Monster Integration

Chapter 943 - Hilbert City

Chapter 943 - Hilbert City

"Finally Finished," I said with sight, these Adamantine Level Blood Thralls seemed quite weak, but they are extremely hard to kill, and when that combined with pseudo immortality they have in the Blood Pool, they became a dreaded opponent.

I was able to kill that Dear Blood Thrall because; I poured all the power of Black Sand I had. If that hard had been slightly tougher then, it would have been really really hard to kill it.

I could feel the seething of the Blood Pool as I killed all its Guards, but it could not do anything to me, it is entirely powerless after its guards are incapacitated.

I did not waste time and quickly appeared on the edge of the Blood Pool and took out the red pill, which is a size of infants" fist before crus.h.i.+ng it into the power. The powder fell on the lake, and a minute later, it calmed down completely.

This pill incapacitates the lake for an hour, as for why I did not use it before when I was fighting against the Blood Thrall because I did not want to die. The Blood Thrall is very protective of the Blood Pool, and if anything happens to it, they will self destruct their Blood Core.

Once their connection is broken with the Blood Pool, their Blood Core will detonate the next moment, and these Adamantine Blood cores have enough power to vaporize any Adamantine. I am still a Diamond; II would have no chance to survive under the detonation of the seven Blood Thralls.

Seeing the lake incapacitated, I took the white palm-size bottle, added mana into it before throwing it out in Blood Pool. A few seconds later, the Brown Red Blood in the Blood Pool started to get sucked in the bottle, and a minute later, the whole Blood in the Blood Pool had been sucked in the small bottle.

Blood may not be useful for us to consume directly, but it is a precious resource none the less. The Guild offers a very high price for it, and I am planning on collecting as much as this blood I can, this will help very much to gain the resources for the Adamantine.

The resources for the Adamantine level sell at the sky-high price, and some of the resources could not be brought by the price, and for that, one has to produce a thing of similar value.

The Blood is very precious, and so are seven twinkling red crystals s.h.i.+ning on the surface of the Blood Pool. These Blood red crystals are Cores of seven Blood Thralls, and they are too as precious as the blood pool.

I collected the seven crystals, and like the bottle, I placed it in my storage. I looked around for something precious, but the place was barren, everything this place had, had been gobbled up by the blood pool.

Seeing there is nothing, I looked around; only to see I am in a packed structure. It is not a cave or natural-born structure, the texture of the wall that had been eroded by the time, that makes it look like a cave.

The air around the lake is also sufficiently fresh which means we are not underground, which is a good thing. If it had been underground or deep underground, I would have had to stay till the time of leaving.

The cases of one entering underground are rare, but it has happened to people, some unlucky people have spent all the Ruins time in underground till it is time to leave.

It happened to very few people as the beacon bracelet that was provided to us usually transferred to the open s.p.a.ce.

That is why I had been so surprised when I had crashed on the s.p.a.ce as my entry would have been on the gentle and not in closed s.p.a.ce as this but looked like I had been one of those unlucky ones.

"Ashlyn, help me find a way out," I said to ashlyn and spread my killing rule to limit searching for the exit, but I did not have to wait for long as Ashlyn had found it.

Bang Bang Bang…

I had just started walking toward Ashlyn when I began to hear loud sounds and making them is none other than Ashlyn, I was able to find out the reason when I walked to Ashlyn.

She had found a small crack from which faint sunlight could be seen coming inside through it. Ashlyn is attacking that crack to widen it; she is doing quite a good job as many cracks had started forming around the crack, with enough attack, she will be able to crash apart that crack and make a hole big enough that we both could walk outside.

She continues attacking the crack, but the stone these cracks are is quite tough, even with an all-out attack from Ashlyn, which she had not only using the concentrated fire but also method power, the progress of her slow.

Bang Bang Bang… BOOM!

She continued attacking for fifteen minutes when suddenly, a sound boom rang out and the whole wall had collapsed, seeing that I couldn"t help but feel shocked as what I am expecting is hole big enough for me to crawl out but what came was a way that few people could comfortably walk through it.

As the wall collapsed and bright sunlight fell on my body and also showed what is ahead of us.

As I walked forward, I found myself on the small hill, and in front of me is what seemed to be a ruines of the sprawling city that used to be here thousands of years ago. Looking at destroyed buildings, I could see that the city used to be Grand city, that even Warzone cities hold no candle in front of it.

But now everything laid in the ruins, the war had destroyed the prosperity that the city used to have in the past, seeing such a scene, sadness couldn"t help but downed on me.

I looked around before I opened the map that Ellen had given me, the map is too vast, and if I were to search one by one, it would take me days. It"s a good thing, I could search through the requirements.

I first selected the hilly region, where I got more than ten thousand results. Next, I added the city in it and the result downed to one hundred and fifty two instantly. After that, I started to type all the small details. I am seeing a small city, like that half-destroyed tower, which is still standing tall.

After adding everything, I got three results and started to look at them one by one before finding the place I am, seeing I couldn"t help but heave a sigh of relief. I don"t want to end up at an unknown location as this place is very dangerous.

If I just looked at the sky, I would see three places where the remnants of super powerhouse attacks had remained, even in bright sunlight they were visible and sending out threatening feelings.

This place is Hilbert City, and it is on the edge of the 4th Region of the Trojan Ruin. If I had been a few hundred kilometers west, it would have been quite difficult to know where I am as there is a huge empty gap between all seven regions where there might be an entirely new region hiding.

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