Monster Integration

Chapter 3119 Ingan Forge

Chapter 3119 Ingan Forge


She opened the door of the room and stepped inside. I was about to take a step when I pushed inside. They think, I would run away, as I could.

As I pushed inside, six entered behind me before closing the gate on the envious eyes of those watching.

"Ingan Forge," said the woman as she looked ahead with a big bright smile.

In front of me is a spartan room. It is smaller than the last one, but not by much. It is completely white and at the center of it is a fire. It is palm size magenta color flame, with streaks of grey.

Around it is a huge silvery disk, on which are twelve round formations. For twelve people to sit.

If soul vitar was for the soul, then Ingan Forge is for the body. Though, it will be more powerful than the soul vitar.

"This little human is better than I had thought. With him, we might be able to visit all the practice halls we have on our list," said the Iras man who captured me.

"You are right, Sor," said the woman as she slowly walked toward the fire. As she reached it, she threw away a huge number of resources and the fire did not reject even a single one of them.

It seemed like they have come more prepared than I had thought they had.

After throwing the formation, she sat down, and after her, the others sat down in the circular disk one after another.

"What do you think you are doing?" asked the Sovereign, who looked to be in his late thirties. "I want to sit," I replied, to which he and others smiled.

"You can dream human. This opportunity is only for us," he said with a mocking smile.

"You can kill me now, then. Because I will not open even a single door for you," I said and walked toward the formation, while he glared, with his powerful aura pressing down on me.

It is extremely powerful, but I walk through it.

"Let him, harnal. He deserves it," said the woman as she looked at me with a smile. It seemed pleasant, but I could see the hint of anger in her eyes, which she was keeping contained.

I do not care whether she is angry at me. I could already guess their intentions for me. They need me, but they did with me. They will likely kill me.

So, I will enjoy the opportunities I am opening for them while finding a way to escape from their grip.

"Thank you," I said with a grateful smile. Acting as if I did not see her real emotions, as I sat down on the disk, before a Primary-III woman.

"I hope you do not scream human. The forge is very painful," taunted Harnal. I only smiled and focused on the fire. It is not a natural fire, but an artificial one, crafted for this purpose.


For a minute, it was quiet before the formation covering lit up, and tiny runes before to come out of it. They spread around us like the runes of soul vitar did, covering us externally and internally.


As the runes covered every inch of us. They buzzed and immediately; the fire enters them. Within a matter of seconds, they filled the tiny runes covering us and released the first breath.


Immediately two iras race people, both Primary-III, screamed loudly. While the expressions on everyone"s face, including mine, had changed.

It is painful, extremely painful, opposite to what I had experienced in the soul vital. That was comfortable, but this one was far from it.

The runes released the fire in a rhythmic way inside us.

This fire is strange. It is not only hot but also extremely heavy, like a hammer. I felt like every cell of me was getting hammered by a very hot hammer. It is painful as it is strange, but I did not resist it.

A little more than a minute pa.s.sed, and another wave came out. More powerful than the last one, once again drawing out the screams from two iras race people.

For the force of the first few minutes, the effect was barely visible, but soon, I was able to see the effects. They were amazing. It is strengthening me and most importantly; it is balanced about it.

I did not see even the slightest side effects of it, aside from pain. Which had now increased so much that even the third Primary-III begin to scream.

It is painful. I agree, but still not painful enough to make me scream. It will have to be much stronger, and I feel like it will become strong enough to make me scream.

Whether I scream at them or not. Only time will tell.

A little more than a half hour pa.s.sed and the effect of it has become amazing. Every breath is bringing bigger effects. It won"t be long, because my body became as strong as my soul.

I will have to strengthen my body, soul, and, if possible, energy, as much as I could.

I am in a very dangerous situation. These people have captured me, and I am sure they will not let me live after they are done with me or they might have something even worse.

Put a slave collar on me, as it happened in mine.

In Klahan, slavery is forbidden, but these three belong to one of the prominent families of the city. They had an Earth Sovereign leading them. Such families did not need to care about the rules, especially if they do it sneakily.

I shook those thoughts in my head and focused on what is happening inside me.

I am recording it all. I know what I will get from it will help me a lot. In inheritance, in designing treatments, and other things.

I need to collect, as much as data, I could about me. It will help me create a better inheritance, which is more important in the prime world. Here, the strength rules supreme, and the weak have no rights.

Powerful could enslave and nothing will happen to them, as long as they are more powerful than everybody else.


An hour and twelve minutes pa.s.sed when the fifth screamed joined. It is from the Sovereign, the same b.a.s.t.a.r.d who had stopped me earlier.

Even in such pain, I couldn"t help but feel the joy in his misery.

It seemed to have sensed something as it looked at me while screaming loudly. I did not glance at him, no matter how detestable he is. He is a Sovereign; he could kill me quite easily.

I don"t need to antagonize this person more than I needed to.

Another half an hour pa.s.sed and holding back the screams have become even more difficult. m.u.f.fled screams begin to come out from the three of us, while the five screamed loudly.

It had become extremely hard to hold back the scream through this pain, and I would have screamed if I had been alone, but I am not.

So, I focused on processes, seeing how the fire is strengthening. It helped.

By the time the runes released the last fiery breath, there was not a single scream that came out of my mouth.

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