Monster Soul Online

Chapter 147

Publishedat 3rd of May 2019 04:50:22 PMChapter 147

Chapter 147: The Second Encounter

Several battles occurred around the town . The atmosphere was filled with the qi, magic, and psychic power being emitted from both the werewolves and the players, which hindered Sila’s ability to sense beings .

‘Finding a specific person in a battlefield is unexpectedly a difficult task . In a normal situation I could probably do it, but now it’s too hard,’ thought Sila .

“The Werewolf King is in the north, Big Brother Sila, though Bow can’t find its exact location,” Bow said . She was still inside his vest .

Opening his eyes, Sila opened his left palm so Bow could hop out and sit on it . “Are you sure, Bow? How do you know that?”

“Bow used Divine Raiment . Miss Viola taught me to use Divine Raiment whenever I don’t know what to do . ”

“Oh . Right . Like that time when I fought Pythia . ” He placed Bow on the roof and summoned Lookhin .

The dark brown sparrow flew out of the ring and perched on his finger .

“Please take care of Bow,” said Sila . He hesitated for a moment before speaking once more . “Mister Sebastian . ”

This time, he didn’t need to wait . Sebastian teleported to him almost instantly .

“Fufu . I predicted that today must be a good day and it turns out to be correct; Mister Sila finally called me . I have to admit, sir, I have been traveling a lot and I wonder if I should still call myself a butler,” Sebastian said as he emerged next to Sila .

“Could you please look after Bow?”

“My pleasure, sir . Oh? Aren’t they werewolves? Where are we, sir? I’m unfamiliar with the scenery . Are we on the western part of the Main Continent?” Sebastian looked around .

Sila had always thought that Sebastian knew everywhere in Monster Soul, so he was surprised by how Sebastian didn’t recognise this place . As it turned out, the butler had never been to Beginning Town before .

“We are on Beginning Island . Please refrain from acting offensively though . My main goal is to prevent Bow from being in danger . ”

“No need to worry, sir . Although these dogs are stupid, they are keen enough to be aware that they shouldn’t come near this spot . ”

Sebastian’s eyes were gleaming with red light . Once the werewolves made eye contact with him, they would change their target to another player .

Closing his eyes for a second time, Sila covered his body with a white aura . Suddenly, the chaotic sounds of battle were gone . Once he extended the radius of his qi, he found that he could sense everything with significantly more clarity .

Very pleased with Divine Raiment, Sila shifted his focus to Sebastian and could determine that most of Sebastian’s magic power was concentrated on his eyes .

‘Oh? If I focus on a single target, it seems I can inspect even the target’s usage of power . ’

With this idea, Sila shifted his focus to Yardpirun, who was far away . As it turned out, he could feel her presence unlike before . Her power didn’t simply come from her body, but also came from another source, which was a ring on her right ring finger . It was a colorless power that was very hard to detect and discern, flowing from a little gem on the ring .

‘She knows about the Gems of Catastrophe and possesses the Seal skill . It is entirely possible that she has a Gem of Catastrophe in her possession . If this is the case, most of her actions can be explained . ’

Anyway, Sila stopped paying attention to Yardpirun . With his enhanced sensing ability, he came to be aware that the player side was in a grave condition . It was only a matter of time before they would all be wiped out, unless he could defeat the Werewolf King soon . Thus, he put his focus on the werewolves . Although their powers were similar, he was certain that one of them possessed a superior power compared to the rest, and that would be the pack leader .

Despite the Werewolf King’s effort to conceal its qi, it couldn’t hide its presence from Sila’s search . He sensed the strong source of power in the north, like Bow had told him .

However, in the instant that Sila sensed its qi, its qi exploded and moved toward him at high speed . It seemed the Werewolf King could trace his search back to him . As expected of a Lord Rank qi-type monster .

