More Than A Few Blessings

Chapter 4: Entry

Hmmm… it is still a mystery to me on how to do the hyperlink in WordPress and luckily this chapter only has 3 descriptions below, so bear with me until I solve the mystery… Or can I just put the description within the paragraph?

Chapter 4: Entry

Since he had to go to the company on Monday, Lu Chengyu bought several suitable suits for his workplace and also starts to buy Huading International"s stock. By the end of his spending, Lu Chengyu was left with 50,000 in his bank card. He saves this money as security for the future and did not plan to spend it now.

Huading"s current stock"s price has almost become a joke in the stock market. Many investors are eager to sell their stocks, so Lu Chengyu bought as many stocks he can buy at a very low price. Otherwise, how can he buy so much with the money on his hand? If it weren"t for the lack of money on hand, he would have bought all the stocks he could buy.

After cooking a bowl of instant noodles and take a nap in the evening, Lu Chengyu suddenly remembered about the lottery"s tickets he bought before. He took it out and plan to cash out the prize. The reason he could remember the winning numbers, it"s not because his IQ is against the sky, but because the order of the numbers is too easy to memorize.

"06 07 08 09 11 22 33"

He threw chopsticks into the bowl, reciting the number, and looked up the winning number on the internet. Although he is familiar with this number, it does not mean that it is the winning number of this issue, so he didn"t take it seriously. But, when he checks the lottery prize number, he was stunned.

He couldn"t believe it. He looked at the opening date nearly ten times and the number of days on his lottery ticket, he shivered and held the sports lottery in his hand. “Really… middle?”

(T/n: opening date (the day they announce winning number) and days of lottery; usually you need to claim your prize within a week from the open date, but if you didn"t claim within a week, the prize will not be given to you, btw, there are three categories of prize: High, Middle, Low).

He felt like he had been already hungry for several days and then suddenly he was given a table full of food; he even starts to think that this is a dream.

Lu Chengyu shivering and start to pinch his thigh. He almost ecstatically slammed a drink next to his computer and start to check the amount of middle prize for each bet. This time, he shivered a few times, the amount of the prize awarded in each bet was more than 5.9 million.

He bought a total of four bets of sports lottery, that is to say, nearly 24 million. After 20% of the tax is deducted, there are still about 19 million left. This unexpected fortune really knocked him off his feet. He had never seen so much money in his last life.

Lu Chengyu tried his best to calm down, he went to the bathroom and wiped his face with cold water. Since he won the prize, it"s better not tell anyone. When he goes to received the prize tomorrow, he plans to dress low-key.

Although aren"t necessarily tabloid reporters squatting at the door, the experience of his previous life told him that caution is the best, money cannot be disclosed, even if it is a trophy.

It was until late midnight did Chengyu able to sleep. Early the next morning, he took a bus to the cash centre. Then he receives the winning cheque and leaves the cash centre as fast as he can. He went to the bank and transfer all the amount on the check to his bank card. After the transaction is completed, he touches his bank card and he sighed in relief. From what he experienced in his previous life, he had already understood the importance of money and power.

After he gets home, he went to Commission brokers and let him buy Huading"s stocks for him. He spends almost all the money he had on hand. Just when he owned nearly 3% of the shares, another large-scale purchasing power appeared in the stock market and made a very big investment. In just a few hours, Huading"s share price has been selling like hotcakes, making the shareholders who hold Huading shares be delighted. Although some people have the intention to observe the stock price for a few days before deciding to sell or not, thinking about the current situation of Huading, they hesitate for a few moments before selling the shares in their hands for peace of mind. (T/n: they think since Huading might bankrupt soon, they will be more happy to sell their share ).

Lu Chengyu understands that someone purchased Huading stock intentionally, and he does not know which side of Huading"s internal forces is involved. According to the future development of Huading"s company, 9 out of 10, the person who bought back all these shares is the new president of Huading International.

He didn"t intend to compete with this force, nor did he have strong financial resources, so he stopped buying stocks and held the 3% shares in his heart, which was enough.

“Unexpectedly this time, someone bought a lot of our Huading stock,” Cao Jingshen said, frowning as he looked at the trading volume of Huading stock market on his computer. “I thought someone was holding the shares maliciously, but after we raised the share"s price, he stopped. It"s not hard to say that this is a shareholder has confidence in Huading, or he just comes to buy shares for a cheaper price?”

The man sitting next to him looked at the trading volume and thought for a moment. Affirming that it was just an accident, he said, “Don"t worry. Go ahead and buy as much as you can. I don"t want to put up with those people any more. Huading is too big, so does the number of people in management; if its rights are in one hand, that"s enough.”

Cao Jingshen no longer talks much at the moment. His fingers are typing fast on the computer. The stock market war has long been doomed. Those rivals who want to break down his boss is bringing out of these dizzy tricks. Now, it is not certain who will break down.

It was sunny on Monday. Lu Chengyu had a hard time getting up and wash his face. Then he went downstairs to have breakfast at the breakfast shop outside the neighbourhood and squeeze into the crowded bus.

When he arrived at Huading Headquarters, he still had extra 15 minutes before the time to work. After he arrived at the Personnel Department, he realized that the people in the Personnel Department haven"t arrived yet. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, it was less than five minutes from the time to work. It seems that many employees in Huading also have problems. (T/n: besides the company itself have problems, the employee"s att.i.tude is also a problem).

When Lu Chengyu arrived, the half-bald Vice Head of the Personnel Department saw him and nodded satisfactorily to Chengyu. He was a very sensible young man. He was neither too early to get to the company nor too late, which was just right for the new staff.

