More Than A Few Blessings

Chapter 9: Graduation Ceremony

Yan Mu is so adorkablee~~ (´,,•ω•,,)♡

Chapter 9: Graduation Ceremony

At the graduation ceremony, the university"s dean delivered his speech and award students with diplomas and bachelors certificates to all graduates. Then the graduate representative came on stage to give a speech. When Zhang Hong and Zhu Guanglin both looked at Lu Chengyu who didn"t have any ma.n.u.script with him, they were stunned. They did not think that the graduate chosen to represent the university is their own dormitory brothers.

There was a roar of applause, especially among the girls, as soon as Chengyu went up to the stage. For girls, Lu Chengyu is good-looking, good-natured and respectful to girls. Such a man is always appreciated by girls, so once he comes on stage, he gets a lot of cheers.

“Female comrades applauds so warmly that when I step down, I don"t know if I won"t be beaten by my male comrades. Please take it slowly. If I go back to work with an ugly appearance that will affect the company"s image, my boss would"ve fired me.” Lu Chengyu stepped onto the stage and made a fearful expression, which caused the whole audience to laugh. The envy and jealousy feelings in the male comrades dissipated because the other side is just like them, he also was afraid of the boss and worried about work. What he feels is relatable to others which make people dispel that sentiment.

“I am both honoured and worried to be elected as a representative of graduates. Thank you very much for the trust of teachers and cla.s.smates. As one of the students that are graduating, standing on this rostrum, I remember the four years I spend in university.” With a smile on his face, Chengyu began to talk about the university"s past and the big auditorium gradually quieted down. Many people recalled their four years of university, thinking that this will be their final relaxing years.

Hearing Lu Chengyu"s speech, many people started to realize that there were so many wonderful happenings in these four years. But after they stepped out from this campus, they will become the members of busy work life. No one knows whether their future gonna be ordinary or magnificent, but the four years that they spend in the university will always exist in their life.

“Human life is like a long river with an end. What we have to do is to let the river pa.s.s through as many beautiful places as possible. When the river dries up, we should not have too many regrets when we recall yesterday. Today is the last time that we sit in the Q University"s hall as students, but we are always Q Uni" adults. What is the school motto of Q University?”

“Gentlemen strive for self-improvement!” Someone answered loudly below.

“Yes, regardless you win or lose, gentlemen should strive for self-improvement constantly. I wish all the alumni present here a vast expanse of sky and sea in this lifetime and continuous self-improvement!”

Most of the former graduate representatives read their ma.n.u.scripts on the stage. When the school leaders saw Lu Chengyu went on stage without any ma.n.u.script, they were worried.

But after listening to Lu Chengyu"s speech, they were relieved and nodded in their hearts. The representative selected this time has good mental quality and good physical condition. At this school forum, there will never be any complaints from girls. Every graduation ceremony representatives are people who can"t see their faces with the bottom of the bottle. (T/N: representative usually reads from the ma.n.u.script that others can"t see their face.)

After Lu Chengyu finished his speech, he bowed on the stage and to the teachers who are sitting. Then he calmly stepped down from the platform and went to his seat.

Q University is a famous university in China. So every year, the graduation ceremony receives a lot of attention. Some media even find photos of handsome men and women in bachelor"s robe and upload them to increase the exposure of its official Weibo.

When Lu Chengyu stood on the platform, some girls took pictures of him. At the end of the graduation ceremony, the cla.s.s photo is taken in the auditorium, and after that, the graduates are free to take their own photos.

Zhang Hong and Zhu Guanglin worked tirelessly to take pictures of anyone who wish to take pictures with Lu Chengyu and most of it was female students. The male students are just there to enjoy liveliness.

After dealing with a large number of people, Zhang Hong and Zhu Guanglin hang weakly on Lu Chengyu"s shoulders, Zhang Hong let out a long heavy sigh, “Lao San, if you go on like this, your two brothers will be envy, jealous and hate you. You are the winner in your life but a public enemy of a man.”

“We"ve been together for four years. Don"t you know me yet?” Lu Chengyu looked at Zhang Hong sadly, “You guys are my most important people.”

“f.u.c.k, Lao Tzu feel disgusted.” Zhang Hong and Zhu Guanglin pushed Lu Chengyu aside at the same time. When they saw that Chengyu fell to the gra.s.s in a better posture than others, they scolded at the same time, “d.a.m.n!”

While sitting cross-legged on the gra.s.s, Lu Chengyu watched two middle-aged couples waiting nearby. It was Zhu Guanglin and Zhang Hong"s parents. If they accompanied their sons all the time, they are afraid Chengyu feels uncomfortable since he didn"t have parents. Although Chengyu has a miserable past life, Zhu Guanglin and Zhang Hong"s parents have helped Chengyu a lot to get through it.

He smiled at the two men and took off his bachelor"s hat. “Uncles and aunts are here too. Go and walk with them around the university. I"m going to continue my life as a winner and take pictures with beautiful women.”

Zhu Guanglin wanted to say something, but Zhang Hong opened his mouth first. He smiled and said, “That"s all right. Without your brothers, let see if you can find any beautiful lady.”

“Get lost,” Lu Chengyu stand up of the gra.s.s and patted the gra.s.s on his clothes. “Haven"t you heard the saying that gold shines everywhere?”