“We no longer need to find it,” said Sila as he opened his eyes . Surely, Sebastian understood what he meant as he could sense the great source of power rushing to them as well . The butler picked Bow up and jumped to the roof of a building five blocks away .

‘It’s been a while, and he seems to have become a lot stronger . He has that peculiar magic-type ability and his right arm has entered the third stage . It should only be a matter of time before I get the chance to encounter my dear lord,’ thought Sebastian while looking at Sila from a distance .

The speed of Tiger Dragon Qi’s circulation throughout his body increased . Even if his opponent was a Lord Rank monster, he should still be able to fight it . It was baseless confidence that Sila himself couldn’t find the source for .

Once the Werewolf King approached, it howled and its qi surged . As a result, most players were pressured by its killing intent and died under other werewolves’ claws .

The Werewolf King’s power surge affected Sila as well, but the burden it put on his body was significantly less than the time he fought against Rex in dragon form . It must be due to the fact that Tiger Dragon Qi was superior to the Werewolf King’s qi as well as Sila’s fighting ability being stronger than when he encountered Rex .

Fenrir, the Black Werewolf King, Level 15 Lord Rank has appeared .

Fenrir’s fiery red eyes glared at its enemy . However, Sila was more concerned about his surroundings . It seemed the player side started losing even more when the Lord Rank Fenrir arrived .

‘I need to hurry . ’ With such thought, Sila charged at Fenrir .

No one had ever expected the sight of a single player daring to charge at a Lord Rank monster . However, Fenrir seemed to have already predicted Sila’s action . Its leg muscles tensed up, and it shot itself at him with a similar speed . The battle was about to break out in mid-air .

‘My stats are lower, so I mustn’t clash with it directly . ’

Tapping his foot on the empty air, Sila changed his direction with Cloud Stepping . Ever since he started playing Monster Soul, he found that this skill was by far the most useful in-game skill . The ability to move freely in mid-air granted him an overwhelming advantage in a fight .

Using Twelve Celestial-Travelling-Steps, Sila’s body seemed to be split into two . Meanwhile, the actual body sneakily appeared behind Fenrir and struck a punch at its back .

*Pa!!* With the power in the punch, Fenrir’s body flew forward and slammed into a building . Many players looked at what happened with a dumbfounded expression, but not Sila . He was the one who struck so he was aware that the result wasn’t as great as he had expected .

Fenrir jumped from the remnants of the building . It sc.r.a.ped the street with its claws, creating a grating noise, and flicked its wrist, sending blades made of qi toward Sila . It was a quick and unexpected attack, so even though Sila had reacted in time by dodging, he still received an injury on his left ankle .

A sharp pain was felt from the wound . The slash didn’t break through his bone, so his left ankle wasn’t severed . He circulated qi to the wound and felt the pain lessening . Although the injury wasn’t completely healed, he could move properly now .

‘Long-range attack using qi, eh? That’s unexpected . . . No, Rex can use Unblemished Cool Breeze as well, so I should have expected a high-level qi-type monster to possess some qi techniques . Now, the problem is, can it only use Cruise Breeze . . . or will there be another?’

More qi blades flew at Sila . It seemed Fenrir didn’t like fighting against Sila in mid-air .

Sila was more prepared this time so he could avoid all of the blades depending on Twelve Celestial-Traveling-Steps . As there were some he couldn’t really avoid, he blocked them with his right arm instead .

Fenrir’s Blood Wolf Qi continued to surge as if its power was inexhaustible, unlike Sila’s . Since its long-range attack was as lethal as its close-up swipes, Sila should close the distance to seize the chance to attack as well . Thinking like this, Sila evaded the qi blade for the last time before dashing toward Fenrir .

Fenrir licked its white fangs while releasing even more qi . The qi that was previously pressuring the players was pulled back and instead focused on Fenrir’s body using Ray a.s.semble . This level of qi density was extremely deadly . It swung its claws eight times in an instant . Even though they were only basic attacks, with the intense qi enveloping the Werewolf King’s body, just one was life-threatening .

