More Than A Few Blessings

Chapter 18: The whole weekend

Shout-out for Megu-chan who translate this novel in Indonesian here:

Go and spam says hi to her. He He He…

Read at or you guys gonna get married to some guy like Huangchuan.

Chapter 18: The whole weekend

The biggest difference between the rich and poor movie team is that the poor movie team have fewer people and equipment, and even the pa.s.serby actors are mostly played by their own crew members.

On the streets full with tall buildings, a man with greasy dirt all over his body, was prepared to take out a coin from his trousers pocket to buy steamed bread from a roadside trolley. As a result, his feet slipped and the coin in his hand rolled out along the floor tiles.

The poor man was ready to chase the coin, but suddenly a flashy sports car rushed out and stopped just above the coin. His throat moved and he turned aside to look at the old man who sells steamed bread. He rushed forward and lie on the ground, reaching the coin from under the car using his hand to get it back.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, the door suddenly opened and the camera lens gives a shot towards the shoe that stretched out of the car"s door first, followed by long legs, and finally fell on the beautiful chin along with the elegant casual suit.

“h.e.l.lo, is there any trouble?” as the man speaks, his lower jaw moves and the words utters from his mouth was very polite and courteous.

The camera turns to the protagonist, who was still laying on the ground and look at the car"s owner in a daze. The foolish look was extraordinarily ridiculous. The camera followed the protagonist"s eyes and shoot to the car"s owner again. The camera moved upward along the white chin, with slightly upward-warped lips, straight nose, and peach blossom eyes, which are loved by women, hidden under the golden-rim [1], astonishingly handsome.


-somewhat like this (?)

“Is there anything under the car?” The car"s owner bends down gracefully and smiles while reaching towards the protagonist who was still laying on the ground and he said, “If it"s alright, please come out.”

The long, white fingers stretched out in front of the protagonist give an illusion of his dirty face becoming even dirtier.

“Okay, CUT!” Zhang Shuo clapped his hands delightedly and said, ” Mr Lu"s acting skills are very good. It"s a pity he does not to enter this circle!”

Sitting next to Zhang Shuo, Yan Mu he gave him a look. “If he were an actor, it would be a pity for other industries.”

Zhang Shuo forgot that there was still this man sitting beside him. He shook the round plastic fan [2] in his hand, wiped the sweat on his forehead and chuckled. “Naturally a man like Mr Lu shouldn"t be an actor, but I can"t be blamed if I want to praised Mr Lu"s acting skill.” As a person who doesn"t have any experience to act in a movie, Lu Chengyu had a good grasp on which position to stand. Although he got several NGs, Chengyu has performed well, much better than the heroines in this movie.


“Director Zhang, is this scene is over, isn"t it?” Lu Chengyu came over and went behind the monitor to see his performance just now. He saw Yan Mu gave him a water bottle, Chengyu took the bottle and drinks it in a few gulps. Then, he pushes Yan Mu to one side so that he could feel the wind blow from the electric fan.

In his previous life, he worked as a manager to an artist in a brokerage company. He also worked in a drama production. He knew one or two things about acting, therefore he could adapt quickly.

When the makeup artist saw Chengyu was resting, she quickly took the opportunity to touch up his makeup. She said, ” Mr Lu, your acting just now is so handsome!”

Lu Chengyu just laughs and wait for her to touch-up his makeup. After she finished it, Chengyu wear that again and speak towards Yan Mu who sit beside him, “Boss, I still have two more scenes and it will be done.”

“En, don"t worry,” Yan Mu took the round plastic fan beside him and fanning towards Lu Chengyu for a few times. Seeing that Chengyu was in a hurry to catch up with the next scene, he was afraid that talking would affect the mood of the other party when filming, so he did not speak much. (T/N: *cough*husband material*cough*fanning wife*cough*)

“Thank you.” Lu Chengyu noticed Yan Mu"s action and gave him a grateful smile. The next scene"s setting is already done, Chengyu put down his water bottle and he gets ready for shooting. After he stands up, he smiled at Yan Mu. All in all, he met a very kind boss.

