Monster Paradise

Chapter 1622 - Raptors

Chapter 1622 - Raptors

Through the Heavenly Dao"s projection, the scene inside Buried Heaven"s G.o.d Territory was clearly displayed.

At the moment, the Dao seal that had been consolidated from the twenty-seven Dao tattoos was like an intensely blazing star suspended above the G.o.d Territory, radiating endless awe-inspiring power.​​

The glaring white light had almost spread to every corner of Buried Heaven"s G.o.d Territory. Wherever it pa.s.sed through, it left scorched earth in its wake.

Lin Huang could even see countless planets inhabited by living beings, all burning fiercely. Some even crumbled immediately. Almost all the living creatures in the G.o.d Territory were killed; none were spared.

"Does this happen to the G.o.d Territory of everyone who performs unification?" Lin Huang asked the handful of Blood Sickle members with some misgivings.

"This process is almost inevitable. Living beings will die, stars will collapse, and even galaxies will fall apart…" Gao Ming answered, nodding, "However, as soon as unification is completed successfully, time in the G.o.d Territory will revert to the moment before unification started. The destroyed galaxies will be restored to their original state, while the living beings that were killed will be revived where they were. Furthermore, all their memories of having died will be removed.

"The G.o.d Territory might seem the same as before, but in reality, once unification is successful, the entire G.o.d Territory will evolve to a new stage. Realms, rules, and sequences will be reconstructed, creating a fully complete internal circulatory system and forming an independent universe. Only then can the G.o.d Territory truly be called a Kingdom."

"It sounds very much like a system being upgraded and restarted…" Lin Huang thought to himself.

As the Dao seal released its energy, the G.o.d Territory within Buried Heaven"s body became riddled with craters in the mere span of a few breaths. Practically none of the star zones remained whole.

Even the area of s.p.a.ce around the entire G.o.d Territory was starting to quake, and cracks began appearing in the air.

Lin Huang and the others could clearly feel a terrifying energy wave being transmitted from Buried Heaven"s body.

"The G.o.d Territory within his body can directly interfere with the material realm we"re in?!" At this moment, Lin Huang finally became aware that the energy produced from the unification process was utterly beyond what he had expected.

Off to one side, Gao Ming could hear the misgivings in Lin Huang"s question. He then immediately explained, "The energy produced from unification isn"t energy from the Dao seal itself but from the consolidation of the Dao tattoos. During this process, the energy released from the Dao seal might be dozens, even hundreds of times more than what the Dao Seal itself inherently contains."

This caused Lin Huang to think about nuclear fusion again.

"If one"s G.o.d Territory isn"t strong enough and can"t sustain this process, it will immediately collapse, causing the unification to fail," Gao Ming added.

At that moment, Buried Heaven suddenly gave a low groan. A trickle of fresh blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"When the energy from unification breaks through the G.o.d Territory"s restrictions, it will impact the individual"s G.o.d"s soul and physical body. This is also the second most difficult stage in the unification process. If either one"s physical body or one"s G.o.d"s soul cannot sustain this process and collapses, unification will fail."

"Then does this mean that if one"s G.o.d Territory is strong enough, they can directly suppress the force coming from the unification process and prevent it from impacting their physical body and G.o.d"s soul?" Lin Huang could not help asking.

"Theoretically, that should be the case." Gao Ming glanced at Lin Huang, then continued, "However, n.o.body has managed to achieve this yet. No one"s G.o.d Territory has ever been so powerful that it can directly suppress the process of unification."

Lin Huang was not paying attention to the last part of Gao Ming"s words. At the moment, he was wondering whether he could strengthen his G.o.d Territory sufficiently to completely suppress the energy released from unification if—at his current pace—he were to integrate more half-step Lords" G.o.d Territory Sh.e.l.l Remnants.

Buried Heaven, who was not too far off, had his eyes tightly closed, but he seemed to be very much aware of his current condition.

A layer of battle armor automatically began appearing on his body. At the same time, a golden glow lit up between his brows, protecting his G.o.d"s soul.

These two pieces of equipment were clearly Dao Weapons.

Once this equipment appeared, Buried Heaven"s aura very clearly calmed itself.

Not long later, the white rays of light released from the Dao seal suspended mid-air in his G.o.d Territory gradually began to diminish at last.

The expressions of the watching Blood Sickle members finally relaxed slightly.

"I think we can consider him as having made it through this stage," Nine-tailed Fox Hu Xian"er said with a smile.

Lin Huang was slightly relieved as well. He could sense that the crest of energy released by the Dao seal had pa.s.sed and was beginning to wane.

Buried Heaven making it past this crest meant that half the unification process was already complete.

In a little while, the white glow radiating from the Dao seal faded entirely.

Buried Heaven finally opened his eyes and exhaled long and slow.

Without hesitation, he retrieved a handful of elixirs from his storage ring and gulped them down one after the other.

"The most difficult stage is coming up next!" Gao Ming said softly.

Lin Huang was stunned when he heard that.

His first reaction was to wonder, "Didn"t they say earlier that consolidation of the Dao seal had the highest failure rate—over 80%? Why is the next stage the most difficult one?"

However, he quickly revised this first impulse. The most difficult stage did not mean that it had the highest failure rate. This was because 80% of the candidates had not made it past the consolidation of the Dao seal. Therefore, less than 20% would make it to the next stage.

"What"s the next stage?" Lin Huang could not help tilting his head and asking.

"The third stage of unification, which is also the last stage—Dao plundering!

"When a Dao seal has been properly consolidated through unification, it will attract the attention of raptors who covet and d.e.s.i.r.e it."

"Raptors?" This was not Lin Huang"s first time hearing this term. However, he had only heard it; he did not really understand what it meant.

"That"s right. We"re not sure where the raptors come from. We only know they don"t belong to the material realm. Each raptor is unbelievably powerful. They only appear they sense a Dao seal, and they always show up without warning.

"These raptors will steal the Dao seal of the individual performing unification. The individual must defeat the raptor to officially gain control of their Dao seal."

"If the individual is defeated and the raptor takes the Dao seal, what will happen then?!" Lin Huang asked curiously.

"When an individual performing unification loses their Dao seal, they"ll lose all of their cultivation abilities and become an ordinary mortal, if the consequences are light. Severe consequences would mean immediate death," Gao Ming explained patiently, "As soon as the raptors obtain the Dao seal, they"ll refine it almost immediately and arrive in the material realm as a Lord. This would result in an utter catastrophe.

"I"ve read related records from historical data where a raptor in the ancient epoch took someone"s Dao seal during unification. When the raptor arrived in the material realm, the Lords could not kill it immediately, and it was able to escape. It caused a terrible disaster. That raptor devoured many Heavenly G.o.ds, half-step Lords, and Lords within a short few years, causing it to become extraordinarily powerful. In the end, the Almighties above lord-level had to take a hand before it was finally suppressed for good."

As he listened to this story, Lin Huang had already started pondering. In the event Buried Heaven failed his unification, and the raptor took his Dao seal, arriving in the material realm, Lin Huang wondered if he should show his hand and reveal his true abilities.

Just when Lin Huang was still turning the issue over in his mind, a change happened in Buried Heaven"s G.o.d Territory.

Not far above the Dao seal, an irregular s.p.a.ce rift began to form at a speed visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

Within less than the time it took for a breath, the rift had expanded to the maximum. It looked like a malevolent eye.

Lin Huang was stunned when he saw the rift. "Isn"t that the Virtual Eye from the gravel world?!"

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