More Than A Few Blessings

Chapter 8, I have changed it, I"m sorry~~

I made another mistake… 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
Chengyu has 2 weibo"s account; the formal one called”More than a year”, the not formal one called “Extra fish yu”. I accidentally read the names wrong in Chapter 8, I have changed it, I"m sorry~~

And the school has started, so expect late release as I am incompetent to juggle my life with studies, homework, translating etc, but I"ll try my best to bring at least one chapter per week. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑    BTW next chapter is super long..


Chapter 12: What"s wrong? (Insect Catcher)

The next day, Lu Chengyu returned to work in the company and saw Yan Mu"s att.i.tude towards him is the same as usual, he knows that Yan Mu has precisely this kind of temper, so he maintains his calm manner when he was working. However, he put a lot of effort to make a plan book for Huading.

Cao Jingshen knew Lu Chengyu was a capable man, but he didn"t expect that the other party would make such a wonderful plan book. He seems quite excited looking at the doc.u.ments on his hands. While pushing his on the bridge of his nose, Cao Jingshen asked, “How long have you been working on this plan book?”

“Before entering Huading, I had this idea. □□"s development speed is very fast. Now there are many local media reports about air quality and water pollution. Maybe in the near future, people will pay more attention to this problem. At that time, we Huading has been at the forefront and become a leader in similar products.” Lu Chengyu smiled. He was too young in his past life, oblivious to certain things. When he went to Liang"s interview, he boldly put forward this idea. Later, he failed in the interview, but someone in Liang Company stole his idea to make a plan that made Liang Company earned a lot of money. Now, in this life, he has honed this idea as early as possible, so he can make it into a plan book, and it is more detailed and close to life compared to Liang Company ‘s plan.

By next year, the country will vigorously mention the concept of PM2.5. Severe haze weather often occurs in the next few years, and then many people who do not have access to this knowledge will be alarmed. It turned out that they all lived in such a bad environment, and then everyone gets anxious about their health problems.

If there is demand, there will be a market. As long as one"s takes the lead in this market, he or she will be the victory.

Cao Jingshen closed the plan book, “There are already such products in China, but the market is very pessimistic, so many of these companies have shifted their investment into other industries.”

“Therefore, we must seize this opportunity. Our Huading reputation is there. As long as we develop good quality and useful products, we will welcome the spring of this market.” Lu Chengyu"s tone is calm, not like a young man who tries hard to prove his achievements, rather his tone is to make other people think that what he said is very reasonable. “In the past year or two, the media have frequently mentioned about environmental issues. I think this is a signal.” He"s willing to take this plan out now not only because he wants to be the top executive of Huading, but also because he has already believed in Cao Jingshen and Yan Mu"s personality through observation during this period.

Learn from one"s mistakes, this is □□ old saying, but it was also our forefather"s wisdom.

Cao Jingshen is given an important position by Yan Mu is because he has vision, courage and meticulousness, which is why he was so excited when he saw the plan book. After listening to Lu Chengyu"s remarks, he found that although Lu Chengyu was only a recent graduate in his early twenties, he had good observation, calmness and vision. If such a person can"t shine brilliantly in the future, it just means that G.o.d doesn"t have eyes.

“I"ll give the plan book to the boss.” After Cao Jingshen said this, he looked at Lu Chengyu and found that he was calm, still standing in a good-looking demeanour, and could not see any expectations or worries. He can"t help sighing, no wonder there are more and more female clerks in the Secretarial Department recently, his elegant appearance is the reason ah.

Since Cao Jingshen have already said that, Lu Chengyu will not continue to pester about this issue or give a meaningful glance to him. Whether or not Yan Mu give attention to this plan depends on its" usefulness, rather than him explaining it over and over again so that he can get an approval.

There are taboos in the workplace; pestering endless or give a meaningful glance to someone.

In an idol drama, the plot goes with the heroine explains again and again and then impress the big boss. That"s the golden finger given to the heroine by the scriptwriter. But in reality, the biggest possibility to happen to you if you do that is you will be fired.

Of course, there may also be an unforeseen incident where the big boss was impressed and use your idea, but the reason why an unforeseen incident is called unforeseen incident is that the probability of an ordinary person to encounter this fate is too small. His past life"s experience tells him that unforeseen incident related to him has nothing to do with good things.

So, that afternoon, Lu Chengyu take advantage during office hours to log in to Weibo, he found a hot topic called ‘Q University"s Gra.s.s HD Photo". When he opened the topic, his face suddenly froze.

Isn"t the man who in his bachelor"s robe, with his degree in hand, sitting near the tree trunk is him? He looked at the nine pictures on the Weibo. There are pictures during his speech on stage, pictures of him holding his diploma, and the pictures of him laughing at others on the gra.s.s.

Then he quietly opens his own Weibo"s page, which is “More Than One Year”. Sure enough, the number of fans has soared by tens of thousands and the comments section are bustling with excitement. Even there are some people were saying that the top scholar is cute and so on.

He pauses his hand that holds the mouse and then with a malicious smile on his face, he sends a post on Weibo.

“More Than One Year: Have you finished your homework? Have you pa.s.sed the exam? None of these is accomplished, yet scrolling on Weibo.”

Soon, his post"s comment section is full with the sound of grief and anguished wailing.

“Lots and lots reply @ More Than One Year: I can feel the world"s malice from the top scholar.”

“Stop More Gift reply @ More Than One Year: Thinking about this semester"s Advanced Mathematics" failing grade, suddenly I feel my knee are somewhat in pain.”

There are many malicious things in the world. Lu Chengyu smiled and closed his Weibo, instantly, he feels a little bit better.