The next scene was the protagonist used a hilarious way to break ‘Mr Perfect"s gracefulness. Afterwards, ‘Mr Perfect" have no other choice than calmly leave him. The final scene is the car sped out and blew the exhaust smoke onto the protagonist"s face. is the best, read there  dude~~

It was until 12 noon that they finished shooting all scenes. Lu Chengyu took off his and hurried to remove his makeup. Seeing the tall and big Yan Mu still sitting on that small, broken stool, Chengyu quickened his pace and went towards Yan Mu. He pushed back his wet hair and said, “Boss, let"s go.”

Yan Mu stood up and thinks for a bit. He then turned around and took the round plastic fan that has the words “Infertility, go to XX hospital” printed on it and gave it to Lu Chengyu. “The fan is nice and cool.”

Lu Chengyu also likes this fan, which was given out on a roadside by the hospital for free publicity. He took the fan and starts fanning himself. He also asked Zhang Shuo to buy ice drinks for the crew before he left with Yan Mu.

Zhang Shuo watched Lu Chengyu and the man who didn"t talk from beginning to end, get on the Aston Martin sports car and leave. He came to the a.s.sistant director beside him and said, “Go to the supervisor and ask for money to buy ice drink. That"s what Mr Lu asked.” Although he doesn"t know the man who was called ‘boss" by Mr Lu, his guts telling him that the person who able to lend tens of millions of luxury cars casually, can"t be offended by them.

Rubbing love, rubbing shoess~ if you read this message, then this is a fake chapter.
In the car, Lu Chengyu was still fanning himself frantically: “Just now, when I drove this car, I almost hit the tree. Boss, can we lower the air conditioner temperature?” Sure enough, driving a luxury car can make your hands tremble.

“I don"t like driving this kind of car either,” Yan Mu said, looking straight ahead and controlling the speed steadily. “You can"t lower the temperature. You"ll catch a cold.”

Lu Chengyu: “…”

Doesn"t that mean he doesn"t like this car?

Seeing Lu Chengyu did not speak, Yan Mu thought that he was angry about lowering air-condition"s temperature. He slowed down the car"s speed and looked at him from the side, Yan Mu said with great emphasis, “It"s really bad for your health if the temperature is too low.” Then he turned on the CD and started playing light music.

Lu Chengyu nodded silently and fanning himself slowly. He leaned against the window and looked out. He said nonchalantly, “I have half a day to rest this weekend. I find that the rest time is always shorter than the working time.”

“Well, it"s only two days off,” Yan nodded approvingly. “You"ll have fewer vacations in the future.” Recently, there is nothing going on in the business, therefore Lu Chengyu can stay idle. But when all the work has started, his vacation won"t be two days per week.

Lu Chengyu shook his head helplessly and put the round plastic fan on his seat. “I"ve accepted my fate.”

Yan Mu close his mouth and stay silent. He did not know whether Lu Chengyu thinks it was a pity that the holidays had been reduced, or whether he just spoke casually.

Both of them are talking to each other and listens to the cheerful rhythm of pipa[3] playing throughout the car, all the way to the restaurant. Finally, they arrived at the place where they want to eat. It"s a well-decorated Chinese restaurant. Since the peak hour for lunch period has already pa.s.sed, the usually-busy restaurant has empty seats.

[3] 琵琶 [pí pa]: Chinese lute, with 4 strings, a large pear-shaped body and a fretted fingerboard

After following Lu Chengyu into the Chinese restaurant and eat delicious and inexpensive dishes, Yan Mu suddenly discovered that his new a.s.sistant seems to know every nook and cranny in the capital city that has delicious food.

After they eat, both of them went back to the car and Yan Mu said, “You know the capital quite well.”

“I know quite a bit about the capital city, I have been living here for more than twenty years,” said Lu Chengyu, yawning. “My parents are also foodies, so I"ve been following them around since I was young.”

