Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 802: G.o.dhood!

Chapter 802: G.o.dhood!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Ha ha ha ha.” There was a peal of bell-like chirpy laughter from the vanity s.p.a.ce.

The claw that Da Zi was about to release tightened. Gao Peng let out a sigh.

“Da Zi, be good. Let go.”

Da Zi’s mouth shriveled, Gao Yueyue, you really were deceiving me.

I have decided to leave you alone for three hours… No, two hours! I want you to experience the pain of losing a loved one!

With such a thought, Da Zi let go of his claws proudly, turned away without looking back, leaving with a suave demeanor.

After a while, Da Zi hid behind the hillside and peeped out his head to observe Gao Peng’s every move.

Gao Peng searched for the source of the voice. At first, Gao Peng thought it was a Silly laughing.

Because the voice was similar to that of Silly, like a child.

But then Gao Peng noticed that Silly was floating in the sun in the distance.

Even after reaching level 100, that b.u.m was still lazy. So far, it had not condensed any s.p.a.ce G.o.dhood. Even Da Zi had condensed out a G.o.dhood!

The playful laughter lingered in his ears. Gao Peng could feel that the monster was not far away from him. He should be nearby, but he could not see it.

Gao Peng frowned. This should be the power of s.p.a.ce.

If it’s the ability of s.p.a.ce type, then Silly would be the one to act.

Calling Silly over, Gao Peng shared Silly’s vision.

Later, Gao Peng saw a small monster hiding in the s.p.a.ce gap, laughing and kicking his short legs into the sky.

This little monster’s awareness was very, very high. When Silly spotted it, he simultaneously turned his head to look at Silly.

As though he’s seen some wild beast, Gaopeng’s whole body had gooseb.u.mps.

“Hmm, this is not fun,” pouting, the little monster jumped and disappeared in the air.

It took a long time for this feeling to pa.s.s.

Gao Peng stood in place for a long time before he was relieved.

The monster gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Fortunately, there had been no malice.

It was not only Gao Peng but Silly too. After this, Silly was triggered and flew aside to practice hard to condense his own G.o.dhood.

Just that, it was unknown how long his persistence would last.

Silly used to work so hard, but every time he just kept on for a few days, then revert to his laziness again.

As the saying goes, “you need to poke a toad for it to jump each time.”

Oh right, was Goldie condensing his third G.o.dhood?

Gao Peng called Goldie, “let me see what the rule of your new condensed G.o.dhood is.”

The first two G.o.dhoods by Goldie were perseverance G.o.dhood and Vajra G.o.dhood. They were decent and by the book, but weren’t high-level rules.

“Here.” Goldie spread his palm and condensed a pure and transparent colorless G.o.dhood.

When this G.o.dhood appeared, all elements nearby were repelled by an invisible force.

“This is the Forbidden demon G.o.dhood?” Gao Peng was surprised that the ability to forbid demons could also be condensed into a rule.

Was this rule a general rule, a high-level rule, or a top-level rule?

Gao Peng could not give an accurate judgment.

It could only be said that under certain circ.u.mstances, the forbidden demon G.o.dhood could play a strong role, but sometimes it could, at times, be useless.

It belongs to the Mutated sword rule.

Gao Peng tentatively cla.s.sified this rule as rare.

The strength of this was difficult to judge, but it was truly rare.

“Yes, can you continue to condense G.o.dhood?” asked Gao Peng.

Goldie touched his bare head, “Looks like I can’t. I have been squeezed dry.”

Goldie made a gesture with his two hands, like holding a ball.

But then felt that the gesture was not appropriate, so he squeezed his thumb and forefinger tightly, leaving a little s.p.a.ce in the middle.

“Nothing,” Goldie showed his hands.

Gao Peng nodded. Condensing G.o.dhood was actually to refining and acc.u.mulating the strength in the body, and then embodying it in another form.

Only when the quasi G.o.d level was made perfect could the rule be completely refined. Refining the lowest standard rule within the quasi G.o.d level.

“Let’s see how the other familiars are progressing.”Gao Peng thought and walked along with Goldie.

Da Zi, with half his head exposed, stared at Gao Peng’s back without blinking an eye.

There was no doubt who Gaopeng expected the most from among the familiars under him, the Dragon Ant.

Because of their special abilities, Dragon Ant had control over the most number of monster attributes.

Every new monster attribute could bring about new power.

Dragon Ant had locked itself up for two weeks. Gao Peng went to check and found that the Dragon Ant was still behind closed doors. He ordered Goldie to continue to protect the Dragon ant.

Flowing Light just came out.

It had condensed the “Tearing G.o.dhood” and the “Shadow G.o.dhood.”

Flowing light held up his head and chest, and was proud as a little general.

I’m going to find a partner to show off my G.o.dhood.

Goldie was picking his nostrils. He had a tablet on his left hand and was watching a movie. As soon as Flowing Light opened his mouth, he turned his back.

Flowing Light stopped whatever he wanted to say.

Secretly looking inside, Dragon Ant was still training.

A big hand came down from the sky and covered Flowing Light’s head.

“Little kids, move aside, the master said not to disturb him.”

Flowing Light walked away pridefully. After walking for a distance, he saw Da Zi was creeping discreetly at the back of the hillside, he happily flew over and landed beside Da Zi, “Da Zi…” “shhh.”

Da Zi slowly shook his head and motioned Flowing Light not to speak.

Flowing Light followed Da Zi’s line of sight, Gao Peng was talking and laughing with Fatty Big Sea and Desolion.

Flowing Light had a moment of awakening…

Desolion also had two G.o.dhood, the icy G.o.dhood, and the frost G.o.dhood.

It was not very abnormal, but rather standard.

As long as we can continue to understand other rules, in the future, we would have the opportunity to understand the more advanced Ice rule.

Fatty Big Sea was not in a hurry to acc.u.mulate G.o.dhood. He hoped to gather G.o.dhood after he recovers his eternal grade.

“It’s not easy to have a chance at a comeback. Of course, it must be well-managed,” Fatty Big Sea said seriously.

He decided to work on G.o.dhood only when there was no further progress.

Gao Peng thought it shouldn’t matter, “Just that… In this way, your strength will be in bottleneck state for a long time. ”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not a big deal to be a little gigolo,” Fatty Big Sea didn’t care.

“You can’t be a little gigolo, but it’s possible for you to be a Fat gigolo.”

“Then, I’ll be the most b.u.m-like fat Gigolo.” Fatty Big Sea was lying comfortably on the ground. His eyes narrowed into two lines.

“… You have such great ambition,” Gao Peng couldn’t say anything.

“Haha, I have been protecting for so long, I also want to experience the feeling of being protected.”

“Ok, in the future, I’ll protect you,” Desolion promised.

Fatty Big Sea, “…”

“Hey, what kind of look is that?” Desolion felt like he had been insulted.

Fatty Big Sea flipped to the other side to sun himself.

Aside from them, the Dragon Cultivation Book was stuck at level 99, so it was temporarily unable to understand the rules.

At the same time, the level of White Clam had also been raised to 84 and is steadily improving, striving to catch up with the second group of the b.u.m team.

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