After both of them left, Lu Chengyu sat in the shade while holding to his degree certificate. He leaned against the trunk, and under his b.u.t.tocks was a cold meadow. He stretched his legs and looked at the smiling students on the gra.s.s, his smile faded a bit.

Occasionally someone came and sit down with him to take a photo. He laughed and agree with it. All these people came over anxiously and left with a laugh. Only he sat where he was and had not moved.

This is because other trees" shades are full of people. If he leaves, this place might be taken by someone else. On such a hot day, this trees" shade is a good place.

The summer winds are blowing and as he listens to the sound of laughter around, Lu Chengyu leisurely stretched his lazy waist. He looks at the white flowers on the gra.s.s and began to close his eyes and relax his mind.

When he closed his eyes, his hearing seems to get sharper. As soon as he heard someone is coming close to him, Chengyu opens his eyes.

“Boss?” Lu Chengyu blinked and watched as Yan Mu squatted in front of him, holding two bottles of cold drinks in his hand. It was unexpected, “Why are you here?”

Q University is so big. What are the chances that Yan Mu are able to find him sitting under a tree? How much coincidence does it take?

“I just pa.s.sed by and saw you sitting under the tree,” Yan Mu handed the water to Lu Chengyu. “It"s cold.”

“Thank you,” Lu Chengyu took the drink, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip. Instantly he feels refreshed. Lu Chengyu notice that Yan Mu was still squatting in front of him, he asked, “Is the discussion with the professor done?”

Yan Mu nodded. “Hmm, we worked together before.”

“Is the company moving towards biology industries?” Lu Chengyu thought about it. Biology is widely used. Many industries are linked to biology. But the pre-investment is very big. Although there are some risks, the returns are quite high.

“Just try it first,” Yan Mu learns Chengyu manner on how to sit down on gra.s.s.” But our company will be focusing mainly on electronics and real estate.”

Previously, Huading doesn"t have a connection with any other company or family that can help them when it comes to real estate, they can"t gain profit in this field. Lu Chengyu suddenly understands the conversation between Yan Mu and Yan Lao Er before. Now he realized that Mu family was the first-cla.s.s family in Beijing. Yan Mu had such a background, with a firm vision and a hard wrist, no wonder Huading was the leader in the business circle later.

“Now the entertainment industry is developing very fast. If the boss is interested, you can try to think about it,” Lu Chengyu carelessly shook his drink, “This is just an idea for development since Huading hasn"t been able to make money from real estate.”

Yan Mu looked at the certificate that was beside by Lu Chengyu. “Entertainment industry?”

“Yes, like investing in movies or TV shows,” laughed Lu Chengyu, “As long as you invest in good scripts, sometimes they are low-cost, high-recovery, and
there are also women"s products, which are very profitable industries.”

“Huading will not be involved in the entertainment industry, not suitable.” Yan Mu shook his head.

Lu Chengyu understands where Yan Mu is coming from. Although the momentum of Huading is declining, Mu family is the backbone of this company now. Hence, when it comes to entertainment, it does taste like self-depreciation. The older generation probably thinks that the entertainment circle is not so respectable, although Lu Chengyu feels that this is nonsense.

“But I will consider private investment,” Yan Mu said to Lu Chengyu, who thought he was unhappy because he refused his (LCY) idea. “I don"t think the entertainment industry is bad.”

“Entertainment circles are not as good as they are,” Lu Chengyu said indifferently, “as long as the profit is good enough.”

“Hmm,” Yan Mu looks at the certificate again, he hesitated for a while before he opened his mouth, “Let me take some pictures for you.”

Lu Chengyu was stunned and did not know what to say for a while.

“Don"t want?” Yan Mu looked at Lu Chengyu with a wooden face, touched the watch on his wrist, and silent.

“Thank you,” Lu Chengyu handed him his mobile phone, put on his bachelor"s hat, and took a few steps with a smile to take up the certificate. “Make me look handsome.”

Yan Mu nodded, take the mobile phone and took a picture for Lu Chengyu. After taking a few pictures, their location began to shift and began to take pictures in other corners of Q University.

“So many pictures of me. Let"s take a picture together.” When Lu Chengyu took the mobile phone and was ready to ask a pa.s.sing cla.s.smate to help him take a picture, he found that the mobile phone had low power, and automatically turned off the camera function, “No power.”

A black cell phone handed him in front of him. “Use mine.”

“Okay, remember to forward this picture to me later.” Lu Chengyu took the cell phone from Yan Mu and saw a schoolgirl coming across the street. She smiled gently. “Young sister, please do me a favour.”

When she saw the one who talks to her is in his bachelor"s clothes, she knew that he was a graduate. When she looked carefully, she said happily: “Senior Lu?” Then she saw a man standing not far away, thinking that he was Lu Chengyu"s relative; she promised to help him.

Lu Chengyu went to Yan Mu and put his hand around his shoulder, signalling 1,2,3 toward the camera. As for Yan Mu, his mouth moved and he shows a scrupulous smile.

The little young sister and Lu Chengyu took a photo together before she leaves happily. Lu Chengyu took off his bachelor"s hat and robe and wiped his sweat. “It"s really hot. Let"s go to lunch. There"s a lot of delicious foods near Q University.”

Just then, he saw Liang Deyou and Chen Jin coming this way across the corner.

Yan Mu found that his face was not right, he looks at Chengyu"s line of sight but unfortunately, there were many people on the road, he did not know what Lu Chengyu saw.

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