Monster Paradise

Chapter 1735: Three Years

Chapter 1735: Three Years

On the day Lin Huang returned to the great world from the universe, he gathered Sword 1 to Sword 12 again.

In the meeting room, he projected the star map of the universe’s Eastern Eight Zone directly.

“What do you guys think this is?” Lin Huang glanced at everyone present.

“A star map?” The rest remained silent but Sword 8, who looked like a little girl, said while chuckling.

They remained silent as they did not think that the answer would be that simple.

“That’s right. Guess where this is on the star map?” Lin Huang continued to ask.

This time, Sword 1 was the first to speak after hesitating a little bit, “It doesn’t look like a star map of any known regions of the great world. I don’t even see one star zone that I’m familiar with. Is this a star map of another world?”

Lin Huang nodded lightly. “Indeed, this isn’t a star map of our world, but a star map of the universe.”

“To be exact, this is the star map of the Eastern Eight Zone in the universe, which is the region where our world is at the moment.”

“So those dots aren’t star zones, but great worlds?!” Sword 3 asked with a shock-filled expression.

The rest reacted one after the other. All of them looked shocked.

The reason being was that there were at least billions of dots within the projected image.

In other worlds, this inconspicuous-looking star map contained billions of great worlds.

“Where’s our world then?” Sword 8 could not help but suddenly ask.

Lin Huang moved over to the northeast corner of the star map quietly. He kept enlarging the image.

He only pointed at one of the dimmed dots after he enlarged it tens of thousands of times.

“This one. This is the great world that we’re currently in. World No. D3587.”

“Can you enlarge it further?” Sword 8 asked the same question that Lin Huang had asked previously in excitement.

“This is the furthest it can be enlarged…” Lin Huang gave the same answer Liu Fu had given him.

“This is the universe. The Eastern Eight Zone alone is already vast and borderless.” Lin Huang glanced at them again. He could see the yearning within them. “There are more than three billion great worlds within the jurisdiction of the entire Eastern Eight Zone. Meanwhile, there are over 600 zones like the Eastern Eight Zone in the entire universe.”

“Three billion great worlds?!”

“Over 600 Eastern Eight Zones…”

The Sword Servants present thought the vastness of the universe was beyond their imagination.

“No wonder there are so many powerhouses in the universe… Out of the billions of worlds, even if there’s only one famous dao-level powerhouse in 100 million worlds, there would still be tens of thousands of dao-level powerhouses,” Sword2 could not help but exclaim.

“The number of dao-level powerhouses isn’t as low as that,” Lin Huang explained while smiling, “At least judging by the great world’s serial numbers, there are at least millions of dao-level powerhouses in the universe. The reason being is that there are over three million worlds with grade-S serial numbers. Even if a grade-S world only has one minor dao-level powerhouse, there would be over three million of them already.”

“The alphabet before the serial number is the grade rating of the world?” Sword 1 noticed that nuance instantly.

“That’s right,” Lin Huang explained in detail, seeing that they were interested in that.

“The universe categorized the grades of the great worlds from low to high, namely E, D, C, B, A, S and SS.

“Grade-E worlds have no local Lords.”

“The highest local combat strength of Grade-D worlds is restricted to lower-rank Lords.”

“The highest local combat strength of Grade-C worlds is restricted to middle-rank Lords.”

“The highest local combat strength of Grade-B worlds is restricted to upper-rank Lords.”

“The highest local combat strength Grade-A worlds is restricted to ultimate-rank Lords.”

“Grade-S worlds have powerhouses that have elevated to minor dao-level.”

“Grade-SS worlds have powerhouses that have elevated to major dao-level.”

“The numbers in the serial number mostly represent the sequence in which the worlds were found. However, it might also be the sequence after amendments.”

“Then why is our world Grade-D? Didn’t we always have middle-rank Lords?” Sword 3 asked, feeling rather confused.

“This serial number must’ve been given since our great world was discovered. Perhaps the highest combat strength within our world was only lower-rank lord-level when the serial number was created. Therefore, the grade-D rating hasn’t been amended since then. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the numbers in our world’s serial number are pretty small. The universe should’ve discovered this great world a long time ago.”

Lin Huang stated his speculation. He saw such a thing happening in the inheritance memories he obtained.

“If someone is elevated to ultimate-rank lord-level or dao-level, it should be amended quickly if it is reported to Royal.”

There were many worlds in the universe, while there were limited staff responsible for the serial numbers and recordkeeping. They could not be monitoring which world had new elevated middle-rank Lords or upper-rank Lords at all times.

They would usually rely on report submissions. After the application was submitted, there would be staff in the jurisdiction reviewing the application. The serial number would only be changed if the application pa.s.sed the review process.

The world Lin Huang and the rest were in should not have had anyone submit an application since the serial number was created. Therefore, the serial number had never been amended.

“It was said that there were only over 10,000 grade-S worlds in the universe when this system was first introduced. Now that there are over three million of them, most of the grade-S worlds only had their serial number amended when someone successfully elevated to dao-level later on,” Lin Huang added on another piece of information.

“Are there really great worlds that managed to train dao-level powerhouses?” Sword 2 could not help but raise his doubts.

“There are. Great worlds have great differences in their innate environments. The legendary great worlds during the epoch of chaos were born almost the same time the universe was. Each great world was endlessly vast, while the resources found within weren’t inferior to that of the universe. During that epoch, some living beings were born to be dao-level or even more powerful.”

“Due to wars and other reasons later on, those great worlds during the epoch of chaoss collapsed one after the other and integrated once again, creating new great worlds and forming the great worlds of the primeval epoch…”

“The great world that we’re currently in was formed by the many disintegrations and integrations of great worlds during the primeval epoch.”

“However, there are still a small number of great worlds that have portions of star zones remaining from the primeval epoch. The resources available in such worlds are naturally incomparable to other worlds.”

“Those people who are born in such great worlds are so lucky.” Sword 2 had an envious expression on his face.

“Not necessarily. While the worlds with many powerhouses seem to have more abundant resources, in reality, the level of compet.i.tion is more intense. Perhaps many geniuses and talents were killed before they even managed to stand out.” Sword 1 had a clearer head.

“Sword 1 is right.” Lin Huang nodded too. “Such great worlds definitely have levels of compet.i.tion that are a hundred times more intense than ours. Although those who are selected in the end are definitely talents and geniuses, we don’t know how many others died during their journey. Some may have had sufficient talent and potential, but lacked that little bit of luck and died prematurely. In our world, the death rate of such geniuses is much lower.”

“Therefore, there’s no need for us to be envious of them. Our world is pretty great. If we’re running out of cultivation resources, we can always head out to the universe. As long as you have sufficient potential and talent, the resources in the universe are sufficient for you to cultivate to dao-level.”

“Are you showing us this data because you are planning to head to the universe, Lord Swordmaster?” Sword 1 asked quickly.

The remaining Sword Servants in the meeting room stared fixedly at Lin Huang. They were eager to know the answer.

“Within three years. Three years would be the deadline,” Lin Huang revealed the time limit he had set for himself.

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