Despite how he had expected Fenrir to possess another qi technique, Sila didn’t expect that it would be Ray a.s.semble . Even worse, Fenrir’s Ray a.s.semble didn’t focus its qi into a single part of its body while leaving the other parts defenseless . Rather, its entire body was enveloped with qi . It compensated for Ray a.s.semble’s weakness with its enormous qi reserves .

Being at a loss as to what action he should take, Sila chose to activate Divine Raiment first .

Time seemed to slow down . It would be best if that was really the case, but his actions became slower too . Only his mind sped up, but it was good enough . Sila read Fenrir’s series of attacks and reacted to them using his qi-strengthened hands with the application of the Parry technique . He used his wrists to push Fenrir’s wrists away .

When the attacks ended, Fenrir’s body inevitably showed an opening . Both of Sila’s fists were pressed against its chest with one of Nine Sun-Melting-Fists’ martial moves . This time, however, Sila didn’t stomp his feet like he did with Tiger . Rather, he enhanced his fists with the Tiger Dragon Qi’s dragon attribute, resulting in Dragon’s Fist .

*P-!!* Two dragon roars simultaneously exploded, sending Fenrir back five meters . Its toenails dug into the ground and blood seeped out . Two wounds had appeared on its chest while a small amount of blood trickled from its mouth .

Nevertheless, the damage it took was still considered insignificant because its qi had negated most of the damage .

‘I need to weaken its qi first . Otherwise, Genesis Punch is needed if I want to deal permanent damage . ’

With him also being qi type, Sila was aware that this much damage was only temporary . One of the advantages of qi type was that it granted the user enhanced recovery speed .

Sila charged at Fenrir . It only took an instant for the wounds on Fenrir’s chest to disappear . The Werewolf King quit using small moves and sent a wall made of qi at Sila .

The wall was wide and moved at an incredible speed . Sila couldn’t dodge far enough to escape, so he had to reluctantly block it head-on using Divine Raiment . He didn’t forget to activate Formless Soldier as the second line of defense .

Divine Raiment blocked most of the power behind the attack, and Sila was only pushed two meters back as a result . As he ran out of magic power, Divine Raiment vanished and he quickly drank the last Fountain of Life to refill his magic power .

Fenrir jumped at him . This time, it swung its claws from left to right, creating walls of qi that flew toward Sila . Knowing that he couldn’t dodge them, Sila used one of the step-in techniques of Nine Sun-Melting-Fists, narrowing the distance and appearing in front of Fenrir during its moment of carelessness . His right fist unleashed the power of Genesis Punch and struck its chest .

Blood seeped out of Fenrir’s body . Sila could tell that Genesis Punch had worked wonders . However, similar to when he had used it against Fargo, if the opponent possessed great power, some of the damage would be canceled out .

With Sila being this close, Fenrir brandished its qi-strengthened claws at him .

Circulating Tiger Dragon Qi’s tiger attribute, Sila struck his fists at Fenrir’s upper arms using the Weaken technique . Even better, he utilized this chance to weaken Fenrir’s qi with his Weapon Subduing Fist .

In the next instant, Sila struck his elbow at Fenrir’s chest again, damaging wound even more .

Fenrir’s body was about to be blown away by the impact, but Sila grabbed it and sharply pulled it back punching it in the stomach . At the same time, he stomped his left foot on its right foot and pulled it to the ground using qi .

Afterward, he continued to hit Fenrir using Nine Sun-Melting-Fists combined with Weapon Subduing Fist . Even if he didn’t have enough time to slam it with the power of Dragon’s Fist or Genesis Punch, the barrage of qi-strengthened punches shouldn’t be inferior by much .

The players rubbed their eyes in disbelief . They were witnessing the sight of a single player, not an Independent NPC, keeping a Lord Rank monster in check . It was even a one-on-one duel against a qi-type monster . Everyone knew how insane that task was .

