Monster Integration

Chapter 3122 Negotiations

Chapter 3122 Negotiations

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Two groups of people stare at each other like they want to kill each other, and they are given they are mortal energies.

In the entire world, there are few rivalries like them. They have been mortal enemies., even before the abomination invasion. There is no other option, as their relations.h.i.+p had gone beyond ever to heal.

"I say why we are talking to these delicate flowers? We should just trample them," said the man with fiery blue. "Try it, reptile, and I will make you poisoned by your own poison," said the woman with glittering vine hair.

"I like to see how you can do it," challenge the man with fiery blue. "Attack me and I will show you," said the back woman.

The aggressive talk had been common, and it was becoming more aggressive by the day. It won"t be long before unable to control themselves and attack.

The wise members look at a small house, where powerful members of both groups are under heavy negotiations. They have been at more than a week and till now, no caseous had occurred.

They really hope it, before hot-headed people from both sides, wouldn"t be able to control themselves for much longer.

Some of them are still shocked by what happened in the past few months.

Little over two months ago, it was a normal day and two members of their races were fighting. It was nothing surprising about it. They fight every few decades, for one reason or for another, or for no reason.

They were fighting when the world tunnel materialized and spew out a human. A human with a bloodline of two of their races.

It was a great sin that should have never happened.

It had shocked both of whom were fighting, before making them agree, rageful even.

They wanted to kill the abomination, erase it from the world, and were very close to doing that when they stopped with their whole bodies shaking.

At that same, the realm cores of both realms activated on their own and begins pulling humans toward one another.

It is not the weak human they are targeting. It is what is she carrying.

It is what made them stop in their tracks, made them kneel unconsciously despite being so extremely weak.

The two months after that was chaotic. For the first time in thousands of years, the two realms came close to war. If it was not envoys that appeared, they would have fought all for that human.

To over what she is carrying.


They were glaring at each other when the door finally opened, and people came out. Five people from both races on each side, with three people in middle, in the middle.

"I hope both of your realms will keep your promises. If you break them, then you will not like it, what we will do," said the envoy of the divine realm.

The threatening tone surprised them. Usually, they stayed aloof, never interfering in affairs of any realm, but this time they did, and the Divine realm is not the only one. The other two envoys of exalted realms also nodded at her threat.

"Don"t worry envoys. We will not break our promise." said the higher-ups in unison.

"I hope you do, for your own good. This might help you climb the divine tower even higher." Said the middle envoy with a kind smile, before he disappeared with two other envoys.


"Sorana plate,"

I said as I looked at the black plate. It is a breakthrough tool, one of the good ones for the Sovereigns, but Primary stage pract.i.tioners could also make a breakthrough in it.

What made ever amazing is the energy nodes connecting to it. I see the thick cloud of energy and, if needed, it will provide more. The only thing one need is resources.

"So, who is going to make a breakthrough first?" asked Reta. "Me," I said, before even Ura could reply.

Making all of them focus on me, even Reta looked at me directly.

"Do you want to break into Sovereign?" asked Ura mockingly. To that, I smiled. "I am not a Peak Primary-III," I said and released my aura.

Till now, I had never revealed my aura. The only time they could find it was during the treatment, but the formation covering us sealed everything. So, there is no question of them fighting.

"You are a High Primary-III?" asked Sor in surprise. "Yes," I said simply.

"You can only dream human. It is for Sovereign breakthrough, and I am going to make the breakthrough first." Said Ura, with a smile.

"Let him go first, Ura," said Reta, and immediately the smile on his face froze. He looked at Reta and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it immediately, seeing the look in her eyes.

"Thank you," I said to Reta and walked toward the rectangular disk. "Stop," said Reta, as I had taken just one step. I turned and looked at her in question. "Wear this," she said, big pearl bracelet appeared in her hand.

It had a bracelet, with ten, nine fingernail size pearls.

"What is it?" she asked. "An artifact that will help you," she said and gave me the bracelet, without giving me the option to reject it.

I know I have no choice, so I took the bracelet and wore it after deactivating my armor. As I did, it immediately activated on its own and sent a powerful investigative wave inside my body.

It did not surprise me, even a bit. Though I feigned resistance to it and showed outrage in my eyes while laughing madly in my heart.

It is I who spy on others, not the other way. I had developed ways to deal with it years ago. This artifact is powerful, Sovereign grade, but it is seeing what I am showing it, and nothing else.

To its sensors, I am a powerful High-Primary-III who could deal fight equally against Peak-Primary III and even have a decent chance of defeating someone like Ura.

There was no surprise on Reta"s face when my meta-scan appeared in front of her eyes. As I had said, the bracelet shows what I want to show, and what I was showing is what she had expected.

"Thank you," I said with gritted teeth and turned toward the rectangular disk.

Ura and others laughed as I turned, but I am laughing harder. Let the b.a.s.t.a.r.d be happy. There will be a time when I will be laughing, and they will be crying.

I reached the plate and took out the breakthrough sphere, and immediately a surprise appeared on their faces. I had no plan to reveal it, but seeing what they were trying to do, I decided to reveal it.

There is another bigger reason, which is survival.

I know they will kill me after they are done with me, but I want to change their mind about it. From killing, I want them to think it is better to keep me alive for long-term benefits.

I am doing that in case I did not get a chance to escape.

I will try to escape their clutches and will give my all for it, but I need a contingency plan. I could not afford to die, at least not before I see the face of my child.

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