Recalling of what Cao Jingshen mentioned to him about Chengyu"s family circ.u.mstances, Yan Mu pondered for a while and then said, “That"s good. I"ve spent most of my time abroad, and I haven"t tasted many delicious local foods.”

“That"s alright, I bring you and we go together in the future,” said Lu Chengyu while smiling, “I"m just afraid if the taste is not something you"re used to.”

“No,” Yan Mu shook his head. “I"m not a picky eater.”

Lu Chengyu looked at Yan Mu. At a glance, this kind of person can be identified as not a foodie. As a foodie, you need to have, not only the ability to explore a new place for delicious cuisine, you also need be a picky eater. Not being picky about food is simply tarnishing your reputation as a foodie.

“I"ll make sure to call you if I find a delicious restaurant.” Lu Chengyu looked at the pa.s.sing scenery out of the window. It is more appetizing to eat with someone compared to eating alone.

Yan Mu solemnly nodded his head. After he sends Lu Chengyu at his house, Yan Mu reminded Lu Chengyu again about the promise. Only after he received a guarantee from Lu Chengyu that he did let Lu Chengyu go upstairs.

When Chengyu reaches his house, he walked to his balcony. There he can see Yan Mu"s car slowly turning around and left his neighbourhood. He supports his cheek with one of his hand on the balcony fence and he chuckled. Then, Chengyu takes a watering pot and water the cactus on the balcony.

As for the trivial matter of can"t watering the plants at noon in summer, he could not remember it at all.

Yan Mu is driving back home, but then Zhuang Yu called him. He told Yan Mu that his car broke down, so Yan Mu have to fetch him.

By the time he arrived, Zhuang Yu"s car had been towed away and Zhuang Yu were squatted under the tree waiting for him.

When Zhuang Yu saw him, he rushed to open the front pa.s.senger"s door and he sat there. He breathes a sigh of relief, “It really hot today. Ouch, f*ck, what is this thing?” He felt as if there were something beneath his b.u.t.tock. He reached out and saw what it was. After he saw what it is, he glances at Yan Mu with somewhat complicated stare.

This kind of shoddy round plastic fan is not something that Yan Mu will use ah, and what"s with this fan"s cover?

Yan Mu glanced at him. “What"s wrong?”

Maybe Yan Mu expression was too calm, making Zhuang Yu unable to ask him anything. He casually throws that fan to the back seat, ” This is the car that your friend wants to borrow, right? Why are you driving it?”

“He was done using it,” Yan Mu paused a bit, “You have inspected your car recently, haven"t you? Why would it broke down?”

“How would I know why,” chuckled Zhuang Yu with a strange expression. “They think I"m a unique existence in Zhuang"s family. Moreover, under my name, there are cinemas that earn a lot of profit.”

Yan Mu was silent for a while: “Anyway, you should be more careful.”

Zhuang Yu just sneered, he leans lean against the back of the chair and closes his eyes. Obviously, he was not in a good mood when they talked about those people in his family.

Yan Mu lowered the CD"s volume. When he was waiting at the traffic lights, he suddenly remembered Lu Chengyu. I wonder how he spends his time alone after work?

After sweeping a large pile of rind and paper on the tea table into the trash can, Lu Chengyu looked at the clock. It was almost ten o"clock in the evening. He stretched out his lazy waist and look at the people in the forum who were angry at him. Chengyu was in a good mood, he hums and turning off his laptop. (T/N: remember how Chengyu likes to pick a fight in forums just to make others angry as a way to spend his time? He"s doing that.)

Just at this moment, he received a call from his cousin Lu Dong. He was invited to attend Lu Dong and Shen Min"s wedding next

After he promises to be there on time, Lu Chengyu heard the beep from the other side"s phone. Lu Dong hangs up his phone quite fast, seems like he was anxious to call someone else.

Lu Chengyu touched his wallet. Anyway, he needs to prepare gift money for the wedding occasion. After adjusting the air-conditioner"s temperature, he rolled and snug into the big, comfortable **.

Translator notes: If you guys are interested in listening to Chinese pipa, here"s a link. Although the video is quite old, I really love the way this musician plays it.

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