“And here I even thought fighting two Marquis Rank werewolves without breaking a sweat was bada.s.s . This is even more brutal . I’m starting to pity that Werewolf King,” said Tod .

Currently, Tiger Team had finished two werewolves and was waiting for more to come into their range, so they had spare time to watch Sila’s battle .

After punching Fenrir for thirty seconds, Sila had dealt over a hundred blows . Seeing that it was a suitable time to put an end to this, he used lightning-element Orbiting Cosmos to stiffen the Werewolf King, gaining a little time for him to prepare Genesis Punch .

Genesis Punch slammed into Fenrir’s body and its blood gushed out . It screamed in great pain before falling down on its knees in a pool of blood .

Tightening his fist, Sila threw Dragon’s Fist at Fenrir, aiming to kill it in an instant so that it wouldn’t feel more pain .

*P-!!* The sound of Dragon’s Fist echoed, but it didn’t hit Fenrir . Rather, it stopped at a circular barrier that suddenly appeared and covered Fenrir’s body .

Above the battlefield, there were four men standing on the roof . Among them, Sila only knew two of them . The first was a man with curly white hair wearing white battle-mage armour with a dragon embroidered on the chest area . He was gazing down at Sila, but his face showed no emotion . The next one was a man in brown magician clothing . The metal arm guards and ankles seemed to put a burden on his body, but Sila was aware that they were formidable weapons .

The third man had long red hair and wore a red magician clothing with black stripes . In his hand was a heavy sword which contradicted his magic-type garment . His red eyes were looking at Sila with interest . As for the last man, his facial features were absolutely stunning like he was an angel . He possessed golden hair and eyes, wearing shining white heavy armor . Two pure white wings were folded up behind his back, emphasizing his angelic elegance .

“Montra . . . Kawin . ” Sila guessed that the other man must be Revin . However, he was clueless as to who the man with wings was .

“Sila . . . If you don’t die here today, I won’t use the name Montra ever again . ”

Montra was staking his name, which represented his pride and reputation, on the line . And that meant he was confident that he would surely kill Sila this time .