For him, even if he is popular in Weibo for a while, it doesn"t matter because humans are forgetful. When something new appears, anything in front of you will soon be forgotten.

This is because, for many people, the Internet is a part of oneself mask. All they want is a simple relaxation and happiness. They don"t have to face many complicated things like reality. So they simply appreciate the jokes on the internet, beautiful women, handsome men and star gossip. Afterwards, they pick up their spirits and continue facing the reality.

So, he doesn"t think of how much this is going to affect him. Anyway, these people are going to forget about it in a few days.

“Xiao Lu, what are you doing?” Tang Xuan went to Lu Chengyu and handed him a pack of snacks, “Your probation period is coming soon. Did Chief Cao say how to arrange you?”

“Thank you.” After unpacking the snack package, Lu Chengyu put a piece in his mouth, and then put it aside. Beautiful woman"s kindness shouldn"t be rejected, this is how elegant man conduct. However, a man"s preference for snacks is not conducive to his image. Exactly one piece is enough.

Just, this snack is delicious, maybe after work, he can go to buy some and bring it back home.

“I don"t know yet, n.o.body told me,” Lu Chengyu wiped his hand and says “The chief didn"t tell me anything about it, but if I were a.s.signed to a branch office, then I can"t see Sister Xuan, the most beautiful woman.”

“Branch?” Tang Xuan smiled and said, “Don"t worry, I will see you very often in the future.” On the surface, although she didn"t say anything specific, she seems to know something. Actually, she heard from Manager Luo about the Personnel Department"s arrangement to Lu Chengyu. She told her that the top management attaches great importance of this small intern, Lu Chengyu"s ability, which would definitely allow him to remain in the Headquarters.

Only then did Lu Chengyu understand Tang Xuan"s intentions. She was here to sell herself well since afterwards, they were bound to see each other more often in the future. The relationship between colleagues also affects the quality and progress of work. (T/N: she already guess that Chengyu gonna stays in Huading, that"s why she retaining a good relationship with him, they are going to be co-workers later anyway.)

“If I can stay at the headquarters after my probation period, I"ll invite everyone for a meal to celebrate,” said Lu Chengyu with a smile, “But if I can"t stay here, then Sister Xuan"ll invite us for a meal.”

Immediately several people in the same department cheering for this. Regardless who wins, someone will pay for their meal today.

Suddenly, a few cheering people quiet down at the same time. Lu Chengyu was puzzled and he turned back to see Cao Jingshen and Yan BOSS are standing at the hallway. Yan BOSS hung up one of his signature-face-series, which is the expressionless face. From his expression, Lu Chengyu unable to tell whether or not he had heard their discussion just now.

Tang Xuan quietly go back to her work desk. How can the boss be here at this time?

“Lu Chengyu, come to my office,” says Cao Jingshen while nodded to Lu Chengyu and did not blame others for slacking at work. He went straight to his office with Yan BOSS.

Under the sympathetic eyes of his colleagues, Lu Chengyu walked into the office and saw Yan Mu is holding the plan book he had made.

“Your idea is very good. I have decided to let Huading enter this industry,” Yan Mu said. “This plan is very detailed, there is no problem to directly carry out the idea according to it .” He paused for a while and speak again, “Do you know the value of this plan?” Unlike Cao Jingshen, he is not only a businessman but also an insider of the revolutionary circle of Beijing. Therefore, he knows the above policy earlier than anyone else. In recent years, attention has been paid to air quality problem and it will be put forward as the most important thing. So there will certainly be a broad market for products in this area.

He knew the news above, so he understood the value of the plan. However, for Lu Chengyu to have this kind of observation power is an amazing feat.

Therefore, for such talents, as bosses, they will attach great value to him. It is just human nature.

Yan Mu took out a contract and put it on the table. “If you have no objection, sign it.”

Lu Chengyu takes the contract and reads it. Soon enough, he was somewhat surprised and look onto Yan Mu"s eyes. He thought Yan Mu would give him a big bonus because of this plan. What he didn"t expect was that the other side promised to split up his profit by 2% as long as Huading produced the related products in the future.

2% doesn"t sound like much, but Lu Chengyu knows that as long as Huading occupies the market, financial gain will surely roll in the company in the future. That 2% profit is a big profit, which has exceeded Lu Chengyu"s expectation.

As a boss, is it really okay to be so generous?

Is it okay not matched at all with the capitalists" style of exploiting the working cla.s.s?

“I want you to stay,” Yan Mu looked at Lu Chengyu. “You are very talented, which for Huading, your value has greatly exceeded the 2% profit.”

“Since boss has said that much, how can I be fussy?” Lu Chengyu took a pen and sign his name on the below section in the contract, “as the saying goes, thousand-mile horses are common, but Bole is not [1]. Since the boss has trusted me, I will try not to let you down.”

[1] the person with talent is rare, but the person who is able to recognize the talent is even rarer and valuable than the talented person.

Yan Mu looks at the three big characters of the signature like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing [2] on the contract, then he said with a solemn face, “I believe in you, you won"t let me down.”

[2]龙飞凤舞 [lóng fēi fèng wǔ]: lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy;  beautiful penmanship;   elegant handwriting;  exquisite calligraphy; something like below ⇓

Lu Chengyu just smiled and didn"t say anything.

Cao Jingshen who sat on one side, silently pushed his quite a few times. He always felt as if something was wrong. Was it his illusion?

Cao Jinchen sat on one side, silently pushed several He always felt as if something was wrong, was he delusional? (T/N: take a note onto this chapter"s t.i.tle… is it a hint?he he he)


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