had enough power to vaporize an initial stage Grandmaster and everything in between five hundred meters; we would have stood no chance against its explosion.

"Finish them before these idiots take out something even more dangerous," I said to Rhea.

To be honest, Werewolf taking out the crystal had scared the h.e.l.l out of me. That thing is even more dangerous than the b.a.s.t.a.r.d would have released; it is a great threatening material, even against the Grandmaster.

This time Rhea did not hold back, and within three minutes, she had finished them all.

It is such a regret that the two Grimms did not have a bloodline. If even a single one of them had it, it would have been more than enough for me to recover, but it seemed like my luck was not that good.

"How long will it take you to bring him out?" Rhea asked as she finished with the Grimm Monsters. "Five to six hours at least," I replied; it could be even more if I had come across any difficult problem.

"I not trying to rush you but be a little fast; the Grimms are here. Though these two are not part of a group, we had seen earlier. Still, we could not take any chances when a Grandmaster is involved," She said.

"We have barely survived the last encounter, but I don"t think we could survive another one," She added with a laugh.

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