Chapter 147: The Second Encounter . Several battles occurred around the town . The atmosphere was filled with the qi, magic, and psychic power being emitted from both the werewolves and the players, which hindered Sila’s ability to sense beings . ‘Finding a specific person in a battlefield is unexpectedly a difficult task . In a normal situation I could probably do it, but now it’s too hard,’ thought Sila . “The Werewolf King is in the north, Big Brother Sila, though Bow can’t find its exact location,” Bow said . She was still inside his vest . Opening his eyes, Sila opened his left palm so Bow could hop out and sit on it . “Are you sure, Bow? How do you know that?” “Bow used Divine Raiment . Miss Viola taught me to use Divine Raiment whenever I don’t know what to do . ” “Oh . Right . Like that time when I fought Pythia . ” He placed Bow on the roof and summoned Lookhin . The dark brown sparrow flew out of the ring and perched on his finger . “Please take care of Bow,” said Sila . He hesitated for a moment before speaking once more . “Mister Sebastian . ” This time, he didn’t need to wait . Sebastian teleported to him almost instantly . “Fufu . I predicted that today must be a good day and it turns out to be correct; Mister Sila finally called me . I have to admit, sir, I have been traveling a lot and I wonder if I should still call myself a butler,” Sebastian said as he emerged next to Sila . “Could you please look after Bow?” “My pleasure, sir . Oh? Aren’t they werewolves? Where are we, sir? I’m unfamiliar with the scenery . Are we on the western part of the Main Continent?” Sebastian looked around . Sila had always thought that Sebastian knew everywhere in Monster Soul, so he was surprised by how Sebastian didn’t recognise this place . As it turned out, the butler had never been to Beginning Town before . “We are on Beginning Island . Please refrain from acting offensively though . My main goal is to prevent Bow from being in danger . ” “No need to worry, sir . Although these dogs are stupid, they are keen enough to be aware that they shouldn’t come near this spot . ” Sebastian’s eyes were gleaming with red light . Once the werewolves made eye contact with him, they would change their target to another player . Closing his eyes for a second time, Sila covered his body with a white aura . Suddenly, the chaotic sounds of battle were gone . Once he extended the radius of his qi, he found that he could sense everything with significantly more clarity . Very pleased with Divine Raiment, Sila shifted his focus to Sebastian and could determine that most of Sebastian’s magic power was concentrated on his eyes . ‘Oh? If I focus on a single target, it seems I can inspect even the target’s usage of power . ’ With this idea, Sila shifted his focus to Yardpirun, who was far away . As it turned out, he could feel her presence unlike before . Her power didn’t simply come from her body, but also came from another source, which was a ring on her right ring finger . It was a colorless power that was very hard to detect and discern, flowing from a little gem on the ring . ‘She knows about the Gems of Catastrophe and possesses the Seal skill . It is entirely possible that she has a Gem of Catastrophe in her possession . If this is the case, most of her actions can be explained . ’ Anyway, Sila stopped paying attention to Yardpirun . With his enhanced sensing ability, he came to be aware that the player side was in a grave condition . It was only a matter of time before they would all be wiped out, unless he could defeat the Werewolf King soon . Thus, he put his focus on the werewolves . Although their powers were similar, he was certain that one of them possessed a superior power compared to the rest, and that would be the pack leader . Despite the Werewolf King’s effort to conceal its qi, it couldn’t hide its presence from Sila’s search . He sensed