Monster Paradise

Chapter 1832: Was I Too Harsh?!

Chapter 1832: Was I Too Harsh?!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang had absolute confidence that now his Primordium had elevated to dominator-level rank-4.

His clone spent less than half a day since returning to the universe to sneak into a couple of the grade-SS$ organizations without anyone noticing, He visited the people from the Black Abyss who had been imprisoned.

After removing the Kingdoms from their bodies, he spent less than half a day sneaking into the nine star zones that the Black Abyss had occupied.

He retrieved all of the Kingdoms from the Black Abyss members’ bodies without anyone realizing.

After doing that, he sent messages to Royal and the rest of the grade-SSS organizations to get them to pick up the pieces and clean up.

With his current level of ability, he no longer cared whether or not Aza’s clone came.

He had the confidence to fight Him even if he woke Aza’s clone in advance by retrieving the Kingdoms from those guys’ bodies.

Apart from the universe, similar things happened in the other chaotic cosmoses.

Lin Huang’s clones invaded the camps under the wing of Aza’s clones directly. They retrieved all of the half-step Dominators and heavenly dao-level powerhouses’ Kingdoms.

With his clones’ dominator-level rank-3 ability, the members of those organizations were suppressed easily without having any power to resist at all.

Lin Huang’s clones did not encounter any obstacles at all throughout the entire process.

Just like that, the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses under him, which were facing an invasion crisis, had their problems significantly resolved within a day.

After doing that, Lin Huang did not interfere further. Instead, he got the locals to clean up the remaining mess.

However, he accelerated this process.

Before this, the Great Heaven Palace’s time flow acceleration only reached one million times.

Since Lin Huang had elevated to dominator-level rank-4, and integrated over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses in his body, the Great Heaven Palace’s functions were transformed over and over again. The time flow acceleration function was increased to a billion times now.

This meant that, under the maximum possible time flow acceleration, one day in the outside world would be close to 2.74 million years inside Lin Huang’s Kingdom.

To be safe, he did not accelerate his Kingdom to a billion times faster rashly. Instead, he accelerated time flow from the initial one million times faster to ten million times faster first.

As such, a day in the outside world was 27,000 years in his Kingdom.

After accelerating the time flow in the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses, Lin Huang’s clones remained inside, guarding the chaotic cosmoses and watching over their development.

The over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses’ development was soon back on track after the threat of the Abyss’ invasion was removed.

Only a day had pa.s.sed in the outside world, and the number of cultivators in the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses in Lin Huang’s Kingdom had doubled.

His clones did not stay idle. They spent most of their time refining the unlocked Dao seals.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang’s Primordium in the outside world did not stop integrating chaotic cosmoses.

He would integrate at least a hundred chaotic cosmoses everyday.

At the same time, he would also produce more clones to guard those newly-added chaotic cosmoses to handle the issue of the Abyss’ invasion.

After handling all of the chaotic cosmoses that were invaded, they would include them in the range of the Great Heaven Palace’s time flow acceleration, which would increase their accelerated time flow to 10 million times faster.

Just like that, half a month had gone by.

The number of chaotic cosmoses in Lin Huang’s Kingdom had successfully broken through the 3,000-mark.

Although he did not break through to dominator-level rank-5, his level of ability was significantly more powerful compared to half a month ago.

However, just as he was happily integrating chaotic cosmoses with his Kingdom, a message suddenly arrived from his clone—something seemed to be going on with Aza’s clone.

Feeling helpless, Lin Huang could only pause the integration process of the chaotic cosmoses and returned to the universe to check things out.

The abnormality was detected within the universe and the tens of chaotic cosmoses around the universe.

Nothing happened to the other chaotic cosmoses.

That made Lin Huang suspect if groups of tens of chaotic cosmoses were taken care of by the same clone of Aza.

The other chaotic cosmoses might be territories under other clones of Aza.

Sensing the messages sent by dozens of his clones, Lin Huang soon had a rough understanding of the situation.

The Abyss in the tens of chaotic cosmoses had the same unusual event occurring.

Countless Abyssal monsters began to rush out of the Abyss.

At the same time, the mystic territories in those chaotic cosmoses began to appear frantically.

From minor dao-level to heavenly dao-level, there would be up to a hundred mystic territories opening everyday. Even some of the fog outside the mystic territories began to spread out and invade the star zones of the material realm.

These signs indicated that Aza’s clones were waking up!

When Lin Huang’s Primordium received the news, he returned to the universe instantly and headed straight into the Abyss.

After entering, from a glance, he saw Abyssal monsters rus.h.i.+ng out from deep within the Abyss like a black wave. They were heading to the universe from a spatial rift connected to the universe.

As he hid his existence through Heavenly Dao, it was as if they did not see him at all as those Abyssal monsters continued to rush forward following the orders of the powerhouse that was deep in the Abyss.

Lin Huang spread out his Divine Telekinesis and found out that the entire Abyss had gone berserk. It seemed that all of the Abyssal monsters were controlled by Aza’s clones.

His Divine Telekinesis very soon spread out toward the deepest layer of the Abyss. He sensed a disgusting aura.

However, that aura was rather obscure. His Divine Telekinesis seemed to have been blocked by something that prevented him from probing further. He could not get to the source of the aura.

He squinted and recalled his Divine Telekinesis after thinking to himself for a moment. He appeared in the deepest layer of the Abyss directly in a flash.

It was an area that was completely dark. The darkness took away all of Lin Huang’s senses.

This feeling was exactly like his two previous trips into the mystic territories before.

Not only was his sense of vision, hearing, smell and touch taken away, he also lost sense of s.p.a.ce and time.

Nevertheless, he did not panic at all.

The reason being was, although his senses were taken away, he could see everything in this dark s.p.a.ce clearly with Divine Telekinesis.

This seemed to be the other ent.i.ty’s Kingdom. It was empty inside.

Lin Huang finally saw Him for the first time.

He looked like a lump of flesh that was squirming around continuously. There were sarcomas, tentacles and meaty ridges all over His body. His single eye was the only thing that stood out.

The red eye, that seemed to have lava swirling inside, opened. It stared fixedly at Lin Huang.

“He doesn’t seem powerful…” Lin Huang mumbled softly as he commented.

The strength of his aura only seemed to be at dominator-level rank-3. He was even weaker than Lin Huang’s clone.

Naturally, he knew that he could not judge one’s level of ability solely by their aura.

Therefore, without holding back, he summoned his G.o.d Weapon flying daggers.

The hundreds of millions of flying daggers were unleashed in three waves. He used the Dominator Power of the over 1,000 chaotic cosmoses, drowning Him entirely.

However, Lin Huang had a slight change of expression after merely a second pa.s.sed.

“What happened? He died just like that?! Was I too harsh?! Don’t tell me this guy is faking his death to trick me?”

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