Monster Integration

Chapter 771

"Finally dead!" I said breathlessly as I saw the body of Grimm Monster falling on to the ground. This Grimm Monster was extremely tough, even after wearing Swirling Armor, I had to bear serious injuries to kill it.


I gulped down a potion to heal my injuries before I started to collect the bodies of a hundred of Grimm Monsters littered around me. Except for three who I killed, the rest of them killed by Ashlyn.

The camps in the Deeper part of Mariana Hills are really hard to break, each one of these camps have the strong powerhouse that to beat it, even I have to spend considerable efforts.

The camp I had just destroyed had one toughest opponent, in this camp, there were three Grimm Monsters that had a power level above the Silver Elites, and to kill them, I had spent quite a effort and have even got seriously injured in the process.

After I collected bodies of Grimm Monsters, I walked into Abode, only to see a view of human suffering. No matter how many times I see it, it still feels painful to see them in that condition.

I quickly brought them out of abode, cleaned them, fed them, and clothed them before I started to bring them out of the Mariana Hills. This will likely be the last group of humans I will save and as with this group as I am returning to Milford.

It had already been eighteen days since I had come to Mariana Hill for the Mission, and to be honest, I am missing the city, especially Rachel, who will also return by evening to tomorrow from her mission.

My speed is greater than normal as I am leading them, I did not have to worry about any Grimm Monsters as Ashlyn is killing all of them.

In the Mariana Hills, the only powerhouse I worry about is the Golden Elites; only Golden Elites pose a threat to me while those below Golden Elite are within a range of what I can handle.

I did not even fear those who are at the Edge of Golden Elite, as long as Ashlyn as I fought against it together, killing that level of powerhouse would not be a problem.


I was just thinking about the Golden Elites when I sensed faint yet powerful fluctuation. There seems to be Battle is going near me and sensing the fluctuation, I can conclude that it is the Golden Elites that are fighting.

I wanted to continue my journey, but I somehow found myself stopping, and with me, others also had stopped. "You guys stay here, I will go deal with the Grimm Monster that is coming at us," I said and flew away without hearing the reply of others.

I have only seen Grimm Monster fight once, and that time, my level was too low at that time to understand their strength fully, but now I am close to reaching Golden Elite, and it would be great for me if I could see their strength, so I have a clear goal in my mind.

I slowly moved toward the power fluctuation and found out I am not the only one doing the same. I spotted some Grimm Monsters and humans also inching closer. The danger is too great but also the temptation.

Be it Grimm Monster or Human; everyone wants to reach the level of Golden Elite as they are the true powerhouses of Grimm Battlefield. Be it Outpost, Midzone, or Warzone, they get to fight in the sky while those at my level could only fight in the sky Outpost and Midzone while in Warzone when big Battle, those at my level had to fight on the ground with the rest of Silver Elite bun.

Being a Golden is a prestige; it may not be in Very high in Grimm Battlefield, but it is still in High.

Soon, I reached close enough where I could watch the fight between Golden Elite through the vision that Killing Rule provided. I wanted to go closer and watch the fight with my own eyes, but I controlled myself and stayed rooted in my spot.

Through the red vision of Killing Rule, I watched the fight, and I have to say, the Golden Elites are powerful. Even when I am just inches away from being a Golden Elite, I am still quite far.

I don"t know what Star these two Golden Elite fightings are as I did not dare to probe, but by their powers to kill someone like me, they just have to flick their finger, and I would blow up like a balloon.

The Battle is happening in the sky, and it is going at full force, a ceramic masked young woman about my age is fighting against the Black Lightning Foxman one rares Grimm Tribe in content.

The Black Lightning Foxman is terror; every member of their tribe is usually powerful; it said that every member of their tribe became Golden Elite automatically in their life.

There are very few of them on the continent, and they are rarely sighted. Black Lightning Foxman is fearsome, but the young women are no weakling, she is matching equally against it in every aspect.

Be it in the speed, strength, or mystical methods, both of them are equal, which is why every minute their fight will reach a new high that I unconsciously started to take a step, so I could be stray causal attacks like some idiot Grimm Monsters who got too close.

Time pa.s.sed as the Battle continued, and half an hour later, the intensity of fighting suddenly increased, both sides started revealing their trump cards, seeing that I sighed and left the battlefield.

I wanted to continue watching as it is the most exciting moment of the Battle, but I did not as it is too dangerous; the Battle should conclude in a few minutes, and that is what makes staying more dangerous.

I am not alone; there one hundred and thirty people I have to take them to safety. If that Black Lightning Foxman won somehow, the first people she will kill would find people and me I had saved as we have the most significant number in the group of humans around.

So, I should get out of here as soon as possible and hope that the Battle should continue till I get out of the range of these Golden Elites.

"Let"s Go!"

I said to people, and we started to fly out of the Mariana Hill at an even greater speed than before, and in just two hours, we got out of the Mariana Hills. And from there, we directly took the sky.

It is very unlikely that we will come across the Golden Elite here as most of them are found in the Mariana Hills and area behind that which is completely in the hands of the Grimm Monsters.

We had come across some small flies when we were flying through the sky, but they were easily dealt with by Ashlynn. So, it only took us two hour of flying to reach the safe house.

"You Guys take care of yourselves," I said to the people who I rescued as I took them to safety and left a few minutes later after completing the formalities.

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