the strong source of power in the north, like Bow had told him . However, in the instant that Sila sensed its qi, its qi exploded and moved toward him at high speed . It seemed the Werewolf King could trace his search back to him . As expected of a Lord Rank qi-type monster . “We no longer need to find it,” said Sila as he opened his eyes . Surely, Sebastian understood what he meant as he could sense the great source of power rushing to them as well . The butler picked Bow up and jumped to the roof of a building five blocks away . ‘It’s been a while, and he seems to have become a lot stronger . He has that peculiar magic-type ability and his right arm has entered the third stage . It should only be a matter of time before I get the chance to encounter my dear lord,’ thought Sebastian while looking at Sila from a distance . The speed of Tiger Dragon Qi’s circulation throughout his body increased . Even if his opponent was a Lord Rank monster, he should still be able to fight it . It was baseless confidence that Sila himself couldn’t find the source for . Once the Werewolf King approached, it howled and its qi surged . As a result, most players were pressured by its killing intent and died under other werewolves’ claws . The Werewolf King’s power surge affected Sila as well, but the burden it put on his body was significantly less than the time he fought against Rex in dragon form . It must be due to the fact that Tiger Dragon Qi was superior to the Werewolf King’s qi as well as Sila’s fighting ability being stronger than when he encountered Rex . Fenrir, the Black Werewolf King, Level 15 Lord Rank has appeared . Fenrir’s fiery red eyes glared at its enemy . However, Sila was more concerned about his surroundings . It seemed the player side started losing even more when the Lord Rank Fenrir arrived . ‘I need to hurry . ’ With such thought, Sila charged at Fenrir . No one had ever expected the sight of a single player daring to charge at a Lord Rank monster . However, Fenrir seemed to have already predicted Sila’s action . Its leg muscles tensed up, and it shot itself at him with a similar speed . The battle was about to break out in mid-air . ‘My stats are lower, so I mustn’t clash with it directly . ’ Tapping his foot on the empty air, Sila changed his direction with Cloud Stepping . Ever since he started playing Monster Soul, he found that this skill was by far the most useful in-game skill . The ability to move freely in mid-air granted him an overwhelming advantage in a fight . Using Twelve Celestial-Travelling-Steps, Sila’s body seemed to be split into two . Meanwhile, the actual body sneakily appeared behind Fenrir and struck a punch at its back . *Pa!!* With the power in the punch, Fenrir’s body flew forward and slammed into a building . Many players looked at what happened with a dumbfounded expression, but not Sila . He was the one who struck so he was aware that the result wasn’t as great as he had expected . Fenrir jumped from the remnants of the building . It sc.r.a.ped the street with its claws, creating a grating noise, and flicked its wrist, sending blades made of qi toward Sila . It was a quick and unexpected attack, so even though Sila had reacted in time by dodging, he still received an injury on his left ankle . A sharp pain was felt from the wound . The slash didn’t break through his bone, so his left ankle wasn’t severed . He circulated qi to the wound and felt the pain lessening . Although the injury wasn’t completely healed, he could move properly now . ‘Long-range attack using qi, eh? That’s unexpected . No, Rex can use Unblemished Cool Breeze as well, so I should have expected a high-level qi-type monster to possess some qi techniques . Now, the problem is, can it only use Cruise Breeze . or will there be another?’ More qi blades flew at Sila . It seemed Fenrir didn’t like fighting against Sila in mid-air