He opens the door that leads to the Personnel Department and looks at several office staff at communal s.p.a.ce in the department. He smiled and said “Xiao Lu is here. He comes in with me”

Lu Chengyu recognized the man as one of the interviewers and looked at the name tag that is on the man"s chest. It turned out that this man named Du Peng, Vice Head of the Personnel Department.

“Sit down”. After Chengyu sat down, Du Peng put a cup of water from the water dispenser in front of Lu Chengyu. “The company suggests you stay at Headquarters for the internship before continuing to arrange your specific position.

Lu Chengyu took up the paper cup and said thanks. He took a sip before putting it down. When he heard Du Peng"s words, he did not speak in a hurry and waited for Du Peng"s next words.

“This is because the company recruits few college students like you, thus there are no training courses. But whether there are training courses or not, is not so important. The most important thing for young people is to study hard.” When Du Peng looks at Lu Chengyu"s calm face, he couldn"t guess his thoughts for a moment. But he thinks of the importance attached to Lu Chengyu from his superior, Du Peng"s speech and att.i.tude were very polite.

“Young and talented people like you are highly valued by the company. The company has free meals for employees at noon. If you work overtime, there are additional overtime fees. As long as you sign the employment contract with the company, there are various insurance and security payments. So you have to believe in the sincerity of the company.” After that, Du Peng take out the internship contract from the drawer.

Lu Chengyu has carefully read the contract in his hand. Just when Du Peng thought he had something to ask, Chengyu took out his pen and signed his name on the contract.

Du Peng looked at the signature of the contract and laughed with amazement. “It"s beautifully written. A person"s personality is reflected in how they write. Xiao Lu, you have a great talent”.

“Mr Du is very kind”. Lu Chengyu separated the contracts into two parts, one of which was handed to Du Peng with his both hands and another one is for him. Chengyu hesitated for a moment. “I don"t know which department I"m going to report to today.”

“Secretary Cao has been busy recently. You graduated from Q University. But not a match to Secretary Cao, why don"t you go and learn under his leadership?” said Du Peng while laughing. He keeps the contract and handed Chengyu his work card. “Secretary Cao is on the 23rd floor. That"s the Secretarial Department. You can report now.”

Chengyu takes the work card and nodded to Du Peng. After that, he politely excuses himself from the office and went to the elevator. He looks at the work card on his hand, it has a small picture of himself, his name and his position. His position is the a.s.sistant to Chief Secretary. Why is it a.s.sistant to Chief Secretary, not a secretary to Chief Secretary?

It seems that Secretary Cao should be the Chief Secretary of the senior management, and 9 out of 10, secretary to the new president. Therefore, the Personnel Department a.s.signed their new recruit to this man. The Personnel Department is probably a legendary “gra.s.s on the top of a wall which sways with every wind” [1]. These old school people look down upon inexperience-freshly-graduates, therefore although two new people were hired by the end of the interview, n.o.body was in charge of them.

To put it in an ugly way is that they don"t think high to the inexperienced graduates. If they have that spirit, they might as well fight to the death with others.

When the elevator stopped on the 18th floor, two clerks with doc.u.ments in their hands came in. When they saw the b.u.t.ton to the 23rd floor is lit, they take a look at Lu Chengyu and closed the elevator door.

After reaching the 23rd floor, Lu Chengyu pinned his work card to his left chest and walked calmly on the bright and clean floor. Not far away, he saw the Chief Secretary office sign. He came forward and knocked three times.

“Please come in.” said someone with a young voice, estimated to be not more than 30 years old.

Lu Chengyu gently opens the door, he saw a man of about 30 years old, dressed in a suit, reading doc.u.ments. There were a notebook computer and some doc.u.ments on his desk. From a glance, he knew that this person is busy.

“Are you Lu Chengyu?” Cao Jingshen looked up and saw a young man who looked like a model standing at the door, he slightly frowns. “First, familiarize yourself with the workflow. Your office is in the fifth compartment outside. This afternoon, there will be a company meeting. You will go with me.” He took a folder on his desk. “These are the contents of the afternoon meeting. You can take a look at them.”

Lu Chengyu took the folder and found that the folder had some weight. He looks at the Chief Secretary Cao, maybe this person has some scruples with his appearance?

“Yes. I"ll have a good look later. ” He held the file well. Since they both have no other question, Chengyu close the door and left the office. He went to the office area and found a workplace marked No. 5. After greeting his colleagues, he sat down.

The desk is clean and the computer looks new. After switching on the computer, he checked it. There is no malicious monitoring software or virus on the computer. Well, it seems that computers are as clean as desks.

He went to the Logistics Department to collect a set of office tools for his work and tidied up his desk. Lu Chengyu began to understand his work and conference materials for this afternoon"s meeting.

This afternoon"s meeting was actually about personnel changes, and this change is not small. Many people in positions will be implicated. It seems that the new strict president is going to severely cut cancer [2] with his hand.

There are rumours saying that President Yan[3] himself, as his surname, is very calm and serious, doesn"t like to receive media interviews and play with any celebrity. In his past life, Chengyu heard that an actress was hyping him up. Since then, the actress has not been able to receive any job, could"ve means just one thing, President Yan took an action. So, by the year Chengyu died, President Yan was still in the first place on the hottest single man ranking.

Chengyu was quite sure that now since President Yan dares to hold such meeting,

It appears that the biggest storm in Huading is about to begin.

[1] 墙头草 [qiáng tóu cǎo ]; a person who bends with the wind; fence-sitter ;
[2] people who bring more harm than benefit to the company
[3] 严 [yán] tight; rigorous; strict; severe;

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