Sila was more prepared this time so he could avoid all of the blades depending on Twelve Celestial-Traveling-Steps . As there were some he couldn’t really avoid, he blocked them with his right arm instead . Fenrir’s Blood Wolf Qi continued to surge as if its power was inexhaustible, unlike Sila’s . Since its long-range attack was as lethal as its close-up swipes, Sila should close the distance to seize the chance to attack as well . Thinking like this, Sila evaded the qi blade for the last time before dashing toward Fenrir . Fenrir licked its white fangs while releasing even more qi . The qi that was previously pressuring the players was pulled back and instead focused on Fenrir’s body using Ray a.s.semble . This level of qi density was extremely deadly . It swung its claws eight times in an instant . Even though they were only basic attacks, with the intense qi enveloping the Werewolf King’s body, just one was life-threatening . Despite how he had expected Fenrir to possess another qi technique, Sila didn’t expect that it would be Ray a.s.semble . Even worse, Fenrir’s Ray a.s.semble didn’t focus its qi into a single part of its body while leaving the other parts defenseless . Rather, its entire body was enveloped with qi . It compensated for Ray a.s.semble’s weakness with its enormous qi reserves . Being at a loss as to what action he should take, Sila chose to activate Divine Raiment first . Time seemed to slow down . It would be best if that was really the case, but his actions became slower too . Only his mind sped up, but it was good enough . Sila read Fenrir’s series of attacks and reacted to them using his qi-strengthened hands with the application of the Parry technique . He used his wrists to push Fenrir’s wrists away . When the attacks ended, Fenrir’s body inevitably showed an opening . Both of Sila’s fists were pressed against its chest with one of Nine Sun-Melting-Fists’ martial moves . This time, however, Sila didn’t stomp his feet like he did with Tiger . Rather, he enhanced his fists with the Tiger Dragon Qi’s dragon attribute, resulting in Dragon’s Fist . *P-!!* Two dragon roars simultaneously exploded, sending Fenrir back five meters . Its toenails dug into the ground and blood seeped out . Two wounds had appeared on its chest while a small amount of blood trickled from its mouth . Nevertheless, the damage it took was still considered insignificant because its qi had negated most of the damage . ‘I need to weaken its qi first . Otherwise, Genesis Punch is needed if I want to deal permanent damage . ’ With him also being qi type, Sila was aware that this much damage was only temporary . One of the advantages of qi type was that it granted the user enhanced recovery speed . Sila charged at Fenrir . It only took an instant for the wounds on Fenrir’s chest to disappear . The Werewolf King quit using small moves and sent a wall made of qi at Sila . The wall was wide and moved at an incredible speed . Sila couldn’t dodge far enough to escape, so he had to reluctantly block it head-on using Divine Raiment . He didn’t forget to activate Formless Soldier as the second line of defense . Divine Raiment blocked most of the power behind the attack, and Sila was only pushed two meters back as a result . As he ran out of magic power, Divine Raiment vanished and he quickly drank the last Fountain of Life to refill his magic power . Fenrir jumped at him . This time, it swung its claws from left to right, creating walls of qi that flew toward Sila . Knowing that he couldn’t dodge them, Sila used one of the step-in techniques of Nine Sun-Melting-Fists, narrowing the distance and appearing in front of Fenrir during its moment of carelessness . His right fist unleashed the power of Genesis Punch and struck its chest . Blood seeped out of Fenrir’s body . Sila could tell that Genesis Punch had worked wonders . However, similar to when he had used it against Fargo, if the opponent possessed great power, some of the damage would be canceled out . With Sila being this close, Fenrir brandished its qi-strengthened claws at him . Circulating Tiger Dragon Qi’s tiger attribute, Sila struck his fists at Fenrir’s upper arms using the Weaken technique . Even better, he utilized this chance to weaken Fenrir’s qi with his Weapon Subduing Fist . In the next instant, Sila struck his elbow at Fenrir’s chest again, damaging wound even more . Fenrir’s body was about to be blown away by the impact, but Sila grabbed it and sharply pulled it back punching it in the stomach . At the same time, he stomped his left foot on its right foot and pulled it to the ground using qi . Afterward, he continued to hit Fenrir using Nine Sun-Melting-Fists combined with Weapon Subduing Fist . Even if he didn’t have enough time to slam it with the power of Dragon’s Fist or Genesis Punch, the barrage of qi-strengthened punches shouldn’t be inferior by much . The players rubbed their eyes in disbelief . They were witnessing the sight of a single player, not an Independent NPC, keeping a Lord Rank monster in check . It was even a one-on-one duel against a qi-type monster . Everyone knew how insane that task was . “And here I even thought fighting two Marquis Rank werewolves without breaking a sweat was bada.s.s . This is even more brutal . I’m starting to pity that Werewolf King,” said Tod . Currently, Tiger Team had finished two werewolves and was waiting for more to come into their range, so they had spare time to watch Sila’s battle . After punching Fenrir for thirty seconds, Sila had dealt over a hundred blows . Seeing that it was a suitable time to put an end to this, he used lightning-element Orbiting Cosmos to stiffen the Werewolf King, gaining a little time for him to prepare Genesis Punch . Genesis Punch slammed into Fenrir’s body and its blood gushed out . It screamed in great pain before falling down on its knees in a pool of blood . Tightening his fist, Sila threw Dragon’s Fist at Fenrir, aiming to kill it in an instant so that it wouldn’t feel more pain . *P-!!* The sound of Dragon’s Fist echoed, but it didn’t hit Fenrir . Rather, it stopped at a circular barrier that suddenly appeared and covered Fenrir’s body . Above the battlefield, there were four men standing on the roof . Among them, Sila only knew two of them . The first was a man with curly white hair wearing white battle-mage armour with a dragon embroidered on the chest area . He was gazing down at Sila, but his face showed no emotion . The next one was a man in brown magician clothing . The metal arm guards and ankles seemed to put a burden on his body, but Sila was aware that they were formidable weapons . The third man had long red hair and wore a red magician clothing with black stripes . In his hand was a heavy sword which contradicted his magic-type garment . His red eyes were looking at Sila with interest . As for the last man, his facial features were absolutely stunning like he was an angel . He possessed golden hair and eyes, wearing shining white heavy armor . Two pure white wings were folded up behind his back, emphasizing his angelic elegance . “Montra . Kawin . ” Sila guessed that the other man must be Revin . However, he was clueless as to who the man with wings was . “Sila . If you don’t die here today, I won’t use the name Montra ever again . ” Montra was staking his name, which represented his pride and reputation, on the line . And that meant he was confident that he would surely kill Sila this time

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